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1 Computing the cube Abhinandan Das CS 632 Mar 8 2001
2 On the Computation of Multidimensional Aggregates Sameet Agarwal, Rakesh Agrawal, Prasad Deshpande, Ashish Gupta, Jeffrey Naughton, Raghu Ramakrishnan & Sunita Sarawagi -- VLDB 1996
3 Motivation OLAP / Multidimensional data analysis Eg: Transactions(Prod,Date,StoreId,Cust,Sales) Sum of sales by: (P,SId) ; (P) ; (P,D,SId) Computing multidimensional aggregates is a performance bottleneck Efficient computation of several related group-bys
4 What is a CUBE? n-dimensional generalization of the group by operator Group-bys corresponding to all possible subsets of a given set of attributes Eg: SELECT P, D, C, Sum(Sales) FROM Transactions CUBE-BY P, D, C ALL, P, D, C, PD, PC, DC, PDC
5 Approaches Basic group-by methods: Sort based Hash based Naïve approach
6 Possible optimizations 1. Smallest parent 2. Cache results 3. Amortize scans 4. Share sorts 5. Share partitions Often contradictory Assumption: Distributive aggregate function sum, count, min, max ; average -- Non distributive: median
7 Sort based methods Algorithm PipeSort Share-sorts Vs Smallest parent Optimize to get minimum total cost Cache-results & amortize-scans Pipelining: ABCD ABC AB A
8 PipeSort Assumption: Have an estimate of the number of distinct values for each group-by Input: Search lattice Graph where each vertex represents a group-by of the cube Edge i j if |i|=|j|+1,
9 Search lattice: CUBE-BY ABCD
10 Search lattice (contd...) Each edge e ij associated with two costs: S(e ij ): Cost of computing j from i when i is pre-sorted U(e ij ): Cost of computing j from i when i is not already sorted Idea: If attribute order of a group-by j is a prefix of parent i, compute j without sorting (Cost S(e ij )) else first sort (Cost U(e ij ))
11 PipeSort (contd...) Proceed level by level, k=0 to k=N-1 Find best way of computing level k from level k+1 Weighted bipartite matching: Make k additional replicas of each node at level k+1 Cost S(e ij ) on original node, U(e ij ) on replicas Find minimum cost maximal matching
12 Min cost matching
13 Algorithm PipeSort For level k = 0 to N-1 Generate_plan(k+1 k) Fix sort order of level k+1 nodes Generate_plan(k+1 k): Make k additional replicas of level k+1 nodes, assign appropriate edge costs Find min-cost matching
14 Example plan
15 Tweaks Aggregate and remove duplicates whilst sorting Use partial sorting order to reduce sort costs Eg: ABC AC
16 Hash based methods Algorithm PipeHash Can include all stated optimizations: (If memory available) For k=N downto 0 For each group-by g at level k+1 Compute in 1 scan of g all children for which g is smallest parent Save g and deallocate hash table of g
17 PipeHash Limited memory Use partitioning Optimization share-partitions: When data is partitioned on attribute A, all group-bys containing A can be computed independently on each partition No recombination required
18 PipeHash: Overview First choose smallest parent for each group-by (gives MST) Optimize for memory constraints: Decide what group-bys to compute together Choice of attribute for data partitioning Minimizing overall disk scan cost: NP-Hard!
19 PipeHash
20 Heuristics Optimizations cache-results and amortize-scans favoured by choosing large subtrees of MST: Can compute multiple group-bys together However, partitioning attribute limits subtree Hence choose the partitioning attribute that allows choice of largest subtree
21 Algorithm: Worklist w=MST While w not empty Choose any tree T from w T ’ = select_subtree(T) Compute_subtree(T’)
22 Select_subtree(T) If mem reqd by T < M, return T Else: For any get subtree T a Let P a =max # of partitions of root(T) possible if a used for partitioning Choose a s.t. (mem reqd T a )/P a <M and T a is largest subtree over all a Add forest T-T a to w, return T a
23 Compute_subtree(T’) numParts = (mem reqd T’)* fudge_factor/M Partition root(T’) into numParts For each partition of root(T’) For each node n in T’ (breadth first) Compute all children of n in 1 scan Release memory occupied by hash table of n
24 Notes on PipeHash PipeHash biased towards smallest- parent optimization Eg: Compute BC from BCD (fig) In practice, saving on sequential disk scans less important than reducing CPU cost of aggregation by choosing smallest parent!
