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2D Fourier Theory for Image Analysis Mani Thomas CISC 489/689.

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Presentation on theme: "2D Fourier Theory for Image Analysis Mani Thomas CISC 489/689."— Presentation transcript:

1 2D Fourier Theory for Image Analysis Mani Thomas CISC 489/689

2 Roadmap 2D image basis Fourier basis Scale-space representation  Gaussian pyramid  Laplacian pyramid Image mosaicing Gabor filters

3 Different basis representation Recall our discussion of basis vectors for coordinate systems:  Describe point as linear combination of ortho- gonal basis vectors: x = a 1 v 1 +... + a n v n The standard basis for images is the set of unit vectors corresponding to each pixel. A toy example:

4 Hadamard basis The standard basis is not the only one we can use to describe an image E.g., the Hadamard basis (basis images shown here for 2 x 2 images, where black = +1, white = -1)  For the previous example, we can express the image with these new (normalized) basis vectors as:  Coefficients of sum = projection of I onto new basis (dot product)  These are the coordinates of the image in “Hadamard space”  We can also say that I has undergone a Hadamard transform H :

5 Sinusoidal Basis Binary-valued, rectangular wave pattern of Hadamard basis doesn’t capture real image gradients well  Idea: Use smoothly-varying sinusoidal patterns at different frequencies, angles for basis images

6 Fourier Basis The Fourier basis uses the family of complex sinusoidal functions

7 2D DFT Forward 2D DFT Inverse 2D DFT  (u, v) are the frequency coordinates while (x, y) are the spatial coordinates  M, N are the number of spatial pixels along the x, y coordinates

8 Fourier Basis v Real (cos) part Imaginary (sin) part (u, v)(1, 0)(0, 5)(1, 1)

9 Fourier transform in Matlab Discrete, 2-D Fourier & inverse Fourier transforms are computed by fft2 and ifft2, respectively fftshift : Move origin (DC component) to image center for display Example: >> I = imread(‘test.png’); % Load grayscale image >> F = fftshift(fft2(I)); % Shifted transform >> imshow(log(abs(F)),[]); % Show log magnitude >> imshow(angle(F),[]); % Show phase angle

10 Phase and Magnitude Output of the Fourier transform is a complex number  Decompose the complex number as the magnitude and phase components In Matlab: u = real(z), v = imag(z), r = abs(z), and theta = angle(z)

11 Image pyramid representation Smoothing means removing high frequencies  Smoothing required to avoid aliasing Fourier transform of a Gaussian is a Gaussian  Convolution is a multiplication  Gaussian suppresses high frequencies

12 Gaussian Pyramid Downsampling: Cut width, height in half at each iteration: Upsampling S " (I) : Double size of image, interpolate missing pixels Let the base (the finest resolution) of an n -level Gaussian pyramid be defined as P 0 = I. Then the i th level is reduced from the level below it by: Gaussian pyramid from Forsyth & Ponce

13 Laplacian pyramid The tip (the coarsest resolution) of an n -level Laplacian pyramid is the same as the Gaussian pyramid at that level: L n (I) = P n (I) The i th level is expanded from the level above according to L i (I) = P i (I) ¡ S " (P i+1 (I)) Synthesizing the original image: Get I back by summing upsampled Laplacian pyramid levels

14 Gaussian and Laplacian Gaussian – Smoothing pyramid  Each level is a smoothed and decimated signal of the previous Laplacian – Band pass filter of the images  Each level is the difference of a more smoothed and less smoothed image courtesy of Wolfram

15 Summation Property If L 0, L 1  L N is the sequence of laplacians L i = G i – EXPAND[G i + 1 ], 0<i<N L N = G N The steps used to construct the Laplacian can be reversed to get the original  Expand L i and add it to L i-1 to G i-1 G 0 =  i=0 N L i

16 Applications – Image Mosaicing Seamless joining of images to get a larger view

17 Multi-resolution spline interpolation

18 Laplacian level 4 Laplacian level 2 Laplacian level 0 left pyramidright pyramidblended pyramid


20 Image mosaicing Automatic mosaicing  Cross correlation to compute translation between images Matlab demo – Burt and Adelson’s paper  e83.pdf e83.pdf

21 image I image J JwJw warp refine + Pyramid of image JPyramid of image I image I image J Application - Coarse-to-Fine Estimation u=10 pixels u=5 pixels u=2.5 pixels u=1.25 pixels Slide from CS 223-B L9 by Richard Szeliski

22 Gabor filters Gaussian windowed Fourier Transform  Make convolution kernels from product of Fourier basis images and Gaussians £= Odd (sin) Even (cos) Frequency

23 Texture Representation: Filter Responses Choose a group of filters  Edge/Bar filters: Something like Gabor filters at different orientations, scales  Spot filters: Center-surround filters like a Gaussian/difference of Gaussians at multiple scales Run filters over image to get a set of response images  Each contains specific texture information

24 Example: Filter Responses from Forsyth & Ponce Filter bank Input image

25 Texture Similarity based on Response Statistics Collect statistics of responses over an image or subimage  Mean of squared response  Mean and variance of squared response Euclidean distance between vectors of response statistics for two images is measure of texture similarity

26 Conclusions 2D Fourier Theory Image pyramid representation  Gaussian pyramid  Laplacian pyramid Applications of Image Pyramids  Image Mosaicing Gaussian + Laplacian pyramids (Burt and Adelson) Texture statistics  Gabor filters

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