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Organisational structure in participatory media MA in communications and cultural studies, 2001 Andrew Ó Baoill.

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1 Organisational structure in participatory media MA in communications and cultural studies, 2001 Andrew Ó Baoill

2 Basic principles zAMARC Charter: yCommunity Radio Stations “Operate management … practices which oppose discrimination and which are open and accountable to all supporters, staff and volunteers” zHow are we to measure the extent to which a station meets this commitment, specifically with regard to volunteers?

3 Habermas’ lifeworld- systems perspective Personality Society Culture Economic System Administrative System

4 The paradox of rationality z Through Enlightenment, we move from norms to rational norms z Increased rationality can lead to colonisation by systems z We then move from rational norms to rules

5 The project zDescribe and critique the L-S perspective zDevelop a practical model appropriate to community radio zCompare with the actual situation in Flirt FM yDoes the model apply? yHow does Flirt FM meet the ideal?

6 The case study zFlirt FM: yGalway’s Student Radio Station y“Radio by Students for Students” yBroadcasts for 35 hours per week yStarted in September 1995 y1 Paid Employee (Station Manager) yApproximately 60-65 active volunteers yStation Manager reports to Board of Directors

7 Flirt FM’s structure Board of directors College campus radio ltd. Station Manager Volunteers / programme teams Board of management

8 The case study zField Work yQuestionnaire xDistributed by Keith x50 returned, of 62 names yQuestionnaire Analysis yInterviews ySeminar/Workshop z Structural Analysis yExistence of spaces yVolunteer Morale yFair access for all yRationality of Knowledge ySolidarity of members ySystem restrictions

9 Results - existence of spaces zThe Board of Management is not currently active zThere is no forum for communication or consultation with volunteers zVolunteers feel they receive little information on issues such as station accommodation and schedule changes

10 Results - volunteer morale zVolunteers are happy to be involved y70% plan to be involved next year y92% answered 6 or 7 to “I enjoy being involved” y74% of students agree that they feel part of the station. 8% disagree. zMany volunteers value the informality of the station zSome say the lack of input into decisions damages their morale

11 Results - fair access for all zVery few GMIT students are involved yDistance - especially in wet weather? yDifferent social interests? z38% of volunteers are female, although 60% of NUI, Galway students are female ySocialisation of gender roles? z70% of volunteers say their home residence is in Galway city or county

12 Results - rationality of knowledge zVolunteers have a confused knowledge of the station structure zStation difficulties are blamed on a vague ‘them’ z‘The Watershed’ zThere is little training, other than introductory training in studio use and media law

13 Results - solidarity of members zThere are few opportunities for volunteers to meet each other and/or interact zNewer volunteers are less likely to feel part of the station yOnly 75% of those who joined in the last 2 years, as opposed to all of those who joined in 1997 or earlier yOne volunteer wrote that they had never been asked to train new volunteers

14 Results - system restrictions zMany people mentioned IRTC/licence rules as preventing changes in the station zThe current scheduling method, with individual slots for each volunteer, was seen by many as being the only possible means of arranging the schedule z‘The Watershed’ zFurther involvement = committee membership

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