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Lecture 3: ImagesIntro to IT COSC1078 Introduction to Information Technology Lecture 3 Images James Harland

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 3: ImagesIntro to IT COSC1078 Introduction to Information Technology Lecture 3 Images James Harland"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 3: ImagesIntro to IT COSC1078 Introduction to Information Technology Lecture 3 Images James Harland

2 Lecture 3: ImagesIntro to IT Introduction to IT 1 Introduction 2 Images 3 Audio 4 Video WebLearn Test 1 5 Computer Fundamentals Assignment 1 6 Computer Fundamentals 7 Computer Fundamentals 8 Operating Systems WebLearn Test 1 9 Operating Systems Assignment 2 10 Internet 11 Internet Security WebLearn Test 3 12 Future of ITAssignment 3, Peer and Self Assessment

3 Lecture 3: ImagesIntro to IT Overview  Questions?  Images  Assignment 1  Lab classes  Questions?

4 Lecture 3: ImagesIntro to IT Introduction James Harland Email: URL: Phone: 9925 2045 Office: 14.8.13 (Building 14, level 8, room 13) Consultation: Wed 1.30-2.30, Thu 11.30-12.30 What colour is my office door? Carpet? Chair?

5 Lecture 3: ImagesIntro to IT Overview 01010100001010101010100110100010101001101001010010 100011100010101010100101111001001010…

6 Lecture 3: ImagesIntro to IT Representing Images Pixel

7 Lecture 3: ImagesIntro to IT Representing Images Pixel

8 Lecture 3: ImagesIntro to IT Representing Images Pixel  `picture element’ (sampling)  dot of colour Resolution  number of pixels  6 megapixels means 3000 x 2000 Bit depth  How many colours per pixel (quantizing)  The bigger this value is, the more colours can be displayed

9 Lecture 3: ImagesIntro to IT Representing Images These are known as bitmapped images (or raster graphics)  Can be edited pixel by pixel  Appearance can look bad when sizes are changed  Low resolution versions generally look horrible!  Jpeg, gif, bmp, png, tif,…

10 Lecture 3: ImagesIntro to IT Representing Images Vector graphics use equations to represent images  generally saves space  resolution independent (ie can be rescaled to any size without loss of quality)  can be rasterized (ie converted into bitmapped representation)  eps, wmf, …

11 Lecture 3: ImagesIntro to IT Representing Images Vector graphics use equations to represent images  generally saves space  resolution independent (ie can be rescaled to any size without loss of quality)  can be rasterized (ie converted into bitmapped representation)  eps, wmf, …

12 Lecture 3: ImagesIntro to IT Representing Colours 01010100001010101010100110100010101001101001010010 100011100010101010100101111001001010… Pixel R G B

13 Lecture 3: ImagesIntro to IT Representing Colours There are various different schemes for representing colours  RGB  CMYK  HSB  HSL  CIE XYZ 01010100001…

14 Lecture 3: ImagesIntro to IT Assignment 1  Use GIMP (or a similar tool) to perform some manipulations on an image  Address two issues in relation to this  Lab classes 2 and 3 will be based around GIMP  Main emphasis is on process, not result!  Will be released (on the Learning Hub) by Wednesday 10 th March

15 Lecture 3: ImagesIntro to IT Lab Classes  Start in week 2 (this week)  Work on practical exercises and sometimes assignment materials  Lab assists present to help and an answer questions  Details will be in the Learning Hub

16 Lecture 3: ImagesIntro to IT Conclusion  Go to laboratory classes (and tutorials) this week!  Lab notes in the Learning Hubub  Check details in Course Guide  Start reading (notes, problems, report topic) GET THE BOOK!

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