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Grammar and Grammars Dialects of Native Speakers.

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Presentation on theme: "Grammar and Grammars Dialects of Native Speakers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grammar and Grammars Dialects of Native Speakers

2 What’s what Linguistics —the scientific study of language prescriptive grammar —rules of “correct” usage – What are its advantages and disadvantages? descriptive grammar —description of actual usage – What are its advantages and disadvantages? dialect —variety of language grammar —our innate, subconscious ability to generate language

3 Three grammars Grammar 1 – internalized system of grammar native speakers have in their heads Grammar 2 – formal descriptions of the rules of grammar (Hartwell’s 2 and 4) Grammar 3 – linguistics etiquette, or the do’s and don’t’s of proper social usage (Hartwell’s 3)

4 Issues for discussion What dialect of English should be taught in American schools? Why? Are all dialects of English used in both spoken and written language? Should we distinguish between spoken and written language in teaching English usage? What advantages accrue to speakers and writers of the “status dialect”?

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