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Astrix Technology Group Extending The LIMS To Benefit External Stakeholder Groups Robert D. Walla Presented At Pittcon 2006 Orlando, FL.

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Presentation on theme: "Astrix Technology Group Extending The LIMS To Benefit External Stakeholder Groups Robert D. Walla Presented At Pittcon 2006 Orlando, FL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Astrix Technology Group Extending The LIMS To Benefit External Stakeholder Groups Robert D. Walla Presented At Pittcon 2006 Orlando, FL

2 Astrix Technology Group Evaluate, Develop and Integrate Systems To Enhance The Processing Of Scientific Data In Regulated Environments

3 Astrix Technology Group Laboratory Informatics Division  LIMS Selection and Implementation  LIMS “Rescue”  System Validation  System Integration (Instrumentation, Database, Handhelds, Barcode, etc.)  LIMS Selection and Implementation  LIMS “Rescue”  System Validation  System Integration (Instrumentation, Database, Handhelds, Barcode, etc.)

4 Stakeholder Definition Astrix Technology Group stake-hold-er n. 1.One who holds the bets in a game or contest. 2.One who has a share or an interest, as in an enterprise

5 Stakeholder Definition Astrix Definition Astrix Technology Group stake-hold-er n. 1.One who has a share or an interest in the LIMS

6 Stakeholder Definition Astrix Technology Group  Internal Stakeholders  External Stakeholders

7 Internal Stakeholder Groups  Sample Receiving  Sample Preparation  Organic Analysis  Metals  Wet Chemistry  Process Control  Microbiology  Research Group Astrix Technology Group

8 Internal Stakeholder Uses  Project Scheduling  Sample Batch Creation  Sample Tracking  Data Storage  Quality Control Charts  Report Production  Financial Tracking Astrix Technology Group

9 External Stakeholder Groups Characteristics  Use Data Contained In The LIMS  Use The LIMS To Store Data  Have Systems That Interface With The LIMS  Provide Support For The LIMS Astrix Technology Group

10 External Stakeholder Groups  Quality Assurance  Information Technology  Plant Operations  Sampling Group  Lab Management  Regulatory Reporting  Customers Astrix Technology Group

11 Current LIMS Implementation Despite The Implementation Of LIMS There Are Many Manual Processes In Labs To Service External Stakeholders Astrix Technology Group

12 External Stakeholder Processes  Sample Status Update  Data Retrieval  Report Production  Data Evaluation Astrix Technology Group

13 A New Paradigm Progressive Organizations Extend The LIMS To External Groups In An Effort To Increase Efficiency And Reduce Costs Astrix Technology Group

14 Initial Concerns  Security  Data Segmentation  Data Misuse  System Performance Astrix Technology Group

15 The client had an existing COTS LIMS that was no longer supported by the manufacturer and did not meet the ever- increasing needs of the user. In order to successfully upgrade to a new COTS LIMS product, requirements (functional, technical, business) were collected, segmented and prioritized. As part of the scope, the client was interested in evaluating the needs of the external stakeholders to allows the groups ot access the LIMS Case Study Client: Public Wastewater Utility Project Overview:

16 Utility LIMS Upgrade Project Objectives Project Objectives  Provide External Stakeholders With Access To LIMS Data o Sample Status o Report Generation o Data Query  Interface With Existing Data Systems o PIMS o Plant Operations Database Astrix Technology Group

17 External Stakeholder Groups  Quality Assurance  Information Technology  Plant Operations  Ocean Assessment Group  Sampling Group  Lab Management  Regulatory Reporting  Industrial Waste  Monitoring Group Astrix Technology Group

18 Case Study Global Lubricants Company Metrics – Manual Process  Laboratory Payroll Expense: 1.2 M  Estimate 10% Of Time Spent On Responding To External Stakeholder Requests  Cost 120,000 To Support External Stakeholder

19 Astrix Technology Group Requirements Analysis  Technical Requirements  Functional Requirements  Business Requirements  Security Requirements  Regulatory Requirements

20 Case Study Global Lubricants Company Metrics – Extended LIMS  Project Time: 9 Months  Total Project Costs For LIMS Extension 169K  ROI < 18 Months

21 Astrix Technology Group Progressive Organizations Are Leveraging LIMS By Extending Functionality To External Stakeholders Implementing A Systematic and Disciplined Approach Reduces Risk Extending The LIMS Can Increase The Efficiency Of The Laboratory and Reduce Costs Summary

22 Robert D. Walla (732) 661-0400 Astrix Technology Group Questions Or Comments:

23 Astrix Technology Group Global Solutions Provider To The Regulated Community

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