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CS 192 Problem Solving and Computer Programming Winter 2003 Instructor Dr. Shafay Shamail TA Adeel Zafar Ibrar Javed.

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Presentation on theme: "CS 192 Problem Solving and Computer Programming Winter 2003 Instructor Dr. Shafay Shamail TA Adeel Zafar Ibrar Javed."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS 192 Problem Solving and Computer Programming Winter 2003 Instructor Dr. Shafay Shamail TA Adeel Zafar Ibrar Javed

2 Schedule SectionLectureLab IMWTBA IITTTBA

3 Description This first level programming course shall cover the principles and practice of problem solving using C++. Students shall be introduced to the basic C++ techniques such as program control statements, pointers, functions, structures etc. The students shall gain hands-on experience through several programming assignments.

4 Text Books Primary –Herbert Schildt, ‘C++ from the Ground Up’, 2 nd Edition, 1998, Osborne McGraw-Hill. References –Deital & Deital, ‘C++ How to Program’, 3 rd Edition, 2001, Prentice Hall. –Herbert Schildt, ‘C++: The Complete Reference’, 3rd Edition, 1998, Osborne McGraw-Hill. Some handouts may be given to supplement the text

5 Lectures There shall be 30 sessions o 20 sessions of 75 minutes each o Up to 8 labs of 100 minutes each conducted by TA Grading o 15% Quizzes (quizzes may be based on assignments) o 10% Programming Assignments. o 15% Labs o 25% Midterm Exam o 35% Final Exam

6 Topics IntroductionIntroduction to computer programming and C++ 1Chapter 1, 2 Overview of C++ and Basic Data Types Programming practices, variables, constants, operators, expressions etc. 1.5Chapter 2, 3 More Data Types and Operators Enumerations, bool, Bitwise Operators, ? operator, dynamic allocation using new and delete etc. 1.5Chapter 9

7 Topics … Program Control Statements if statement, for loop, switch statement, while loop, do- while loop, continue, break, nested loops 2Chapter 4 Arrays and StringsOne dimensional arrays, strings, string library functions, two dimensional arrays, multidimensional arrays, array initialization, arrays of strings 3Chapter 5 PointersPointer operators, pointer expressions, pointers and arrays, arrays of pointers, problems with pointers 3Chapter 6

8 Topics … FunctionsScope rules of functions, passing pointers and arrays, argc and argv, return statement, recursion 2Chapter 7 References, Overloading, and Default Arguments Argument passing, function- overloading etc. 2Chapter 8 Structures and Unions 2Chapter 10 Basic File IO2Chapter 18

9 Scholastic Ethics  Students are expected to maintain high standards of academic honesty. The Disciplinary Committee will deal with breaches in scholastic ethics such as cheating.  Plagiarism will be suspected if an assignment that calls for independent development and implementation of a program results in two or more solutions so similar that one solution can be converted to the other(s) by a series of simple commands  Cheating will be suspected if a student who completed an assignment independently cannot explain both the intricacies of the solution and the techniques used to generate that solution

10 Examples of Cheating Turning in someone else's work, in whole or in part, as your own (with or without his/her knowledge) Turning in a completely duplicated assignment is a flagrant offense Allowing another student to turn in your work as his/her own Several people writing one assignment and turning in multiple copies, all represented (implicitly or explicitly) as individual work

11 Examples of Not Cheating Turning in work done alone or with the help of the course's TAs. Submitting one assignment for a group of students if group work is explicitly permitted (or required) Getting or giving help about using the computers Getting or giving help about solving minor syntax errors Penalties for cheating can be an 'F' in the course or worse.

12 What is a Computer? Computer –A device capable of performing computations and making logical decisions Computer programs –Sets of instructions that control a computer’s processing of data Hardware –Various devices comprising a computer Examples: keyboard, screen, mouse, disks, memory, CD-ROM, and processing units Software –Programs that run a computer

13 Computer Organization Six logical units in every computer: –Input unit Obtains information from input devices (keyboard, mouse) –Output unit Outputs information (to screen, to printer, to control other devices) –Memory unit Rapid access, low capacity, stores input information –Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU) Performs arithmetic calculations and logic decisions –Central processing unit (CPU) Supervises and coordinates the other sections of the computer –Secondary storage unit Cheap, long-term, high-capacity storage, stores inactive programs

