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GIS and Global Technologies Lecture 1 Mrs. Burgess.

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Presentation on theme: "GIS and Global Technologies Lecture 1 Mrs. Burgess."— Presentation transcript:

1 GIS and Global Technologies Lecture 1 Mrs. Burgess

2 Thinking Spatially Geography is a spatial science What does this mean? Spatial Thinking involves some of the following: –Translating from one dimension to another (ie, creating a 2-D map from the real 3-D world) –Understanding and following directional information (North, South, East and West) –Realizing spatial connections between things (ie, downhill ski resorts and mountains, less population in desert areas etc.) –Understanding that nations are divided into regions that may be geographic, ethnic, income or political (ie, ethnic neighborhoods, school districts, zip codes)

3 Global Issues and their impact

4 Global Warming - impacts What will happen as the polar ice caps melt? What are the effects of a gradual rise in the earth’s temperature? When the ocean’s currents start changing? How can we predict these events?


6 Endangered Species - impacts How do we know which species are endangered? How do we track where they are living and moving? How can we predict future numbers? How do we protect them from poaching, loss or change of habitat?

7 Panda Habitat (World Wildlife Fund)

8 Google Earth Elephant Tracking

9 Other Global Issues Population Increase –How many people are there now? 5 years? 10 years? –How will increase effect natural resources, food availability, poverty, disease etc… –Which countries are increasing faster? Why? Pandemics What will be the next medical pandemic – SARS, bird flu? How many people could it impact? Where will it originate and how will it spread?

10 Local Issues and their Impact

11 San Diego Wildfires How were people notified about fires in their neighborhood? How was the general public kept informed? How many people were evacuated? How did they know where to go or how to get there?


13 Crime and its impact How can we determine which neighborhoods have higher crime rates? Is their a link between crime and socioeconomic conditions? Are their differences between types of crimes committed and location (domestic violence, drugs, theft) What kind of actions could be taken with this knowledge?

14 Theft/Robbery in 92120

15 Other Local Issues? How can we frame spatial questions? Can we create actions to some of our findings? How can we convey our findings (display, report etc…)?

16 Spatial thinking in the business world How do businesses (ie, Starbucks) decide to where to open shop? What factors go into determining the ultimate location for a new business? Why is it important to understanding the surrounding area (geography) before making decisions?

17 Objectives of this class Gain an understanding of how GIS is used in various disciplines Practical use of GIS through ArcGIS (industry standard software) Use GPS handheld units (Global Positioning Satellite) Guest lectures from various industry specialists that use GIS in the workplace Independent study – propose, research, write and present report.

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