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US CMS Silicon Tracker Project Joe Incandela University of California Santa Barbara Status and schedule CMS Weekly Meeting Fermilab May 14, 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "US CMS Silicon Tracker Project Joe Incandela University of California Santa Barbara Status and schedule CMS Weekly Meeting Fermilab May 14, 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 US CMS Silicon Tracker Project Joe Incandela University of California Santa Barbara Status and schedule CMS Weekly Meeting Fermilab May 14, 2004

2 Tracker status - Fermilab - May 14, 2004 - J. Incandela 2 North American Group Fermilab (FNAL) M. Demarteau, A. Ronzhin, K. Sogut, L. Spiegel, S. Tkaczyk + technicians Kansas State University (KSU):T.Bolton, W.Kahl, R.Sidwell, N.Stanton University of California, Riverside (UCR) P. Gartung, G. Hanson, G. Pasztor University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) A. Affolder, S. Burke, C.Campagnari, D. Hale, (C. Hill), J.Incandela, S. Kyre, J. Lamb, S. Stromberg, (D. Stuart), R. Taylor, D. White + technicians. University of Illinois, Chicago (UIC) E. Chabalina, C. Gerber, T. Ten University of Kansas (KU) P. Baringer, A. Bean, L. Christofek, D. Coppage University of Rochester (UR) R.Demina, R. Eusebi, E. Groves, E. Halkiadakis, A. Hocker, S.Korjenevski, P. Tipton Mexico Consortium: Cinvestav: H. Castilla, R.Perez, A. Sanchez Puebla: E. Medel, H. Salazar San Luis Potosi: A. Morelos Brown University R. Hooper, G. Landsberg, H. Nguyen, C. Nguyen

3 Tracker status - Fermilab - May 14, 2004 - J. Incandela 3 Tracking Requirements Efficient & robust Fine granularity to resolve nearby tracks Fast response time to resolve bunch crossings Radiation resistant devices for 10y of LHC operation ~1-2% P T resolution at ~ 100 GeV Asymptotic impact parameter  d ~ 20  m MOST IMPORTANTLY – We want it to be there and useable as early as possible!

4 Tracker status - Fermilab - May 14, 2004 - J. Incandela 4 US Responsibilities 5.4 m 2.4 m Outer Barrel (TOB) ~105 m 2 NEW:End Caps (TEC) 50% Modules for Rings 5 and 6 and hybrid processing for Rings 2,5,6

5 Tracker status - Fermilab - May 14, 2004 - J. Incandela 5 Outer Barrel Production Outer Barrel Modules 4128 Axial (Installed) 1080 Stereo (“ “) Rods 508 Single-sided (“ “) 180 Double-sided (“ “) US Tasks All hybrid bonding & test All Module assembly & test All Rod assembly & test Joint Responsibilities with CERN Installation & Commissioning Maintenance and Operation ~20 cm Modules Built & Tested in US

6 Tracker status - Fermilab - May 14, 2004 - J. Incandela 6 End Cap Construction Central European Consortium requested US help We agreed to produce up to 2000 R5 and R6 modules After 10 weeks UCSB successfully built the R6 module seen above. UCSB has built 27 R6 and 3 R5 modules to date First TEC Module Built at UCSB

7 Pisa ROD INTEGRATION AachenKarlsruheStrasbourgZurichWien PETALS INTEGRATION Aachen BrusselsKarlsruhe Louvain LyonStrasbourg Brussels Wien Lyon TEC Assembly CERN Frames: Brussels Sensors: factories Hybrids: Strasbourg Pitch adapter: Brussels Hybrid: CF carrier TK ASSEMBLY CERN Louvain Strasbourg PerugiaWien Bari Perugia BariFirenzeTorinoPisa Padova TIB-TID INTEGRATION FNAL UCSB TOB Assembly TIB-TID Assembly CERN/USA PisaAachenKarlsruhe.--> Lyon Karlsruhe Sensor QAC Module assembly Bonding & testing Sub-assemblies FNAL Integration into mechanics Pisa RU FNAL UCSB Catania UCSB US in the tracker US carries almost half of the production load