14 A Bit of History Which was the first programmable computer? Charles Babbage’s Analytical Engine (early 1800’s) First programmer? Ada Augusta, Countess of Lovelace; Charles’s colleague and daughter of Lord Byron

15 “The Analytical Engine has no pretensions whatever to originate anything. It can do whatever we know how to order it to perform. It can follow analysis; but it has no power of anticipating any analytical relations or truths. Its province is to assist us in making available what we are already acquainted with.” -Ada Augusta, Countess of Lovelace

16 Evolution of Operating Systems Batch processing –Do only one job or task at a time Operating systems –Manage transitions between jobs –Increased throughput Amount of work computers process Multiprogramming –Many jobs or tasks sharing a computer’s resources Timesharing –Perform a small portion of one user’s job then move on to service the next user

17 Personal Computing Distributed Computing Client/Server Computing Personal computers – Economical enough for individual Distributed computing –Organizations computing is distributed over networks Client/server computing –Sharing of information, across computer networks, between file servers and clients (personal computers)

18 Types of Programming Languages Machine languages –Strings of numbers giving machine specific instructions –Example: +1300042774 +1400593419 +1200274027 Assembly languages –English-like abbreviations representing elementary computer operations (translated via assemblers) –Example: LOAD BASEPAY ADD OVERPAY STORE GROSSPAY High-level languages –Similar to everyday English, use mathematical notations (translated via compilers) –Example: grossPay = basePay + overTimePay

19 Some High-Level Languages Java used to –Create web pages with dynamic and interactive content –Develop large-scale enterprise applications –Enhance the functionality of web servers –Provide applications for consumer devices (such as cell phones, pagers and personal digital assistants) FORTRAN –Used in scientific and engineering applications COBOL –Used to manipulate large amounts of data Pascal –Used to teach structured programming C/C++ –Middle-level language –Provides facilities for both high level as well as low level programming

20 History of C and C++ C++ evolved from C –C evolved from two other programming languages, BCPL and B ANSI C –Established worldwide standards for C programming C invented by Dennis Ritchie of AT&T Bell Labs in the 1970s C++ by Bjarne Stroustrup of the same labs in the early 1980s C++ “spruces up” C –Provides capabilities for object-oriented programming Objects are reusable software components that model things in the real world Object-oriented programs are easy to understand, correct and modify C is a subset of C++

21 Structured Programming Structured programming –Disciplined approach to writing programs –Clear, easy to test and debug, and easy to modify Multitasking –Many activities to run in parallel

22 Basics of a Typical C++ Environment Phases of C++ Programs: 1.Edit 2.Preprocess 3.Compile 4.Link 5.Load 6.Execute Loader Primary Memory Program is created in the editor and stored on disk. Preprocessor program processes the code. Loader puts program in memory. CPU takes each instruction and executes it, possibly storing new data values as the program executes. Compiler Compiler creates object code and stores it on disk. Linker links the object code with the libraries, creates a.out and stores it on disk Editor Preprocessor Linker CPU Primary Memory........................ Disk Files: *.cpp, *.c, *.h *.obj, *.exe

23 Errors Syntax errors –reported by the compiler Linker errors –reported by the linker Execution/Run-time errors –reported by the operating system Logic errors –not reported

24 Introduction to C++ Programming C++ language –Facilitates a structured and disciplined approach to computer program design C and C++ are portable languages –Programs written in C and C++ can run on many different computers

25 Identifiers in C++ A name assigned to: –A constant –Variable –Function –User defined data type

26 Identifiers in C++ … Rules –Can be from one to several characters long –First 1024 characters are significant –May consist of alphanumeric and underscore characters –May start with any letter of alphabet, or with an underscore –Are case sensitive –No special characters are allowed –Spaces are not allowed as part of the identifier name –Keywords cannot be used as identifiers –Any other reserved words by the language (such as names of library functions) shall not be used as identifiers

27 Identifiers in C++ … Conventions –Use identifier names that reflect the meaning or usage of the items being named –THISISACONSTANT or THIS_IS_A_CONSTANT –thisisavariable or this_is_a_variable –thisIsAFunction –ThisIsAUserDefinedDataType

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