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Punnett Squares and Pedigrees Probability, Patterns of Inheritance

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Presentation on theme: "Punnett Squares and Pedigrees Probability, Patterns of Inheritance"— Presentation transcript:

1 Punnett Squares and Pedigrees Probability, Patterns of Inheritance
Genetics Jeopardy Final Jeopardy Gregor Mendel Punnett Squares and Pedigrees Probability, Patterns of Inheritance Protein Synthesis Mitosis and Meiosis 200 200 200 200 200 400 400 400 400 400 600 600 600 600 600 800 800 800 800 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

2 2 Mendel’s rule stating that and organism possesses 2 genes for every trait.

3 3 What is the rule of Unit Factors?

4 Daily Double Daily Double
10 Daily Double How are the principles of segregation and independent assortment related? Daily Double

5 5 What is allele pairs segregate from one another at gamete production. This occurs for each gene, independently of other genes.

6 6 List 3 reasons Mendel’s choice to work with pea plants was a good one.

7 7 Can self pollinate Traits with 2 distinct phenotypes Small. Reproduce quickly

8 8 Organisms have 2 alleles for every trait. Their gametes have only 1. Which of Mendel’s principles best illustrates this fact?

9 9 What is the Law of Segregation?

10 10 A cross between a tall and a short pea plant results in the following offspring: 52 tall 55 short What are the most likely genotypes of the parent plants? Explain using a Punnett square.

11 11 A homozygous short plant (recessive) crossed with a heterozygous tall plant. T t t t

12 12 What is the predicted phenotypic ration for the cross below? Rr x Rr, where R = round seeds and r = wrinkled seeds

13 13 3:1

14 14 In pea plants, tall is the dominant height allele. Design a test cross to determine the genotype of a tall pea plant. What results would you expect if the parent were homozygous? Heterozygous?

15 15 What is cross the tall plant with a homozygous recessive (short) plant. All tall offspring  parent was homozygous tall ½ tall offspring  parent was heterozygous tall.

16 16 Grey eye color is dominant over blue eyes, and brown hair is dominant over blond. Predict the outcome when 1 individual heterozygous for both traits, is crossed with a homozygous recessive for both traits.

17 17 What is 1:1:1:1 Grey and Brown: Grey and Blonde: Blue and Brown: Blue and Blonde.

18 18 What type of in heritance is most likely represented by the Pedigree below?

19 19 What is X-linked recessive?

20 20 What would be the phenotypic ratio expected from a cross of two heterozygous organisms for: A dihybrid trait A single incompletely dominant trait.

21 21 What is: 9:3:3:1 1:2:1

22 22 If four coins are flipped together, what is the probability of obtaining the combination of 3 heads and 1 tail?

23 23 What is4/16 or ¼?

24 24 In the game “rock, paper, scissors” what is the probability that one player will show scissors, and the other player will show rock?

25 25 What is 2/9?

26 26 If an individual has a trait that is not shared with either parent, that trait is referred to as …

27 27 Incompletely Dominant

28 28 A mother with type O blood and a father with AB could produce these offspring.

29 29 What are A and B?

30 30 Two Drosophila melanogaster flies that had normal (transparent, long) wings were mated. 2 new phenotypes appeared in the progeny: dusky, and clipped wings. Provide a genetic explanation for the results below. Females: Males:________ 179 transparent, long transparent, long 58 transparent, clipped dusky, long 28 transparent, clipped 31 dusky, clipped

31 31 What is: Transparent/dusky is on x chromosome. Transparent is dominant. Long/clipped is on an autosome. Long is dominant.

32 32 During which stage of protein synthesis do the following events occur? complementary base pairing of codons and anticodons unzipping of DNA elongation of polypeptide

33 33 complementary base pairing of codons and anticodons - translation unzipping of DNA - transcription elongation of polypeptide - translation

34 34 Describe the function of each of the following: mRNA tRNA rRNA

35 35 mRNA – copies genetic code from DNA, brings it to the ribosome tRNA – carries amino acid to ribosome rRNA – component of ribosome

36 What is a karyotype? Describe 2 types of information that can be determined from a karyotype. DAILY DOUBLE DAILY DOUBLE

37 37 Karyotype: picture of all chromosomes in a cell, lined up in homologous pairs. Male or female Non-disjunction or other chromosomal abnormalities.

38 38 How does the genetic code contained in DNA become expressed as a phenotype? Include in your answer: The importance of proteins to living things Two examples of proteins and their functions.

39 39 DNA codes for the sequence of amino acids in proteins. Proteins fold up based on a.a. sequence. Protein shape results in phenotype. Keratin, Actin and Myocin, Collagen, Lysozyme, Polymerases, Pepsin and Trypsin, Hemoglobin, Insulin, Dopamine, Epinephrine, Estrogen Testosterone

40 40 Describe the terms initiation, elongation and termination as they relate to both transcription and translation.

41 41 Transcription: Initiation: RNA polymerase begins synthesis of mRNA strand Elongation: RNA bases are added to growing mRNA strand Termination: mRNA is finished and released from DNA. Translation: Initiation: Synthesis of polypeptide begins at the ribosome. Start codon is read. Elongation: amino acids are added to growing polypeptide Termination: polypeptide is finished and released from ribosome.

42 42 List 3 female and 2 male flower parts.

43 43 Female: Stigma, ovary, pistil Male: Pollen, stamen, anther

44 44 What is the difference between a diploid cell and a haploid cell? If a human sperm cell has 23 chromosomes, what is the diploid # and the haploid # for humans?

45 45 What is diploid = 2n. Contains homologous chromosomes. Haploid = 1n. Diploid # = 46 Haploid # = 23

46 46 What is the difference between an autosome and a sex chromosome? How many of each do humans usually have?

47 47 Sex: X and Y chromosomes, not always homologous. (2) Autosome: not x or y. Found in homologous pairs. (44)

48 48 Describe 3 ways in which Meiosis increases genetic variation among offspring. Why is this important?

49 49 Independent Assortment Crossing Over Fertilization Variations allow for natural selection.

50 50 How are mitosis and meiosis different? (Give 3 examples) How is meiosis 1 different from meiosis 2? (Give 2 examples)

51 51 Mitosis: Produces diploid cells Involves 1 division
No crossing over, tetrads, homologous pairs. Meiosis 1: Separation of homologous pairs, not chromatids DNA replicates prior

52 52 FINAL JEOPARDY The gene for hairy-rimmed ears is on the Y chromosome. Predict the inheritance pattern for hairy rimmed ears.

53 53 What is only seen in males and always passes from father to son?

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