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Reminders and Announcements Projects due Thursday, May 5, 2:00 PM by email Keep consulting Maja and me for advice if you run into roadblocks or want to.

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Presentation on theme: "Reminders and Announcements Projects due Thursday, May 5, 2:00 PM by email Keep consulting Maja and me for advice if you run into roadblocks or want to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reminders and Announcements Projects due Thursday, May 5, 2:00 PM by email Keep consulting Maja and me for advice if you run into roadblocks or want to test ideas Reread the project description before writing Remember: 5 pages, no BS! You may have extra pages of references, tables, pictures, etc. but there is no guarantee they be read April 25, 20011Harvard Bits1

2 Fill out course evaluations! April 25, 20011Harvard Bits2

3 Exam – pick 2 hours out of 36 Starting Noon Sunday, May 8 Any 2 hour window between then and midnight Monday, May 9 Same protocol as hour exam: Open book Open notes Open Internet No communication with any human being April 25, 20011Harvard Bits3

4 Exam Content Review everything! There will be questions on the lectures, including the guest lectures Some math: Write down the handful of equations and formulas and make sure you understand them Some questions just testing whether you have been paying attention April 25, 20011Harvard Bits4

5 The Koans 1.It’s all just bits 2.Perfection is normal 3.There is want in the midst of plenty 4.Processing is power 5.More of the same can be a whole new thing 6.Nothing goes away 7.Bits move faster than thought April 25, 20011Harvard Bits5

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