8 Tracker status - Fermilab - May 14, 2004 - J. Incandela 8 Summary I Problems continued to plague components this past year US contributions have been critical US played major role in finding and fixing a series of flaws In some cases they would have been fatal Problems for module components have been addressed Frames and hybrids: Yields and rates are high and rising Sensors US identified CM Noise and other problems with STM sensors US advocated shifting order to HPK: Provided funds for procuring the masks Pressed for order to be placed with HPK in February – beyond which we would have delayed HPK production CMS is reviewing STM now Either STM quality reaches adequately high standards or the remainder of the order will be shifted to HPK Upshot: no matter what – we’ll have very high delivery rates by July

9 Tracker status - Fermilab - May 14, 2004 - J. Incandela 9 Summary II These issues have meant that the schedule has slipped We have lost 6-8 months in FY04 due to this last round of problems We have responded In parallel with work to resolve component problems we improved our production capacity Major upgrade of US production lines to achieve significantly higher production capacity to recover lost schedule time. New and better methods More and better tooling and hardware Better software and Quality Control Both FNAL and UCSB production lines have since demonstrated more than 100% increases in stable, high quality module production Our production capacity is now extreme: CDF or D0 Run 2 silicon detectors ~ 750k channels each: We can produce this many channels in 10, 40-hour weeks With overtime we’d need only 6 weeks

10 Tracker status - Fermilab - May 14, 2004 - J. Incandela 10 Hybrid Problems Serious problems were uncovered by US and CERN 1.Flex cable fragility (US) 2.Weak wirebonds (CERN) 3.Power via opens (US) Found early, solved quickly Excellent communication between US and Europe Great relationships with vendors Problems typically have been diagnosed, understood, and removed in 1-4 weeks These could have been fatal

11 Tracker status - Fermilab - May 14, 2004 - J. Incandela 11 Sensor Production Thin Sensors (320  m) 6273 of 6877 (91%) delivered Yield > 99% at CMS QC Thick Sensors (500  m) 7000 ordered from HPK Deliveries have begun HPK has capacity to make all CMS sensors on schedule Thick Sensors (500  m) Initially ~87% yield at CMS QC Major efforts by the CMS tracker group and STM  yield at CMS QC increased to ~ 98% Still concerns … Hamamatsu Photonics (HPK)SGS Thomson (STM)

12 Tracker status - Fermilab - May 14, 2004 - J. Incandela 12 1. CMN Noise Issue Example: Sensors 31215014 and 14308304 Channels causing the problem 203 at 70V 251 at 130V CMN problem first reported by US in July 2003. Understood to be a pt. discharge/breakdown effect

13 Tracker status - Fermilab - May 14, 2004 - J. Incandela 13 First IV in standard Vienna qtc setup: sensor outside specifications (20µA) Vacuum switched off: Sensor perfect 0.5 µA Vacuum switched on again: Sensor again bad (20µA) Sensor 30211431541220 2. Vacuum – effect (single strip!) without vacuum with vacuum

14 Tracker status - Fermilab - May 14, 2004 - J. Incandela 14 We identify some sensors with odd noise structure: Good sensor 3. Time structure in leakage current

15 Tracker status - Fermilab - May 14, 2004 - J. Incandela 15 Deliveries as of mid February show a new class of sensors: All sensors have currents >1.5 µA : all grade B (have to be fully tested 100%) IV curve in most cases flat, sensors good? 4. Large processing changes

16 Tracker status - Fermilab - May 14, 2004 - J. Incandela 16 Module Components Summary We exerted a major positive influence. Many problems (most found by US) led to delays Module breakage in transport → 2 months Hybrid Cable problem → +3 months ST Sensor issues → +5 months Hybrid via problem (found April 04) → no added delay ST sensors are the remaining concern Shifted order of 7000 (out of 18000 thick sensors) to HPK Re-qualifying STM final process now with decision in July Timing such that we can shift all production to HPK without impact on schedule if STM fails qualification

17 Tracker status - Fermilab - May 14, 2004 - J. Incandela 17 Hybrids Progress Yield is stabilizing above 90%

18 Tracker status - Fermilab - May 14, 2004 - J. Incandela 18 Rods Component issues resolved OptoHybrids Frames CCU modules were an issue last month. Now receiving good devices Mounting/cabling at CERN is underway Can reach production rate of 50 rods/month One issue with potential damage in shipping Several good solutions under study

19 Tracker status - Fermilab - May 14, 2004 - J. Incandela 19 US Productivity Enhancements Gantry (robotic) module assembly Redesigned: more robust, flexible, easily maintained Surveying and QA Automated use of independent system (OGP) More efficient, accurate, fail-safe Module Wirebonding Fully automated wirebonding Faster and more reliable bonding Negligible damage or rework Taken together: Major increase in US capabilities Higher quality Could build 750k channels (equal to CDF or D0 in Run 2) in 6 weeks!

