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Basic Methodologies cont. Psych 231: Research Methods in Psychology.

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1 Basic Methodologies cont. Psych 231: Research Methods in Psychology

2 Announcements Exam 1 in two days! Review session Monday, Sept 15 @ 6 DeGarmo 206 (this room)

3 General research approaches Descriptive Describing the current state of the individual variables Observational, Survey, Case studies Correlational Investigating the relationship between two (or more) variables Experimental Investigating the cause-and-effect relationship between two (or more) variables

4 General research approaches Descriptive Describing the current state of the individual variables Observational, Survey, Case studies Correlational Investigating the relationship between two (or more) variables Experimental Investigating the cause-and-effect relationship between two (or more) variables

5 Correlational Methods Measure two (or more) variables for each individual to see if the variables are related Looking for co-variation between the variables Used for: Predictions Reliability e.g., does your scale give the same results at retest Validity e.g., does your scale test what you think that it tests Evaluating theories Problem: Can’t make casual claims

6 Causal claims We’d like to say: variable X --causes--> variable Y To be able to do this:  There must be co-variation between the two variables  The causal variable must come first  Directionality problem Directionality problem Happy people sleep well Hot dog vendors and temperature in NY city Anti baldness cream and amount of hair  Need to eliminate plausible alternative explanations  Third variable problem Do Storks bring babies?

7 Theory 1: Storks deliver babies

8 Theory 2: Underlying third variable

9 Correlational Methods Measure two (or more) variables for each individual to see if the variables are related Looking for co-variation between the variables Used for: Predictions Reliability e.g., does your scale give the same results at retest Validity e.g., does your scale test what you think that it tests Evaluating theories Problem: Can’t make casual claims Causation causes correlation, but not the necessarily the converse.

10 The experimental method Manipulating and controlling variables in laboratory experiments Must have a comparison At least two groups (often more) that get compared One groups serves as a control for the other group Variables Independent variable - the variable that is manipulated Dependent variable - the variable that is measured Control variables - held constant for all participants in the experiment Confound variables - alternative variables that may be the actual causal factor (they co-vary with the IV(s))

11 The experimental method Advantages Precise control possible Precise measurement possible Theory testing possible Can make causal claims Disadvantages Artificial situations may restrict generalization to “real world” Complex behaviors may be difficult to measure

12 Next time Exam 1 Coverage Textbook (chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 6), lectures, & labs Scientific method Getting ideas Developing (good) theories Reviewing the literature Psychological Science Ethics Basic methodologies Multiple choice and short answer questions

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