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High-quality Speech Translation for Language Learning Chao Wang and Stephanie Seneff June 24, 2004 Spoken Language Systems Group MIT Computer Science and.

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Presentation on theme: "High-quality Speech Translation for Language Learning Chao Wang and Stephanie Seneff June 24, 2004 Spoken Language Systems Group MIT Computer Science and."— Presentation transcript:

1 High-quality Speech Translation for Language Learning Chao Wang and Stephanie Seneff June 24, 2004 Spoken Language Systems Group MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab

2 Outline Motivation and introduction Component technologies –Language understanding –Language generation Translation by generation Translation by example Evaluation Summary and future work

3 Background Language teachers have limited time to interact with students in dialogue exchanges Computers can provide non-threatening environment in which to practice communicating Our group has been developing multi-lingual spoken conversational systems since 1990 –Concentrating on domains related to travel –Can easily be adapted for language learning applications –A translation capability from the native language (L1) to the target language (L2) can greatly improve their usability for language learning

4 Introduction Goal: provide translation aids for language learning –Must be high quality –Must be robust to speech recognition errors Strategies for achieving high quality and robustness –Interlingua-based translation using formal generation rules –Restricted conversational domains (lesson plans) *Emphasis on mechanisms to enable rapid porting to new domains and languages –Use parsability to assess quality of translation outputs –Back off to example-based method when parse fails

5 Language Understanding: TINA Approach: Context free rules + constraints + probabilities Rules: –Define permissible linguistic patterns in the language and domain –Encode both syntactic and semantic information Constraints: –Eliminate patterns that violate known syntactic/semantic restrictions (e.g., number agreement) –Account for movement of constituents in surface realization Probabilities: –Support prediction of next word given preceding context TINA has been used in many systems over the last 10 years: –Domains: weather, air travel, restaurant guide, hotel reservations, urban navigation,... –Languages: English, Mandarin, Japanese, Spanish, French....

6 Process to Automate Grammar Development Merge several grammars into shared rules, predominantly syntax-based Once generic grammar is available, creating derivative domain-dependent grammars is straightforward Merged “Seed” Grammar Mercury Orion Voyager Jupiter Pegasus “Scrubbed” sentences Generic Grammar Grammar for New Domain Domain dependent semantics “Are there any from to ”

7 Example Parse Tree Utilizes pre-existing sub-grammars for time and location interlinguaSelected parse categories contribute to a hierarchical semantic frame (interlingua) subject question willpredicate sentence rainweekendthiswill weekend temporal this it intr_verb_phrase intr_verb_argsintr_verb day_lis t bostonin city_name locative in a_city subject question willpredicate sentence rainweekendthiswill weekend temporal this it intr_verb_phrase intr_verb_argsintr_verb day_lis t bostonin city_name locative in a_city

8 Semantic Frame for Example Semantic frame encodes syntactic structure and features in addition to semantic information {c verify :aux “will” :subject “it” :pred {p rain :pred {p locative :prep ‘in” :topic {q city :name “boston” } } :pred {p temporal :topic {q weekday :quantifier “this” :name “weekend” } } } } Will it rain in boston this weekend?

9 Language Generation: GENESIS Generates a surface string from the semantic frame Accomplishes many tasks in dialogue system development –In the same language (paraphrasing & response generation) –In a different language (translation) –Other formal languages (key-value pairs, SQL queries, etc.) Utilizes recursive formal rules along with a lexicon encoding appropriate surface form realizations in context

10 Challenges in Cross-language Generation for Translation Some expressions have very different syntactic structures in different languages What is your name? 你 (you) 叫 (call) 什么 (what) 名字 (name)? I like her. Ella me gusta. 附近 (vicinity) 哪儿 (where) 有 (have) 银行 (bank)? Where is a bank nearby? that hotel 那 (that) 家 ( ) 旅馆 (hotel) I lost my key. 我 (I) 丢 (lose) 了 ( ) 我的 (my) 钥匙 (key). –Particles (Chinese but not English) –Gender (extensive in Spanish) Syntactic features are expressed in many different ways –Determiners (English but not Chinese)

11 Generation Procedures Constituent order specified in recursive rules –“Pull” and “Push” mechanisms support major structural reorganization Lexical selection controlled by feature propagation –Inflectional forms based on syntactic features –Lexical realization (word sense) influenced by surrounding semantic context Infers missing features Can generate multiple surface strings for the same semantic frame

12 A Generation Example {c verify :aux “will” :subject “it” :pred {p rain :pred {p locative :prep ‘in” :topic {q city :name “boston” } } :pred {p temporal :topic {q weekday :quanitifier “this” :name “weekend” } } } } bo1 shi4 dun4 zhe4 zhou4 mo4 hui4 bu2 hui4 xia4 yu3 ? ( Boston this weekend will-not-will rain ? ) pulled to the front “will” conditioned by “verify” zhe4 zhou4 mo4 bo1 shi4 dun4 hui4 xia4 yu3 ma5 ? ( this weekend Boston will rain ? )

13 Generation-based Translation Semantic frame serves as interlingua Translation achieved by parsing and generation Use Chinese grammar to detect potential problems Rejected sentences routed to example-based translation for a second chance Parse English Grammar Generate Chinese Rules English Input Semantic Frame Chinese Sentence Chinese Output Parse? Chinese Grammar accepted rejected Example-based Translation

