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Telling Stories About and With Data Dr Jackie Carter Senior Manager: Learning &Teaching and Social Science Data Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Telling Stories About and With Data Dr Jackie Carter Senior Manager: Learning &Teaching and Social Science Data Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Telling Stories About and With Data Dr Jackie Carter Senior Manager: Learning &Teaching and Social Science Data Services

2 »Mimas Learning and Teaching Team (Laura Shaw and Kenny Baird) »The Service teams (Celia Russell, Justin Hayes, Richard Wiseman, Gail Millin and Lisa Charnock) »All those who were interviewed »The Mimas marketing team (Joy Palmer, Laura Kagaan, Antonio Perkins) Acknowledgements

3 »Mimas »The Telling Stories project »Reflections - how this has benefited Mimas »Multimedia promotional story Overview

4 Mimas »An organisation of experts. Our role is to support the advancement of knowledge, powering world- class research and teaching. Technology is at the heart of everything we do.

5 Mimas »Centre of Excellence, hosted at University of Manchester, UK »Provide a portfolio of data and information services to academics

6 »Context »What we did »How we did it »What we produced »What we learned »What we are going to do next The Telling Stories Project

7 Context »Quantitative data (metrics, KPIs) ›We do this already through our Service Level Agreements › »Increasing need to demonstrate impact ›Research and funding councils ›Narratives/Case studies/Stories ›Value for Money measures

8 »Leitch Review of Skills report, 2006 (Prosperity for all in the global economy) »Economic & Social Research Council. 2009. Building a world class social science research base in quantitative methods: a national strategy. ESRC Society Today. »MacInnes, John. 2009. Proposals to support and improve the teaching of quantitative research methods at undergraduate level in the UK. ESRC Society Today. Quantitative%20Methods_tcm6-35465.pdf »UK Commission for Employment and Skills. 2009. Ambition 2020: world class skills and jobs for the UK: the 2009 report: key findings and implications for action. »Higher Ambitions »Skills for growth Context (references) of skills agenda


10 »2009 ›Funded through our Strategic Investment Fund ›Used an external consultant »Sarah Currier »Librarian; Metadata; e-learning; Learning object repository projects; worked for Intrallect; co- moderator of DCEd Community; etc. Who did it Metadata, Repositories, Resource Sharing for Education Requirements, Research, Implementation, Management, Policy, Training, Evaluation, Interoperability Standards & Web 2.0 Communities.. specialising in e-learning resource management and sharing, with a particular interest in metadata, controlled vocabularies, repositories, and the use of Web 2.0 tools for sharing of materials and practice, and for community development.

11 »Aim 1 ›Collective showcase of benefits of Mimas services to L&T community »Aim 2 ›How do Mimas services support skills base of undergraduates and taught postgraduates? ›Focus on employability »Aim 3 ›Who delivers the learning? How can Mimas services be embedded in L&T? »Aim 4 ›What can we learn? »Stories based on 4 services ›ESDS International ›Census Dissemination Unit ›Intute VTS and Internet Detective ›Landmap »Final report The Aims and Outputs

12 »Collected stories (SC) ›Uncover who’s doing what with the data in L&T »Semi-structured interviews (SC) ›Teachers and students ›Recorded where possible »Written up (SC with Mimas) ›Googledocs ›Sign off for web copy »Extracted key issues (SC with Mimas) ›Real world real data ›News items etc. What we did

13 ESDS International

14 Census Dissemination Unit - Casweb Casweb web interface to census aggregate outputs and digital boundary data

15 Intute VTS and Internet Detective

16 Landmap

17 Who was involved Mimas serviceParticipantsStory details ESDS InternationalPaul Turner, Loughborough University  Second year undergraduate course in econometrics Nick Weaver, Manchester University  Applied economics course for first year economics students;  Applied Development Economics Project (ADEP): MSc in Development Economics and Policy;  Masters level applied economics project with an evidence-based approach (planned for 09/10 academic year). CDU (Casweb) Prof. Philip Rees, Prof. John Stillwell, Dr. Myles Gould, Helen Durham, and Holly Shulman, Leeds University  Using census data to teach human geography to second year undergraduates over two semesters: research methods, MAUP and ethnic populations. Intute Virtual Training Suite Liz Wright & Joe Newsome, Librarians, Doncaster College (Liz supports FE students, Joe HE students).  Information skills training for new FE students in subject group cohorts, and for library assistants to ensure they can support students;  Information skills and academic writing training for HE students (undergrad and taught Masters) in English, social sciences, law, criminology and education. Internet Detective Cynthia Patterson, University of South Florida Polytechnic  Academic writing and information literacy skills for applied degree students coming from community colleges and the workplace: annotated bibliographies assignment and using the Internet for companies analysis report assignment. Bex Ferriday, Cornwall College, St Austell Campus  Using Internet Detective to support information literacy and academic writing and research for people gaining teaching qualifications. LandmapJoanne Cheesborough, Sheffield Hallam University  Groundtruthing with Landmap – Undergraduate Education and GIS at Sheffield Hallam University.

18 »All stories still being worked on for service websites »Will contain multimedia and be benefits-led »May be web-based articles with embedded short pithy clips of key benefits »Promotional story produced for major conference (13 th April 2010) The Stories

19 The stories in development

20 Example stories

21 Example story A student’s journey through econometrics data Taught 2 nd year course; 2 semesters; 10 credits Learning objectives and skills Subject knowledge and understanding; Subject Specific skills; Transferable skills Activity Students assigned combinations of countries (from 7) and variables (consumption, investment, imports) Screencams at Youtube And

22 »Real data Real world »Helping economics students keep it realHelping economics students keep it real »Census data: from the real world for the real worldCensus data: from the real world for the real world Two news items – quick wins

23 »ELI2010 (after ELI2009) ›Poster and handoutPoster handout »CNI2010 Spring Meeting »JISC/CNI 2010 Conf »EDULEARN2010 »ESRC Research Methods Festival »Submitted – awaiting outcome ›ALT (with Sarah Currier) “Building Bridges between Education and the Workplace: Using Real Data to Prepare Learners for the Real World” »ALT-N »Book chapter in “Teaching Quantitative Methods: Counting on the Social Sciences” »ESDS news articleESDS news article Presentations and Publications

24 »Theme 1 – Direct contact with teachers ›Through routes that teachers feel are authoritative ›Find innovative ways for service staff to build direct relationships with key academics teaching in subject areas ›Use email and telephone »Theme 2 – Utilise existing networks, conferences and journals ›Promote Mimas services specifically for L&T in forums where teaching staff may look ›Be targeted ›Short pithy articles with visual examples Recommendations

25 »Theme 3- Support open sharing of L&T materials developed around Mimas services ›Open Educational Resources (OER) ›Will help embedding of services into L&T ›Put materials where the users are ›Maximise academic exposure to ideas to support their teaching »Theme 4 – Keep services usable and current ›Up to date ›Available ›Integrated with other services Recommendations (cont)

26 »Digital Story Telling »User focused, benefits led »Marketing vs. Service Support »Open Educational Resources (OER) »Needs resource at service level »Work with professional bodies »Mimas well placed to build on this work Reflections

27 JISC Conference

28 Thank you and questions


30 »Point One ›Point One One ›Point One One One ›Point One One »Second Point »Third of the points »Another point, the fourth one Title and content slide

31 Title only slide

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