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Rules of the Computer Lab

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Presentation on theme: "Rules of the Computer Lab"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rules of the Computer Lab

2 Computer Responsibility and Rules
Use good behavior when using all computer equipment

3 Computer Responsibility and Rules
Respect other’s work and workplace Only touch your keyboard Only touch your computer screen Only take your headphones Only use your ideas for your work

4 Computer Responsibility and Rules
Be sure to keep your password to yourself Only you or the teacher should know your password for a computer program

5 Computer Responsibility and Rules
Recognizing ownership of own work Only use your ideas Rewording information you get from the Internet or putting it in “quotes” Example: “A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.” Albert Einstein

6 Copyright and Fair Use What is Copyright?
Definition – Copyright is a form of protection given to authors or creators of original work. Some examples would be: Literary (books, poems, songs lyrics, and computer software) Musical (songs) Artistic ( pictures, clip art, and drawings)

7 Copyright and Fair Use What is Fair Use?
Definition – The right that the public has to use copyrighted materials for special circumstances without getting permission from the original author. Examples would include: Teaching News reporting Research

8 Copyright and Fair Use Policies
To plagiarize means to take someone else’s work and use it as your own. If you take information from someone else you need to make sure you put it in quotes. Example: “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” Walt Disney Copyright Scavenger Hunt

9 Acceptable Use Policy: Ways in which we can use the schools computers
The school may access and monitor the use of the computers including: Internet Downloaded materials (pictures, documents, sounds, and etc…)

10 Acceptable Use Policy: Ways in which we can use the school computers
Use the computers for subject material only Math Science History Reading/Writing Language Arts Specials (Art, PE, Music, Library)

11 Acceptable Use Policy: Ways in which we can use the school computers
Always follow the rules of the policy If rules are broken, then your right to use the computer may be taken away. Remember these are the school’s computers not your personal computer. You may not do the following: Change backgrounds and screen savers Turn off and on different tools in programs Changing the office assistant

12 Internet Safety Always keep personal information to yourself
Name Address Telephone Number Age Click on the link below to watch a skit about the different kinds of “Internet Troublemakers” you might find on the web. Webville Outlaws

13 Internet Safety Test your knowledge on those Webville Outlaws! Click on the link below to play a matching game. The Challenge

14 Bibliography Websites:

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