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System Testing CS 414 – Software Engineering I Don Bagert January 21, 2003.

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1 System Testing CS 414 – Software Engineering I Don Bagert January 21, 2003

2 CS 414 Software Engineering I - System Testing - January 21, 20032 Outline  Testing and SQA  Test Planning & Implementation Revisited  Object-Oriented Integration Testing  User and Client Testing  Summary

3 CS 414 Software Engineering I - System Testing - January 21, 20033 Testing and SQA  Software Quality Assurance (SQA) is a variety of activities that are used throughout the software process in order to ensure “high quality”  Many practitioners (unfortunately) think that most of Testing is SQA, when in fact, it is only a subset of it

4 CS 414 Software Engineering I - System Testing - January 21, 20034 Testing and SQA (continued)  Testing is part of an SQA activity called Verification and Validation, or V&V  Verification answers the question “Are we building the product right?”  Validation answers the question “Are we building the right product?”  Testing encompasses both aspects of V&V  Other V&V activities include inspections

5 CS 414 Software Engineering I - System Testing - January 21, 20035 Test Planning & Implementation Revisited Plan Creation Order (expanded): – System Test Plan (from System Specification) – Validation Test Plan (from Software Req. Specification) – Integration Test Plan (from Design Document) – Unit Test Plan (from source code) Plan Implementation Order (also expanded): – Unit Test Plan (tests functions and methods) – Integration Test Plan (test classes and subsystems) – Validation Test Plan (test entire software) – System Test Plan (test entire embedded system)

6 CS 414 Software Engineering I - System Testing - January 21, 20036 Object-Oriented Integration Testing  In general, units are tested independently before they are integrated with other units – A driver is used to call (send a message) to the unit with the data for a particular test case – Instead of calling other units, stubs are used in their place during unit testing – During integration testing, the driver and stubs are replaced other units which have also been tested

7 CS 414 Software Engineering I - System Testing - January 21, 20037 OO Integration Testing (continued)  OO integration testing is a two-phase process – Class Testing – Multiple Class Testing (called “Object and Independent Module Testing” in the Project Process)  This is an extension of the bottom-up test plan implementation theory for OO

8 CS 414 Software Engineering I - System Testing - January 21, 20038 OO Integration Testing (continued)  Techniques used in both class and multiple class testing – Test “minimum behavior” as one of the test cases – Random testing of other behavior – Partition testing

9 CS 414 Software Engineering I - System Testing - January 21, 20039 Examples

10 CS 414 Software Engineering I - System Testing - January 21, 200310 User and Client Testing  Alpha Testing – under the watchful eye of the development team  Beta Testing – users testing independently of project team; usually for software to be marketed (i.e. there is no specific client)  Acceptance Testing – project client takes deliverables and determines if the contract has been fulfilled  These are all done post-validation testing by the development team

11 CS 414 Software Engineering I - System Testing - January 21, 200311 Summary  Testing is part of an Software Quality Assurance activity called Verification and Validation  Drivers and stubs are used to test units independently before they are integrated with other units  OO integration testing is a two-phase process: class testing, followed by multiple class testing  Alpha, Beta and acceptance testing are some of the types of testing involving the client and/or potential users of the software

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