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Module 24 Assessment. What’s inside Continuous assessment In house test development ESP test questions.

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Presentation on theme: "Module 24 Assessment. What’s inside Continuous assessment In house test development ESP test questions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Module 24 Assessment

2 What’s inside Continuous assessment In house test development ESP test questions

3 Assessment is a process of measuring, and one formal method of measuring is to test.

4 Test vs. continuous assessment Continuous assessment tests How long is there?Often no time limitA set time limit When is it done?Over a period of timeOne block of time Where is it done?In class, at home, in a library In classroom or hall How is it done?May be able to ask questions, may discuss with others, may use books Usually in silence, usually own work, may use dictionary Who sets the tasks?Teacher, teacher and learner Teacher or outsider Who “grades’ the work? Teacher, learner, peersTeacher or outsider

5 Teacher assessment Continuous teacher assessment is important for the feedback that both teacher and learner’s receive.

6 Classroom tests Placement test Progress test Proficiency test

7 Characteristics of tests C.A.R.E : (Comparability, Acceptability, Relevance and Economy) FAIR VP: (Fairness, Authenticity, Impact, Reliability, Validity and Practicality).

8 In-house test development What is being testedLook at course objectives materials and test specifications Select what will be tested Collect ideas for input, questions to modify or use as ‘models

9 Draft questions and answer key and mark scheme Circulate questions only for answers and comments Use responses to redraft questions, adjust answer key and mark scheme How well do the questions work?

10 Circulate redrafted questions Repeat step 6 and then step 7 until the answer is YES Type the question papers Have the papers proofread Check details again Print/copy the papers Are we organized? Does everyone and everything agree?

11 ESP Test Questions There are no question types specific to ESP; what my different is the frequency with which a question type is used. The advantage or disadvantage of different question types in testing are thoroughly discussed by Weir (1990, 1993)

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