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1 California State University, Los Angeles College of Business and Economics - Advisement Center.

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Presentation on theme: "1 California State University, Los Angeles College of Business and Economics - Advisement Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 California State University, Los Angeles College of Business and Economics - Advisement Center

2 2 How do you learn? Never been a time in history like this - entire career areas created and eliminated at such a pace Jobs - inconceivable now - will be the wave of the future Adapt skills - adapt to change - effective learner One best way? - no one is good at everything Highly developed in some areas, underdeveloped in others Deficiency or disability - different method of learning No one ‘best’ way to learn

3 3 How do you learn? Many different learning styles Learning-styles profile/inventory Styles/types - best fit the ways you learn Strategies - take advantage of your particular learning style/type Select career situations - best for you

4 4 How do you learn? Four dimensions Active/reflective Active - experience through action Reflective - time to reflect Factual/theoretical Factual - specific facts, data, detailed experimentation Theoretical - big-picture ideas, symbols, new concepts Visual/verbal Visual - what they see Verbal - reading, hearing, speaking, participating, explaining Linear/holistic Linear - step-by-step logical, ordered progression Holistic - fits and starts - eventually clicks

5 5 Multiple Intelligences Theory Verbal/linguistic - through language Logical/mathematical - logical reasoning, problem solving Bodily/kinesthetic - bodily sensation Visual/spatial - perceive and create images Interpersonal - relate to others Intrapersonal - understand one’s own behavior Music - sound Naturalistic - environment

6 6 Active or reflective Active learners Reflective learner Factual learner Theoretical learner Visual/spatial learner Verbal/linguistic learner

7 7 Active or reflective Linear learner Holistic learner Musical/rhythmic learner Naturalistic learner General benefits Avoiding problematic situations More successful on the job Target areas that need improvement

8 8 Types - learning techniques Organizer - factual, linear Adventurer - active Giver - interpersonal Thinker - reflective, intrapersonal

9 9 Who are you? When process new information in the most developed learning style - goes to long term memory faster - sinks in Self-perception Interests Habits Abilities Limitations

10 10 Learning style - career choice Explore different majors Variety of classes Don’t take a class because not safe Spend more time getting to know self, interests, abilities Work with advisor Take advantage of resources Develop critical thinking skills

11 11 Assign #5 – pg. 52 - #2.1, 2.4

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