14 Example-based Translation Requires translation pairs and a retrieval mechanism –Corpus automatically obtained via the generation-based approach –Retrieval based on lean semantic information *Encoded as key-value pairs *Obtained from semantic frame via simple generation rules *Generalizes words to classes (e.g., city name, weekday, etc.) to overcome data sparseness

15 WEATHER: rain CITY: San Francisco Example-based Translation Procedure Is there any chance of rain in San Francisco? { : San Francisco } { : jiu4 jin1 shan1 } hui4 bu2 hui4 xia4 yu3? jiu4 jin1 shan1 Key-value string serves as interlingua Translation achieved by parsing and table lookup City name masked during retrieval and recovered in final surface string KV-Chinese Table Chinese Output KV String Parser English Grammar Generator Key-value Rules English Input Semantic Frame

16 Complete Translation Procedure Only parsed sentences go into key-value database Indexed by semantic information encoded as key-value string Unnparsed translations replaced by key-value option Use word classes to overcome data sparseness WEATHER: rain CITY: boston indexing Parses? Chinese Grammar Key-value Index Database no Key-value Rules Parse English Grammar Generate Chinese Rules English Input Semantic Frame Chinese Sentence will it rain in Boston tomorrow?bo1 shi4 dun4 ming2 tian1 hui4 xia4 yu3 ma5? yes Key-value Index Database Creation Retrieval yes translation

17 Evaluation: English to Mandarin Weather Domain Evaluation data –Drawn from the publicly available Jupiter weather system –Telephone recordings; conversational speech –Unparsable utterances (English grammar) were excluded –Total of 695 utterances, with 6.5 words per utterance on average System configuration –Text input or speech input *Recognizer achieved 6.9% word error rate, and 19.0% sentence error rate –Generation-based method preferred over example-based method –NULL output if both failed Evaluation criteria –Yield of each translation method –Human judgment of translation quality

18 Evaluation Results (I) Majority of the utterances are successfully translated using formal generation rules, which are likely to achieve high fidelity and quality A greater percentage of the utterances fail in the speech mode, due to recognition errors –System will apologize for not understanding the utterance and invite the user to try again YieldTextSpeech By generation60687.2%59285.2% By example598.5%486.9% Failed304.3%557.9% Total695100%695100%

19 Evaluation Results (II) Human judgment of translation quality based on grammaticality and fidelity Three categories: perfect, acceptable, or wrong Fewer than 2% of the utterances produce incorrect translation outputs –A concurrent English paraphrase provides context for the Chinese translation QualityTextSpeech Perfect61388.2%57783.0% Acceptable436.2%507.2% Wrong91.3%131.9% Failed304.3%557.9% Total695100%695100%

20 Summary and Future Work We have demonstrated a capability to produce high-quality spoken-language translations from English to Mandarin –Evaluation restricted to weather domain –Fewer than 2% of the translations were incorrect Future Plans: Integrate into spoken dialogue systems Incorporate framework into classroom environment Assess effectiveness in second-language acquisition Port to other domains and languages –Develop tools to enable rapid porting

21 Thank you!

22 Translation Corpus Guaranteed coverage by the Chinese grammar Indexed by semantic information encoded as key-value string Use word classes to overcome data sparseness Parser English Grammar Generator Chinese Rules English Input Semantic Frame Chinese Sentence Chinese Output Parser Chinese Grammar accepted Key-value Rules will it rain in Boston tomorrow?bo1 shi4 dun4 ming2 tian1 hui4 xia4 yu3 ma5? WEATHER: rain CITY: boston indexing KV String KV-Chinese Table

23 Translation Corpus Guaranteed coverage by the Chinese grammar Indexed by semantic information encoded as key-value string Use word classes to overcome data sparseness Key-value Rules will it rain in Boston tomorrow?bo1 shi4 dun4 ming2 tian1 hui4 xia4 yu3 ma5? WEATHER: rain CITY: boston indexing Key-value Index Database Parse English Grammar Generate Chinese Rules English Input Semantic Frame Parses? Chinese Grammar Chinese Sentence yes

24 NLG Synthesis NLU Recognition Interlingua-based Speech Translation Common meaning representation: semantic frame Interlingua Parsing Rules Generation Rules Models Speech Corpora S UMMIT E NVOICE G ENESIS T INA English Chinese English Chinese

25 Understanding and Generation: Procedural Strategy Develop end-to-end English system –Solicit example utterances from SLS members Create generation rules for Chinese paraphrase –Generated sentences become initial Chinese corpus Develop understanding component for Chinese input –Map to identical semantic frame as much as possible Adjust English generation for Chinese inputs –Deal with missing function words, etc. –Translation loop now possible: English  Chinese  English Evaluation based on English-to-translated-English Similar strategy for other languages

26 Strategies for Translation Grammar design strategies –Preserve as much information as necessary for accurate translation *Semantic frames are much more detailed than those in human- computer interaction applications –Maintain consistency of semantic frame representation across different languages whenever possible *Seed grammar rules for each new language on English grammar rules *Mapping from parse tree to semantic frame preserved Remaining language dependent aspects in semantic frame are addressed by generation rules

27 How long does it take to take a taxi thereHow long take take taxi there An Example: English/Chinese Function words disappear in Chinese How long does it take to take a taxi there ( take taxi go thereneedhow long ) 坐 出租车 去 那里 要 多久 Sentence structure is very different Verb “go” omitted in English Two instances of “take” have different translations How long need take taxi thereHow long need take taxi go there

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