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Image Based Rendering: Introduction and Theory Timothy S. Milliron CS 598d, Princeton University.

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Presentation on theme: "Image Based Rendering: Introduction and Theory Timothy S. Milliron CS 598d, Princeton University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Image Based Rendering: Introduction and Theory Timothy S. Milliron CS 598d, Princeton University

2 What is Image-Based Rendering? zAll we usually care about in rendering is generating images from new viewpoints. zIn geometry-based methods, we compute these new images yProjection yLighting yZ-buffering zBut, why not just look-up this information?

3 Theoretical Foundations: The Light Field zThe Light Field representation (Levoy and Hanrahan -- also Pulli, et. al.) is a complete model of a scene. zRadiance at every point, in every direction zVery large representation zImplies a dense grid of images (and is usually implemented this way)

4 Theoretical Foundations: The Plenoptic Function zThe Plenoptic Function (Adelson and Bergen) is also a complete model. zInput parameters: yCamera position yCamera orientation yTime yWavelengths zOutput: an image of the scene

5 Simplifications zSome IBR systems limit the dimensionality of the Plenoptic function ySpherical Maps (fixed position) yCylindrical Maps (Quicktime VR) (fixed position, limited rotation) yBranching movies (Fixed position and limited rotation). zMost general is translation and rotation.

6 IBR as an Interpolation Problem zProblem: The functions described earlier are far too large to reasonably compute or store (4-D, 5-D vector spaces). zIn practice, a finite number of samples is taken. zThe problem becomes identifying and interpolating “close” images to create a resulting image

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