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An Introduction to Cellular Automata
Benenson/Torrens (2004) Chapter 4 GEOG 220 / Philipp Schneider
Why CA? Because they are great tea pot warmers…
Overview History of CA Formal definition of CA Related ideas
Complex System Theory and CA Dynamics Urban CA Modeling
History of Urban CA models
Based on two ideas Raster conceptualization of space (late 1950s) Regional modeling of flows of population, goods, jobs etc. (1960s and 1970s) CA paradigm needed departure from ideas of “comprehensive modeling” a la Forrester In late 1980s, geographers began to introduce CA ideas in urban modeling Nowadays, CA seem to have a bad reputation in mathematics, physics etc. (“Do not mention CA in your CV!”)
Invention of CA Invented by John von Neumann and Stanislaw Ulam at Los Alamos National Lab (early 1950s) Based on work by Alan Turing Most basic research on CA in the 1950s and 60s Three major events in CA research John von Neumann’s self-reproducing automaton John Conway’s Game of Life Stephen Wolfram’s classification of cellular automata
CA Definition General Formal definition
“A system made up of many discrete cells, each of which may be in one of a finite number of states. A cell or automaton may change state only at fixed, regular intervals, and only in accordance with fixed rules that depend on cells own values and the values of neighbors within a certain proximity. “ Formal definition CA = one- or two-dimensional grid of identical automata cells Each cell processes information and proceeds in its actions depending on its neighbors Each cell (automaton) A defined by Set of States S = {S1, S2, S3, …, SN} Transition Rules T Therefore A ~ (S,T,R) (R: neighboring automata) T: (St, It) St+1
Neighborhood configurations
In classic Cellular Automata theory there are three types of neighborhoods Differ in shape and size Other configurations have been proposed but were not accepted
Markov Processes/Fields
From deterministic to stochastic Each cellular automaton can be considered as a stochastic system Transition rules based on probabilities Similar to CA but transition rules are substituted by a matrix of transition probabilities P
CA and Complex System Theory
Game of life Developed by John H. Conway in 1970 Simple rules complex behavior Rules Survival: 2 or 3 live neighbors Birth: exactly 3 live neighbors Death: all other cases
CA Dynamics Wolfram’s Classification of 1-D CA behavior
Spatially stable Sequence of stable or periodic structures Chaotic aperiodic behavior Complicated localized structures Wolframs classification most popular Problem: Class membership of a given rule is undecidable
Variations of Classic CA
Grid geometry & Neighborhood Hexagonal, triangular and irregular grids Larger or more complicated neighborhoods generally do not introduce any significant effect Synchronous and asynchronous CA Sequential update Parallel update In general, asynchronously updated CA produce simpler results Combination of CA with differential equations (classical modeling)
Urban Cellular Automata
There were a few publications about CA in geography in the 1970s but they were mainly disregarded CA matured as a research tool toward the end of the 1980s Transition began with raster models that did not account for neighborhood relationships
Raster but not CA Raster models possess all characteristics features
Use of cellular space Cells characterized by state Models are dynamic BUT: They lack dependence of cell state on states of neighboring cells Examples Simulation of urban development in Greensboro, North Carolina Buffalo metropolitan area Harvard School of Design’s Boston model
Beginning of Urban CA Waldo Tobler (1979) took the last step from raster models to urban CA simulation by introducing a linear transition function Was not accepted by geographic community at first Helen Couclelis (1985) recalled Tobler’s work CA modeling got accepted by the geographic research community at the end of the 1980s many conceptual papers
Constrained CA Extension of original CA idea
Introduced in 1993 by White and Engelen (“Constrained CA model of land-use dynamics”) Mainstream CA application in geography during the 1990s Expansion of the standard neighborhoods to 113 cells Uses the potential of transition Three steps Potentials of transition estimated for each cell Obtained potential sorted decreasingly for each cell Externally defined amount of land distributed over cells with highest potential
Fuzzy CA models Integration of fuzzy set theory
Based on continuous class membership functions Transition rules describe laws for updating characteristics based on membership functions
Conclusions CA have been around since 1950
Geography was hesitant to adopt CA as an urban modeling technique (didn’t happen before the mid-1980s Since then, many extensions of CA have been proposed, some effective, others not Nowadays CA are a valuable tool for spatially distributed modeling with many applications (urban growth, wildfire spread, transportation)
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