25 Overlap method Sort based Minimize disk accesses by overlapping computation of “cuboids” Focus: Exploit partially matching sort orders to reduce sorting costs Uses smallest parent optimization
26 Sorted runs B = (A 1,A 2,...A j ) ; S=(A 1,...A l-1,A l+1,...A j ) sorted run A sorted run of S in B is a maximal run of tuples in B whose ordering is consistent with the sort order in S Eg:B=[(a,1,2),(a,1,3),(a,2,2),(b,1,3), (b,3,2),(c,3,1)] S=[(a,2),(a,3),(b,3),(b,2),(c,1)] (1 st & 3 rd ) Sorted runs for S: [(a,2),(a,3)],[(a,2)],[(b,3)],[(b,2)] and [(c,1)]
27 Partitions B, S have common prefix A 1,...,A l-1 partition A partition of a cuboid S in B is the union of sorted runs s.t. the first (l-1) columns (ie common prefix) have the same value Previous eg: Partitions for S in B are: [(a,2),(a,3)], [(b,3),(b,2)] & [(c,1)] Tuples from different partitions need not be merged for aggregation Partition is independent unit of computation
28 Overview Begin by sorting base cuboid All other cuboids computed w/o re-sorting Sort order of base cuboid determines sort order of all other cuboids To maximize overlap across cuboid computations, reduce memory requirements of individual cuboids Since partition is unit of computation, while computing one sorted cuboid from another, just need mem sufficient to hold a partition
29 Overview (contd...) When partition is computed, tuples can be pipelined to descendants; same memory used by next partition Significant saving: PartSize << CuboidSize Eg: Computing ABC and ABD from ABCD PartSize(ABC) = 1 PartSize(ABD)=|D|
30 Choosing parent cuboids Goal: Choose tree that minimizes size of partitions Eg: Better to compute AC from ACD than ABC Heuristic: Maximize size of common prefix
31 Example cuboid tree
32 Choosing overlapping cuboids To compute a cuboid in memory, need memory = PartSize Partition If required memory is available, cuboid is in Partition state SortRun Else allocate 1 memory page for the cuboid, and mark as SortRun state Partition Only tuples of a Partition cuboid can be pipelined to descendants
33 Heuristics Which cuboids to compute and in what state: Opt allocation NP-hard! Heuristic: Traverse tree in BFS order Intuition: Cuboids to the left have smaller partition sizes So require less memory
34 Cuboid computation For each tuple t of B (parent) If (state==partition) process_partition(t) Else process_sorted_run(t) Process_partition(t): 3 cases: Tuple starts new partition Tuple matches existing tuple in partition New tuple: Insert at appropriate place
35 Cuboid computation (contd...) Process_sorted_run(t): 3 cases Tuple starts new sorted run Tuple matches last tuple in current run New tuple: Append tuple to end of current run Cuboid in Partition state fully computed in 1 pass Cuboid in SortRun state: Combine merge step with computation of descendant cuboids
36 Example CUBE computation (M=25 ; 9 sorted runs of BCD, CD to merge)
37 An array based algorithm for simultaneous multidimensional aggregates Yihong Zhao, Prasad Deshpande, Jeffrey Naughton -- SIGMOD ‘97
38 ROLAP Vs MOLAP CUBE central to OLAP operations ROLAP: Relational OLAP systems PipeSort, PipeHash, Overlap MOLAP: Multidimensional OLAP systems Store data in sparse arrays instead of relational tables
39 MOLAP systems Relational tuple: (jacket, K-mart, 1996, $40) MOLAP representation: Stores only ‘$40’ in a sparse array Position in array encodes (jacket,K-mart,1996) Arrays are “chunked” and compressed for efficient storage
40 Problem No concept of “reordering” to bring together related tuples Order cell visits to simultaneously compute several aggregates whilst minimizing memory requirements and # of cell visits
41 Efficient array storage: Issues Array too large to fit in memory: Split into “chunks” that fit in memory Even with chunking, array may be sparse: Compression needed Standard PL technique of storing arrays in row/column major form inefficient Creates asymmetry amongst dimensions, favoring one over the other
42 Chunking Divide n-D array into small n-D chunks and store each chunk as independent object on disk Keep size of chunk = disk block size We shall use chunks having same size along each dimension
43 Compressing sparse arrays Store “dense” chunks as is (>40% occ.) Already a significant compression over a relational table Sparse arrays: Use chunk-offset compression – (offsetInChunk,data) Better than LZW etc. because: Uses domain knowledge LZW data requires decompression before use
44 Loading arrays from tables Input: Table, dim sizes, chunksize If M < array size, partition sets of chunks into groups which fit in memory eg: Suppose 16 chunks and 2 partitions, group chunks 0-7 & 8-16 Scan table. For each tuple, calculate & store (chunk#,offset,data) into buffer page for corresponding partition 2 nd pass: For each partition, read tuples and assign to chunks in memory. Compress.
