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Terrestrial Planet Formation and the Delivery of Water: Theory and Simulations Dara Zeehandelaar TERPS Conference, ASTR688 December 9, 2004 Dara Zeehandelaar.

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Presentation on theme: "Terrestrial Planet Formation and the Delivery of Water: Theory and Simulations Dara Zeehandelaar TERPS Conference, ASTR688 December 9, 2004 Dara Zeehandelaar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Terrestrial Planet Formation and the Delivery of Water: Theory and Simulations Dara Zeehandelaar TERPS Conference, ASTR688 December 9, 2004 Dara Zeehandelaar TERPS Conference, ASTR688 December 9, 2004

2 1.Theory of Solar System formation 2.General Observations 3.Disagreement between theory and observations 4.Simulation 5.Results: -number of terrestrial planets formed -number of wet vs. dry terrestrial planets -number of terrestrial planets formed in the habitable zone OVERVIEW

3 General formation theory: the four-stage model 1. Initial condensation from the solar nebula atoms, molecules  grains 2.Early stage of accretion grains  km-sized planetesimals 3.Oligarchic growth, runaway accretion planetesimals  protoplanets 4.Late-stage dynamical evolution protoplanets  planets SOLAR SYSTEM FORMATION

4 Easy to explain with simple theory: - Terrestrial planets are close to the Sun - Jupiter exists A little bit harder: - Earth has liquid water Snow line believed to have been ~2 to 5 AU - Solar System has both wet and dry planets OBSERVATIONS

5 SOME MORE THEORY Late veneer theory: Terrestrial planets formed out of materials that originated at approximately their current distance from the Sun Hydration by cometary impacts D/H in oceans doesn’t match observed comets Migration theory: Planetesimals outside the snow line became eccentric Perturbed into crossing orbits with inner bodies Anhydrous material heated, H 2 O released as liquid

6 Jupiter’s mass: 0.03M J - 3 M J Jupiter’s semimajor axis: 4.0 AU - 7.0 AU Jupiter’s eccentricity: 0.0 - 0.2 Formation time: 0 - 10 Myr Density of solids: divide mass of region by total N, or fix planetesimal mass at 0.01M  Location of snow line: 2.0 AU - 5.0 AU SIMULATION INITIAL CONDITIONS ?

7 RESULTS 111 terrestrial planets (a.2M  ) formed in 44 simulations Mass (M  ) a (AU) eccentricity

8 RESULTS 111 terrestrial planets formed in 44 simulations 1 ocean = 1.5 x 10 24 g = water in Earth’s hydrosphere

9 RESULTS 11 planets formed in the habitable zone: 0.8 - 1.5 AU

10 CONCLUSION - current basic theory of Solar System formation is generally sound - problematic when tries to create terrestrial planets inside the snow line with liquid water - late veneer theory of hydration does not match observations - simple simulations, such as those by Raymond et. al., can create wet terrestrial planets in the habitable zone by late stage dynamical evolution, crossing orbits - future work: actually create the Solar System

11 REFERENCES Lissauer, J.J. 1993. Annu. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 31:129-74 Raymond, S.N., Quinn, T., Lunine, J.I. 2004. Icarus 168:1-17 (October 28, 2004) ystem.jpg ystem.jpg (December 2, 2004)

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