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LIEGE 2010 ESPON Meeting ESPON HyperAtlas v2 Main functionalities.

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Presentation on theme: "LIEGE 2010 ESPON Meeting ESPON HyperAtlas v2 Main functionalities."— Presentation transcript:

1 LIEGE 2010 ESPON Meeting ESPON HyperAtlas v2 Main functionalities

2 ESPON HyperAtlas v2 Empowered by the HyperCarte Research Group: LIG STEAMER [UMR 5217] - Grenoble http://steamer.imag.fr Contact: Jérôme Gensel UMS RIATE [CNRS UMS 2414] - Paris Contact: Nicolas Lambert : UMR Géographie-cités [CNRS UMR 8504] Paris Contact: Hélène Mathian:

3 Outline 1.New datasets at various scales 2.New cartographic tools 3.Statistical tools (expert mode) 4. Administration tool 5.Conclusion

4 1. New datasets and geometries

5 Geometry for NUTS 2006 data Geographical coverage: entire ESPON area (EU27+4) Levels: NUTS 2 or NUTS 3 Version: NUTS 2006 Main sources: ESPON Database and INTERCO Projects Extended study area to the European neighborhood (regional level): ESPON Area + Western Balkans + Turkey, Pan-European countries at State level ThemesNew indicatorsUpdatedindicators DemographyEvolution of population (1995-2005 & 2005-2050), Crudebirthdeathfertility rates, Life expectancyatbirth 2005, … Population density, Shares of Tot. Pop. (0- 14, 15-64, …) in2000& 2005 Economy and Social Affairs GDP, Productivity,Unemployment rates, Shares of Act. Pop (15-29, 30-49) in 2000 & 2005.… Land Use IssuesShares of agricultural areas, Shares of marine waters, … TransportMultimodal potentialaccessibility, Potentialaccessibility by air

6 Test on LAU1/LAU2 Data

7 New Datasets will be made available on line Through a dedicated page of the ESPON HyperAtlas v2 Web Application:

8 ESPON HyperAtlas Web Access Application available from ESPON web site Step1: license agreement

9 ESPON HyperAtlas Web Access Application available from ESPON web site Step1: license Step2: HyperAtlas

10 2. New cartographic tools

11 Old synthesis map: 3 levels & 1 threshold +20%

12 New synthesis map: Dual Deviation Legend Chromatic combination of two chosen deviations Example: Abscissa axis: global deviation Ordinate axis: local deviation YELLOW: glob. 100 RED: glob. >100 and loc. > 100 BLUE: glob. <100 and loc. < 100 GREEN: glob. >100 and loc. < 100

13 Dual Deviation Synthesis Map

14 Example The situation in 2010 according to European and National averages Unemployment (march 2010) Combination of deviation to European level and National levels UNEMPLOYMENT RATE ABOVE AVERAGE BOTH AT EUROPEAN AND NATIONAL LEVELS

15 Example The situation in 2010 according to European and National averages Unemployment (march 2010) Combination of deviation to European level and National levels UNEMPLOYMENT RATE UNDER AVERAGE BOTH AT EUROPEAN AND NATIONAL LEVELS

16 Example The situation in 2010 according to European and National averages Unemployment (march 2010) Combination of deviation to European level and National levels UNEMPLOYMENT RATE ABOVE AVERAGE AT EUROPEAN LEVEL AND UNDER AT NATIONAL LEVEL

17 Example The situation in 2010 according to European and National averages Unemployment (march 2010) Combination of deviation to European level and National levels FINAL TYPOLOGY

18 3. Statistical tools (expert mode)

19 Standard Mode Standard mode, by default : The deviations tabs ‘only’ show the maps of relative deviations

20 Switching from Standard to Expert Mode Click on the expert mode menu item

21 Expert Mode In Expert mode Access is given to 3 frames: Relative deviation Equi-Repartition map Statistical box

22 Equi-Repartition Map: Legend and Options For each unit, shows the amount to be added to the numerator in order to reach an equi-repartition on the whole study area

23 Equi-Repartition Map: the Liège example Focus on Liège considering population / area in km 2 in 2000, EU15 global context

24 Statistical Box Available indexes: Hoover index, Gini coefficient, standard deviation and coefficient of variation

25 Statistical Box Spatial autocorrelation chart (work in progress)

26 Statistical Box Spatial autocorrelation chart (work in progress) Based on a variant of the Moran’s coefficient Example : shows for each unit of the study area the spatial correlation between the spatial deviation (neighborhood) and the territorial (NUTS 2) deviation

27 4. Administration tool

28 ESPON HyperAdmin An integration tool to generate.hyp files (datasets opened by HyperAtlas) from a set of well-formed input files:

29 ESPON HyperAdmin Available for authenticated and registered users only (work in progress)

30 5. Conclusion

31 Agenda 31 st December 2010: draft final output release January 2011: survey on future improvements 28 th February 2011: final output release

32 Conclusion Main new functionalities of ESPON HyperAtlas v2 have been sketched And also… the management of the temporal dimension Possibility to compare the evolution of an indicator or a ratio through time Thinking of ESPON HyperAtlas v3… More statistical tools Dynamic evolution diagrams Access through OGC Web Services Connection with the ESPON DB

33 LIEGE 2010 ESPON Meeting ESPON HyperAtlas v2 Thank You for Your Attention!

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