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PHY 1371Dr. Jie Zou1 Chapter 37 Interference of Light Waves (Cont.)

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1 PHY 1371Dr. Jie Zou1 Chapter 37 Interference of Light Waves (Cont.)

2 PHY 1371Dr. Jie Zou2 Outline Change of phase due to reflection Lloyd’s mirror Phase change due to reflection Interference in thin films Interference in a wedge-shaped film Newton’s rings

3 PHY 1371Dr. Jie Zou3 Lloyd’s Mirror Lloyd’s mirror: Another simple, yet ingenious, arrangement for producing an interference pattern with a single light source. Observation: An interference pattern is observed on the viewing screen. However, the positions of the dark and bright fringes are reversed relative to the pattern created by Young’s experiment. Lloyd’s Mirror

4 PHY 1371Dr. Jie Zou4 Change of phase due to reflection Explanation for the previous observation: The coherent light sources at points S and S’ differ in phase by 180° (or  rad), a phase change produced by reflection. In general, an electromagnetic wave undergoes a phase change of 180° upon reflection from a medium that has a higher index of refraction than the one in which the wave is traveling.

5 PHY 1371Dr. Jie Zou5 An analogy The general rules: An electromagnetic wave undergoes a 180° phase change when reflected from a boundary leading to an optically denser (larger n) medium. No phase change occurs when the electromagnetic wave is reflected from a boundary leading to a less optically dense (smaller n) medium.

6 PHY 1371Dr. Jie Zou6 Observation of interference effects in thin films Examples of thin films in everyday life: thin layers of oil on water or the thin surface of a soap bubble. Observation: varied colors are observed when white light is incident on such thin films. Explanation for the observation: The varied colors result from the interference of waves reflected from the two surfaces of the film.

7 PHY 1371Dr. Jie Zou7 Two factors should be considered: 1. The difference in path length for the two rays. 2. The 180° phase change upon reflection. Assumption: Normal incidence. Condition for constructive interference: 2nt = (m+1/2), m =0, 1, 2… Condition for destructive interference: 2nt = m, m = 0, 1, 2… Note: These conditions are true only when n 1 n 2 or n 1 >n<n 2,, when a net phase change of 180° due to reflection occurs. Interference in thin films

8 PHY 1371Dr. Jie Zou8 Example 37.5: Interference in a wedge-shaped film A thin, wedge-shaped film of refractive index n is illuminated with monochromatic light of wavelength. Describe the interference pattern observed for this case.

9 PHY 1371Dr. Jie Zou9 Example 37.4 Nonreflective coatings for solar cells Suppose that a silicon (si) solar cell (n = 3.5) is coated with a thin film of silicon monoxide (SiO, n= 1.45) in order to minimize reflective losses from the surface. Find the minimum film thickness that produces the least reflection at a wavelength of 550 nm, near the center of the visible spectrum.

10 PHY 1371Dr. Jie Zou10 Newton’s rings Set up: A plano-convex lens on top of a flat glass surface. The air film between the glass surfaces varies in thickness. Observation: A pattern of light and dark rings when observed from above using light of a single wavelength. Derivation for the radii of the dark rings (Problem #67): r m  (m R/n film ) 1/2, m =0, 1, 2…

11 PHY 1371Dr. Jie Zou11 Homework Ch. 37, P. 1200, Problems: #32, 33, 39, 62.

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