45 Basic algo (No overlapping) Eg: 3-D array ABC; To compute AB If array fits in memory, sweep plane of size |A|*|B| along dim C, aggregating as you go If array chunked: Sweep plane of size |A c |*|B c | through upper left chunks. Store result, move to chunks on right Each chunk read in only once Mem: 1 chunk + |A c |*|B c | plane
46 Generalization Sweep k-1 dimensional subarrays through a k-dimensional array Multiple group-bys: Use smallest parent optimization in cube lattice Advantage over ROLAP: Since dimension & chunk sizes known, exact node sizes can be computed Min Size Spanning Tree (MSST): Parent of node n is parent node n’ in lattice of min size
47 Basic array cubing algorithm: First construct MSST of the group-bys Compute a group-by D i1 D i2...D ik from parent D i1...D i.k+1 of min size: Read in each chunk of D i1...D i.k+1 along dimension D i.k+1 and aggregate each chunk to a chunk of D i1...D ik. Once a chunk of D i1...D ik is complete, flush and reuse mem
48 Example ABC – 16x16x16 array Chunk size: 4x4x4 Dimension order: ABC Eg: Computing BC: Read in order 1..64 After every 4, flush chunk to disk and reuse memory
49 3-D array (Dim order ABC)
50 Multi-Way algorithm Single pass version: Assume enough memory to compute all group-bys in 1 scan dimension order Reduce memory requirements using a special order to scan input array, called dimension order dimension order A dimension order of the array chunks is a row major order of the chunks with n dimensions D 1...D n in some order O = (D i1,D i2,...D in )
51 Memory requirements For a given dimension order, can determine which chunks of each group-by need to stay in memory to avoid rescanning input array Eg: Suppose D.O. is ABC ie 1..64 BC: Sweep 1 chunk, deallocate & reuse AC: Sweep 4 chunks for entire AC AB: Sweep 16 chunks for entire AB Note: Each BC chunk is generated in DO. Before writing a BC chunk to disk, use it to compute B,C chunks as if read in D.O.
52 Memory requirements Generalizing: (X c =chunk size, X d =dim size) Computing BC requires |B c |*|C c | memory Computing AC, AB requires |A d |*|C c | and |A d |*|B d | memory RULE1: For a gp-by (Dj 1,...,Dj n-1 ) of array (D 1,...D n ) with DO=(D 1,...D n ), if (Dj 1,...,Dj n-1 ) contains a prefix of (D 1,...D n ) of length p, then mem requirement for computing (Dj 1,...,Dj n-1 ) is:
53 Minimum Memory Spanning Tree MMST: Got from lattice by choosing parents for each node N as per RULE1 Choose the parent that minimizes memory requirements: The prefix of the parent node contained in node N must have minimum length Break ties by choosing node with minimum size as parent
55 Optimal dimension order Different dimension orders may generate different MMSTs which have vastly different memory requirements Eg: 4D array ABCD Dimension sizes: 10,100,1000,10000 resp. Chunk size =10x10x10x10 Figure shows MMSTs for dim orders ABCD and DBCA Optimal dimension order is (D 1,...,D n ) where
57 Multi-pass Multi-way Array Algorithm Single pass algo assumed we had memory M T required by MMST T of optimal dimension order If M <= M T, we cannot allocate memory for some of the subtrees of MMST (incomplete subtrees) Optimal memory allocation to different subtrees likely to be NP-Hard
58 Heuristic Allocate memory to subtrees of root from the right to left order Intuition: Rightmost node will be the largest array and we want to avoid computing it in multiple passes
59 Algorithm Create MMST T for opt D.O. O Add T to ToBeComputed list For each tree T’ in ToBeComputed list: Create working subtree W and incomplete subtrees Is (allocate mem=node chunksize) Scan chunks of root of T’ in order O Compute group-bys in W and write to disk Write intermediate result of aggregation of Dj 1...Dj n-1 group by for each chunk of D 1,...,D n For each R=root(I) Generate chunks of Dj 1...Dj n-1 from the partitions of R & write to disk (Merge several intermediate results into 1 chunk) Add I to ToBeComputed
60 ROLAP vs MOLAP Proposed algorithm more efficient than existing ROLAP techniques (even indirectly): Scan relational table and load into array Compute the cube on resulting array Dump resulting CUBEd array into tables Why better? ROLAP table sizes much bigger than compressed array sizes Multiple sorts reqd. MOLAP does not require sorts since the multidimensional array captures relationships amongst all the different dimensions
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