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Systems Practicum Tom Roeder CS415 2005sp. What is this class about? Apply the theory learned in 414  Synchronization, Networking, and many others C.

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Presentation on theme: "Systems Practicum Tom Roeder CS415 2005sp. What is this class about? Apply the theory learned in 414  Synchronization, Networking, and many others C."— Presentation transcript:

1 Systems Practicum Tom Roeder CS415 2005sp

2 What is this class about? Apply the theory learned in 414  Synchronization, Networking, and many others C hacking for fun and profit  Build a system from a virtual ground  Learn to debug a complex system “cutting-edge systems design”  What is on the cutting edge now?

3 The Project: Ad-hoc networking Ad-hoc networking  Establishment and maintenance of a communication network in the absence of a fixed infrastructure  Normally done over wireless (eg 802.11b) We will build a simple ad hoc network and an application over it  We have suggested applications, but you can come talk to me about proposals

4 Where do we start? Need an environment over which to build  You will build a simple virtual “OS” over NT  We provide a bare environment like at boot time Start with lightweight threads  Need to add context switches  Need synchronization  Need a scheduler Instructions posted on web. Follow them.  Due in two weeks (11 Feb)

5 Where do we go from there? Part II – Preemption, Alarms, and Schedulers Part III – Unreliable Networking Part IV – Reliable Networking Part V – Ad-Hoc Networking Part VI – Ad-Hoc Application  Suggested: Messaging Distributed Files CPU sharing

6 Groups Size 2 or 3  We will not take the size of your group into consideration when judging your work  ie. Smaller groups are at a disadvantage See the guidelines online for tips in how to work well (or poorly) in groups The grade for the group will be your grade

7 What if my code doesn’t work? As long as there is good faith effort  about 50% of the grade for that part of the project  The TAs will not fix it We will not be handing out solutions  You will be building your whole system from scratch

8 Grading Parts I + II: 10% each Parts III + IV: 15% each Parts V + VI: 20% each 10% subjective Challenge sections “for the Adventurous”  Extra components in some parts  Will be examined and commented on if the base work is sufficient  Will not be graded

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