20 Tracker status - Fermilab - May 14, 2004 - J. Incandela 20 Testing & QA US has led in many respects US testing macros and test stand configurations now used everywhere Critical contributions Discovered and played lead role in solution of potentially fatal problems Taken together Averted disaster Higher quality

21 Tracker status - Fermilab - May 14, 2004 - J. Incandela 21 Module Mechanical Precision Tolerances are stringent  x of sensors most critical 97% modules in specs Second order corrections: All new modules in specs!  x(Frame-Sensor) (  m)  x(Sensor-Sensor) (  m)  (Frame-Sensor) (mdeg)  (Sensor-Sensor) (mdeg)

22 Tracker status - Fermilab - May 14, 2004 - J. Incandela 22 Bonding All centers fully operational UCSB and FNAL both keep pace with 15/d rate with ease!

23 Tracker status - Fermilab - May 14, 2004 - J. Incandela 23 Hybrid & Module Electrical Testing Specification < 2% faulty channels per module Module testing has matured significantly Minimum set of tests is now defined Fault finding algorithms: >99% faults found & correctly identified >90% of time Less than 0.1% of good channels are flagged faulty Performance standardization Easy comparison of results at different sites

24 Tracker status - Fermilab - May 14, 2004 - J. Incandela 24 Module Fault Finding Noisy 1 sensor open 2 sensor open Pinholes Bad Channel Flags Noise Measurement Pulse Height Measurement (Using Calibration Pulse) Bad Channel Flags Shorts Pinhole Opens

25 Tracker status - Fermilab - May 14, 2004 - J. Incandela 25 Module Quality Goal of less than 1% faulty channels per module Single Sensor Modules 0.20% Faulty Channels Per Module Production introduced faults at less than 0.1% rate! Two Sensor Modules 0.55% Faulty Channels Per Module Production introduced faults at less than 0.1% rate! Unprecedented low rate of faulty channels

26 Tracker status - Fermilab - May 14, 2004 - J. Incandela 26 Substructure Integration Shells, petals, rods underway Systems tests helping to finalize components and procedures

27 Tracker status - Fermilab - May 14, 2004 - J. Incandela 27 Rod Assembly, Test, Transport US contributions Module installation Single rod test stands Multi-rod burn-in stands Definition of tests & methods Transportation

28 Tracker status - Fermilab - May 14, 2004 - J. Incandela 28 Rod Testing and Transport

29 Tracker status - Fermilab - May 14, 2004 - J. Incandela 29 Current Tracker Schedule

30 Tracker status - Fermilab - May 14, 2004 - J. Incandela 30 US Module Production (as determined by A. Cattai, J. Incandela, S. Schael) This is our current module production schedule: USA module final production TOB modules: Early June 2004 to May 2005 TEC modules: Late June 2004 to mid-April 2005 Paced by sensors & hybrids Currently it appears they will arrive simultaneously

31 Tracker status - Fermilab - May 14, 2004 - J. Incandela 31 Other Considerations Rods are expected to keep pace with module assembly Most system integration will now occur in FY06 Meanwhile, we analyzed all systems for potential sources of downtime in production Stocked critical spares of fabrication tooling and equipment Cross-training fabrication personnel Developed satellite hybrid processing capacity in Mexico Specialized testing and diagnostics facility at UC Riverside

32 Tracker status - Fermilab - May 14, 2004 - J. Incandela 32 Summary The tracker is one of the main strengths of CMS The US tracker group is making critical contributions Module component problems have been solved We’ve accumulated more delays … … But we’re on much more solid ground Consequence for schedule: Final assembly of the wheels at CERN slips into FY06.

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