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Particle ID in TRD Prashant Shukla Institute of Physics University of Heidelberg Presentation at TRD Software Meet 19 th May, Heidelberg.

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Presentation on theme: "Particle ID in TRD Prashant Shukla Institute of Physics University of Heidelberg Presentation at TRD Software Meet 19 th May, Heidelberg."— Presentation transcript:

1 Particle ID in TRD Prashant Shukla Institute of Physics University of Heidelberg Presentation at TRD Software Meet 19 th May, Heidelberg

2 v4-02-Release TRD signals (p=2 GeV) with beam data 2002

3 Test Beam: Old (2002) and New Data (2004) (4, 6 GeV)

4 V4-02-Release (p=2 GeV) Reconstructed signals with ADC Digits (Solid Points) Distortion not due to Tracking

5 V4-02-Release TRD Digits (p=2 GeV) with beam Data (Solid Points) Suspects: Tail Cancellation, Radiator Parameters

6 Evolution of TRD, AliTRDparameter.cxx Revision 1.15 Feb 3, 2004 by hristov CVS Tags: v4-01-Rev-08, v4-01-Rev-07, v4-01-Rev-06, v4-01-Rev-05, v4-01-Rev-04, v4-01-Rev-03, v4-01-Rev-02, v4-01-Rev-01, v4-01-Rev-00, v4-01-Release, v4-01-05, v4-01-04, v4-01-03, v4-01-02, TRD-develop-2, TRD-develop V4-01-Rev-02 (p=2 GeV) Digits Vs Beam data

7 Evolution of TRD, AliTRDparameter.cxx Revision 1.16, May 26, 2004 by hristov CVS Tags: v4-02-01, v4-02-00 Splitting of TRD library (T.Kuhr) Revision 1.17, Jun 29, 2004 by cblume CVS Tags: v4-02-02 Update of digitizer and new step manager Revision 1.18, Jul 14, 2004 by cblume CVS Tags: v4-02-07, v4-02-06, v4-02-05 v4-02-04, v4-02-03 Use pad coupling 0.49 instead 0.3 V4-02-05 (p=2 GeV) Digits Vs Beam data

8 Evolution of TRD, AliTRDparameter.cxx Revision 1.19, Oct 15, 2004 by cblume CVS Tags: v4-02-09, v4-02-08 Update of non-siochronity by Christian. Removal of non-staggered geometry V4-02-09 (p=2 GeV) Reconstructed Vs. Beam Data

9 Evolution of TRD, AliTRDparameter.cxx Revision 1.20, Feb 1, 2005 by cblume CVS Tags: v4-02-Rev-00, v4-02-Release: Update of parameters by Bogdan V4-02-Release (p=2 GeV) + Bogdan's corrections Reconstructed Vs. beam Data

10 Evolution of TRD, AliTRDparameter.cxx Revision 1.22, Apr 15, 2005 by cblume New treatment of drift velocity p=2 GeV 4 GeV Reconstructed Vs. beam Data

11 V4-02-Release Pion efficiency vs Momentum

12 Test Beam Data pion eff. At 90% electron eff.

13 Momentum Eff. (LQ) Eff.(LQX) 1 GeV 0.0241 0.0370 2 GeV 0.0195 0.0173 4 GeV 0.0170 0.0155 6 GeV 0.0260 0.0210 8 GeV 0.0440 0.0355 10 GeV 0.0450 0.0370

14 MACROS for generating rsponse functions Comparing Digits and beam data: 1. Run Runs Aliroot 10 times each for ConfigPi.C and ConfigEl.C. 2. Run TRDDigits.C to get energy loss distribution histograms for electrons and pions. 3. Run rplot.C to plot Digits and the experimental Data. Generating response functions: 1. Run Runs AliRoot 100 times for ConfigRes.C, for 100 pions and 100 electrons. Repeat it all momenta. 2. Run Set.C to generate files for response functions for electrons and pions. Repeat it at all momenta. 3. Run handata.C to create the function AliTRDprobdist::FillData(). 4. Cut and paste it to the AliTRDprobdist.cxx file at the end.

15 1. Mismatch between AliRoot and test data not due to tracking 2. Suspects are tail cancellation and Radiator parameters. Future Tasks

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