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Global Simulation of SO 2 Concentrations with Updated Emission Inventory Gan Luo, Fangqun Yu, Zifa Wang Atmospheric Science Research Center, SUNY- Albany.

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Presentation on theme: "Global Simulation of SO 2 Concentrations with Updated Emission Inventory Gan Luo, Fangqun Yu, Zifa Wang Atmospheric Science Research Center, SUNY- Albany."— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Simulation of SO 2 Concentrations with Updated Emission Inventory Gan Luo, Fangqun Yu, Zifa Wang Atmospheric Science Research Center, SUNY- Albany Nansen-Zhu International Research Centre Institute of Atmospheric Physics Chinese Academy of Science

2 Introduction  Acidifying Gas  Acid Rain  Precursory  Atm. Particles  Global Dimming/Brightening? CCN Cloud Precipitation?

3 Global Dimming/Brightening? Fig. 5. Linear and second-order trends for (A) land areas only and (B) for oceans only. [Pinker, Science, 2005] Fig. 2. the records covering the period 1992 to 2002 (B) clear-sky conditions (24). Units W mj2.[Wild, Science, 2005] Surface ObservationsSatellite Observations

4 Sulfur Emission in GEOS-Chem  Recent Short-term Simulation: GEIA 1985  EDGAR 2000 What should we do if we want to make a long-term simulation? Corrected Data (EPA, EMEP, TRACE-P) EDGAR 2000 1985 Base Data (Benkovitz, 1996) 1998 Scale Revise (Park, 2004) GEIA 1985 GEOS-Chem

5 Olivier J.G.J. and J.J.M. Berdowski (2001a): Global emissions sources and sinks. Updated Emission Inventory EDGAR 1980199019952000 Linear Interpolation Long-term Emission Series based on EDGAR 198019811982199819992000 … GEIA, CGRER Correct the Emission Database Van Aardenne, et al. (2001): A High Resolution Dataset of Historical Anth. Trace Gas Emissions for the Period 1890-1990.

6 Anthropogenic Emission Trend

7 Model Setting  Period: 1986~2005 (1986~1995)  GEOS-Chem Version: v7-03-06  Met field type: GEOS-4  Horizontal Resolution: 4x5  Type of Simulation: Full-chemistry  Emissions: Default setting While the Sulfide Anthropogenic and Biofuel Emission are Updated with New Inventory

8 Surface SO 2 : 1986-1995

9 Surface Sulfate: 1986-1995

10 Comparison with Observation 1 1 4 3 2 2 3 4 WDCGG Stations

11 Comparison with Observation WDCGG Stations 1 3 2 4 1 3 2 4

12 Discussions Geography Information System  10 Years Series of Surface SO 2  10 Years Series of Aerosol Optical Depth

13 10 Years Series: Surface SO 2

14 10 Years Series: AOD


16 Summary  New sulfide inventory has been used in GEOS-Chem to study the long-term variations of SO 2 and sulfate  Emission trend (New vs. Old) Total-N=Total-O; Corrected (Asia, NA); Detailed (Europe)  Simulated 10-year variations of SO 2 concentrations are compared with WDCGG stations measurements, and it indicates that the model results are reasonable.  SO 2 emission reduction is very significant in Europe since 1990 and we find that sulfate and total AOD over Europe has a clear downward trend since 1990. This may contribute to the observed brightening for stations in Europe.

17 Future  Long-term (1986-2005) SO 2, sulfate AOD Trend, comparisons with available measurements.  Coupled with nucleation and growth module to study the long-term change in particle formation and CCN abundance.

18 The End Thank You


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