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4/17/2017 Section 3.6 Program Correctness ch3.6.

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1 4/17/2017 Section 3.6 Program Correctness ch3.6

2 Program Correctness A correct program is a program that always produces correct output It is easy to prove that a program is incorrect: test program with sample input if it produces incorrect results, it is incorrect The converse is not so simple, however: can’t prove correctness by testing unless all possible inputs can be tested

3 Proving Program Correctness
Also known as program verification Uses rules for inference and mathematical reasoning, including mathematical induction Difficult, perhaps impossible to automate the process

4 Proving Program Correctness
Two major steps: Prove partial correctness: that is, prove that the program produces correct output if it terminates Prove that the program always terminates Two propositions involved: initial assertion: gives properties input values must have final assertion: gives properties output should have, if program performed correctly

5 Proving Program Correctness
A program or program segment S is said to be partially correct with respect to initial assertion p and final assertion q if: whenever p is true for the input values of S and S terminates, q is true for output values of S The notation p{S}q indicates such partial correctness

6 Partial Correctness Note that partial correctness does not state that a program always terminates; it focuses on whether or not a program performs correctly if it terminates Note also that partial correctness is only proven within the context of the initial and final assertions

7 Example 1 Show that the following program segment is correct with respect to the assertions below: program segment: y = 2; z = x + y; initial & final assertions: p: x = 1 q: z = 3

8 Example 1 Suppose p is true: x equals 1 when program begins
Than y is assigned 2, and z is assigned the sum of x and y, or 3 Since z=3 is the final assertion, p{S}q is true

9 Rules of Inference and Program Correctness
Several rules of inference are useful in proving program correctness The first of these is called the composition rule, which in essence states that a program is correct if each of its subprograms is correct

10 Composition Rule Suppose a program S is split into subprograms S1 and S2 - the notation S=S1;S2 indicates S is made up of S1 followed by S2 Suppose S1 and S2 can each be proven partially correct with respect to assertions p, q and r - then we have p{S1}q and q{S2}r Thus, if p is true and S=S1;S2 executes and terminates, then r is true

11 Composition Rule Stated mathematically, the composition rule is:
p{S1}q q{S2}r  p{S1;S2}r

12 Conditional Statements
Conditional statements are program segments of the form: if condition then S (where S is a block of statements) When condition is true, S is executed When condition is untrue, S is not executed

13 Conditional Statements
To verify the segment is correct with respect to initial assertion p and final assertion q: show that when p is true and condition is true, then q is true after S terminates show that when p is true and condition is false, then q is true (that is, S does not execute)

14 Rule of Inference for Conditional Statements
(p  condition){S}q (p  condition)  q  p{if condition then S}q

15 Example 2 Verify that the following program segment is correct with respect to initial assertion p=T and final assertion q = y  x: if x > y then y := x Since p=T, we need only check condition: if x > y is true, y := x; thus y  x, so q is true if x > y is not true, then y  x, so q is true The program is correct with respect to given p and q

16 More complex conditional statements
With a statement of the form: if condition then S1 else S2 the logic is somewhat more complicated: if condition is true, S1 executes; if condition is untrue, S2 executes

17 Verifying more complex conditionals
To verify segment correct with respect to initial assertion p and final assertion q: show that when p is true and condition is true, q is true after S1 terminates; show that when p is true and condition is false, q is true after S2 terminates

18 Rule of Inference (p  condition){S1}q (p  condition){S2}q
 p{if condition then S1 else S2}q

19 Example 3 Verify that the program segment: x:=2 z:=x+y
if y > 0 then z:=z+1 else z:=0 is correct with respect to initial assertion y=3 and final assertion z=6

20 Example 3 Start by assuming p is true: that is, y=3
The assignment statements preceding the conditional set x to 2 and z to the sum of x and y, or 5 Since y=3 and 3>0, the condition is true, and the assignment statement sets z to z+1, or 6 So at the end, z=6 and q is true

21 Loops and loop invariants
A loop is a statement of the form: while condition S where S is executed repeatedly until condition becomes false A loop invariant is an assertion that remains true each time S is executed Assertion p is a loop invariant if (pcondition){S}p is true

22 Rule of Inference for Loops
(p  condition){S}p  p{while condition S}(condition  p)

23 Example 4 Verify the program segment below terminates with factorial = n! when n  Z: x := 1 factorial := 1 while x < n x = x + 1 factorial = factorial * x Let p be the proposition: factorial:=x! and x<=n We need to prove [p  (x < n)]{S}p in order to prove p{while x<n S}[(x  n)  p] is true

24 Example 4 Note that p is true before the loop is entered, since at that that point factorial=1=1! Assume p is true and x<n after one iteration of the loop assume loop executes again: x increments by 1 x is still <= n, since by the inductive hypothesis x<n before loop is entered, and x & n are positive factorial, which was (x-1)! by the inductive hypothesis, is set to (x-1)!*x = x!

25 Example 4 So p remains true, and p is a loop invariant
then [p  (x < n)]{S}p is true if follows that p{while x<n S}[(x  n)  p] is true The loop terminates after n-1 iterations with x=n, since x was 1 at the beginning of the program, is incremented by 1 during each iteration, and the loop terminates when x  n So, at termination, factorial = n!

26 Proving correctness of entire programs
Split the program into segments: the rule of composition can be used to build the correctness proof Prove the correctness of each segment: for example, if there are 4 segments, prove p{S1}q, q{S2}r, r{S3}s, and s{S4}t If all are true, then p{S}t is true If all 4 segments terminate, then S terminates, and correctness is proven

27 Program Correctness - ends -
Section 3.6 Program Correctness - ends -

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