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Preparing National Water Resources Management and Efficiency Plans Taking stock of progress since Johannesburg-are we meeting the 2005 target? Swedish.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing National Water Resources Management and Efficiency Plans Taking stock of progress since Johannesburg-are we meeting the 2005 target? Swedish."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing National Water Resources Management and Efficiency Plans Taking stock of progress since Johannesburg-are we meeting the 2005 target? Swedish Water House Workshop Stockholm, May 14, 2004 Nighisty Ghezae Global Water Partnership (GWP)

2 Global Water Partnership The mission of the Global Water Partnership is to support countries in the sustainable management of their water resources.

3 GWP Objective §Contribute to achieving the MDGs by: §Ensuring that Integrated Water Resources Management is applied in a growing number of countries and regions, as a means to foster equitable and efficient management and sustainable use of water. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Water & Sanitation MDG IWRM PLANS

4 Millennium Development Goals  1: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger §2: Achieve universal primary education §3: Promote gender equality and empower women  4: Reduce child mortality §5: Improve maternal health §6:Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases  7: Ensure environmental sustainability §8: Develop a global partnership for development 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Water & Sanitation MDG IWRM PLANS

5 Purpose of Today's presentation §Provide Background for IWRM & Water Efficiency Plan Preparation §What have we done up to now ? §Define what we mean by IWRM & Water Efficiency Plans §What is the need of such a Plan §Explain How such Plans may be Prepared §Define planned next Steps §Is it realistic to expect countries to prepare such a plan? §Call for collaboration with Interested Countries

6 Background §Idea is a Directive from the World Summit on Sustainable Development held in Johannesburg in 2002 §The Summit Called on all countries to: l Develop integrated water resources management and water efficiency plans by 2005, with support to developing countries, through actions at all levels

7 Advancing The WSSD Plan Of Implementation- What have we done ? §Baseline Survey §Guidance in Preparing a National Integrated Water Resources Management and Efficiency Plan §Direct support to Countries Interested in preparing the plan

8 1. The Survey-Purpose §To assess readiness of countries to meet the 2005 WSSD Plan of Implementation target on IWRM Plan preparation. §Provide an indicative status report which can be used as a baseline against which progress can be assesssed in the future. §Provide an indication of which countries and what aspects require further efforts and therefore where potential financial support from donors/ financiers could be focused.

9 Overall Summary Results §108 countries surveyed, 45 in Africa, 42 in Asia and the Pacific, and 22 in Latin America §Progress by countries l 10 % have made good progress l 50 % taken some steps l 40 % remain at the initial stages §Countries that have made good progress often started by focusing on specific water challenges §Implementation remains an issue in most countries

10 Overall Summary Results

11 Limitations §Survey is a qualitative exercise based on best judgement of senior professionals §Results should be seen in the context of regions, and not a worldwide comparative analysis. §Regional and Summary Reports are not official documents endorsed by governments. §Version 1 launched in NY - a second version with full regional reports

12 2. Guidance Document- Meaning of IWRM and Water Efficiency Plan §It is a transitional plan which provides a roadmap towards sustainable water management – a roadmap for guiding changes from prevailing practices in water resources management to ones that are in line with IWRM processes. §It includes: l Description of existing water resources governance and management practices in a country (A) l Description of how national water resources are to be managed in future according to IWRM processes (B)

13 Meaning of IWRM and Water Efficiency Plans (continued) It also includes: l Phased introduction of changes to move from A to B l Description of how actions planned or undertaken under A are to be modified/adapted to bring them in line with B l Using elements of B for new actions during the transition period l Monitoring, evaluating and refining the effectiveness of the transition

14 IWRM and Water Efficiency Plan: Transition from Fragmented to Integrated Water Resources Management Change Processes Today (A) IWRM PlanTomorrow (B) Performance: Baseline Situation Performance: Improved equity, efficiency, sustainability (agreed goals) Inputs Outputs Inputs Outputs Current Governance System IWRM Approach Actions Coordinated Actions

15 Need for IWRM and Water Efficiency Plans §They serve as instruments for highlighting economic, social, and environmental gains obtainable from IWRM practices in contrast to losses from fragmented water governance and management practices §They help to “kick-start changes towards IWRM practices in a cost-effective and timely way §They provide a basis for raising funds for putting requisite institutions in place for IWRM processes §They serve as tool for engaging all the key players in a participatory way §They serve as tools to improve awareness and political commitment to better water governance processes

16 How can Countries Prepare IWRM and Water Efficiency Plans § There is no blueprint for preparing such Plans §However, the GWP is preparing a Guidance Document to help countries prepare such Plans §The aim is to produce a practical no-nonsense guide on how to prepare such Plans §The Document is aimed principally at governments since they are the ones who must in the end design and implement the needed reforms §Version One of this Document launched in NY-

17 Elements of IWRM Plan Preparation §The draft GWP Guidance document has sections on: l Practical considerations for Plan preparation l Technical content of Plans, and l Readying the Plan for Implementation §It also has Annexes on: l Frequently asked questions l Historical antecedents for the WSSD Directive, and l Framework being used in preparing IWRM Plans in five African countries

18 Next Steps §It is hoped that: l IWRM Plans in developing countries would be oriented initially towards the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals for water and sanitation, and that l Plans in industrialized countries would focus on such issues as environmental maintenance and restoration §The present version of the Guidance Document which was intended to serve as a contribution to CSD-12 §In August a revised version, reflecting feedback from the present version, will be issued §Your feedback is therefore most welcome

19 Is it realistic to expect countries to prepare such plans by 2005 and thus achieve the target? §Given the definition of the plan, GWP considers it realistic to expect countries to be able to prepare the plans by 2005, provided: l They have the political will and requisite resources l They have the requisite support – technical and financial - as enjoined in the Directive

20 Call for Participation to Advance the WSSD- §Already, a number of governments, such as Canada, The Netherlands, and Norway, with support from the GWP, are helping developing countries to prepare such plans. § Other countries, including the UK and the US are considering similar actions §There are various models l Work directly with countries l Work with already ongoing initatives-channeled through UNDP l Work through channeling funds to GWP-GWPplays a facilitater §THANK YOU

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