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The Cults Ron Williams University of Life Ridgecrest Baptist Church © 2007 Ron Williams Christian Science.

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1 The Cults Ron Williams University of Life Ridgecrest Baptist Church © 2007 Ron Williams Christian Science

2 Official Official name is The Church of Christ,Scientist (CCS) Mary Mary Baker Eddy (1821-1910) is the central figure Headquartered Headquartered in Boston,Mass More More than 2000 churches in 60 countries ~3000 ~3000 “practioners”

3 Chief Outlets Radio and television Radio and television Monitor Radio Monitor Radio The Christian Science Monitor The Christian Science Monitor The Christian Science Journal The Christian Science Journal The Christian Science Sentinel The Christian Science Sentinel The Herald of Christian Science The Herald of Christian Science Christian Science Quaterly Christian Science Quaterly

4 The Founder Mary Baker was frail and sickly as a child. She became a widow in 1844. She remarried shortly after and then divorced Daniel Patterson. Mary Baker was frail and sickly as a child. She became a widow in 1844. She remarried shortly after and then divorced Daniel Patterson. While living in New Hampshire in 1866 she claimed to have rec’d the secret of Divine Science after being healed miraculously from a crippling fall While living in New Hampshire in 1866 she claimed to have rec’d the secret of Divine Science after being healed miraculously from a crippling fall

5 Mary Baker Eddy She immediately began teaching interested students and moved to Boston in 1875 where she founded the Christian Science Association She immediately began teaching interested students and moved to Boston in 1875 where she founded the Christian Science Association Wrote “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures in 1875. Wrote “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures in 1875. Married Asa Eddy in 1882 and together they found the “Mother Church, “ The First Church of Christ, Scientist” in Boston. Married Asa Eddy in 1882 and together they found the “Mother Church, “ The First Church of Christ, Scientist” in Boston. She died in 1910. The board now runs the church She died in 1910. The board now runs the church

6 Scripture Authority Claims the Bible as “our sufficient guide to eternal Life” Claims the Bible as “our sufficient guide to eternal Life” However, her interpretation of the Bible is vastly different than that of evangelical Christians and most Protestants However, her interpretation of the Bible is vastly different than that of evangelical Christians and most Protestants She believed the Bible contained “manifest mistakes in the ancient versions” which prevented individuals from truly gaining revelation about God. She believed the Bible contained “manifest mistakes in the ancient versions” which prevented individuals from truly gaining revelation about God.

7 The Skinny... Christian Science is all about the Science, Christian Science is all about the Science, That is, you can reason your mind to overcome death, disease. That is, you can reason your mind to overcome death, disease. Nothing material really exists, evil doesn’t exist Nothing material really exists, evil doesn’t exist Death, disease, evil only exists as our minds allow it to exist Death, disease, evil only exists as our minds allow it to exist Christ shows that by understanding the science of God, you can overcome death. Christ was just the first example of this. Christ shows that by understanding the science of God, you can overcome death. Christ was just the first example of this.

8 Facts Based upon her self-confessed revelation experience, she redefines many of the terms you and I take literally. Examples: Based upon her self-confessed revelation experience, she redefines many of the terms you and I take literally. Examples: Adam= error, the opposite of good Adam= error, the opposite of good Angels=God passing thoughts to man Angels=God passing thoughts to man Devil=An illusion, the unreal Devil=An illusion, the unreal Eyes=spiritual discernment, not real organs for hearing Eyes=spiritual discernment, not real organs for hearing Night=doubt, fear Night=doubt, fear

9 Main Truths The Bible is the primary guide to eternal Life The Bible is the primary guide to eternal Life Acknowledge and adore one supreme and infinite God Acknowledge and adore one supreme and infinite God Acknowledge God’s forgiveness of sin in the destruction of sin and spiritual understanding that casts out evil as unreal Acknowledge God’s forgiveness of sin in the destruction of sin and spiritual understanding that casts out evil as unreal Jesus was the evidence of Christian Science and healing Jesus was the evidence of Christian Science and healing Christ’s death served to uplift faith to understand Life, and the nothingness of matter Christ’s death served to uplift faith to understand Life, and the nothingness of matter To be merciful, just, and peaceful To be merciful, just, and peaceful S&H, p 497 S&H, p 497

10 Four CCS Propositions God is All-in-all God is All-in-all God is good. Good is Mind God is good. Good is Mind God, Spirit, being all, nothing is matter God, Spirit, being all, nothing is matter Life, God deny death, evil, sin and disease Life, God deny death, evil, sin and disease

11 Sounds Christian, but.. Love must triumph over Love must triumph over Infidelity to the marriage covenant is the social scourge of all races (S&H 43) Infidelity to the marriage covenant is the social scourge of all races (S&H 43)

12 Who is God? “God is incorporeal, divine, supreme,infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love (S&H 465). “God is incorporeal, divine, supreme,infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love (S&H 465). The Trinity is redefined as life, truth and love. “The theory of three persons in one God (Trinity) suggests polytheism, rather than the one ever-present I am” S&H 256 The Trinity is redefined as life, truth and love. “The theory of three persons in one God (Trinity) suggests polytheism, rather than the one ever-present I am” S&H 256 Our truth=God is omnipotent, omniscient,omnipresent. He exists as the Trinity. He is creator, judge, provider... Our truth=God is omnipotent, omniscient,omnipresent. He exists as the Trinity. He is creator, judge, provider...

13 Who was Jesus? There is an essential difference between Jesus the man and the “Christ Principle” which came upon Him as He comprehended it. S&H 497. There is an essential difference between Jesus the man and the “Christ Principle” which came upon Him as He comprehended it. S&H 497. Christian Scientists see Jesus not as the means of our salvation but rather as an individual who first practiced the Science. His death (which they consider as not being physically real) only served to show us we can use our minds to overcome this error in thought. Christian Scientists see Jesus not as the means of our salvation but rather as an individual who first practiced the Science. His death (which they consider as not being physically real) only served to show us we can use our minds to overcome this error in thought. Our truth:Jesus’ death was real. He was both man and God, He coexists with the Father and Holy Spirit. Our truth:Jesus’ death was real. He was both man and God, He coexists with the Father and Holy Spirit.

14 Who are we? Matter does not exist and “humanity is not really made of matter. S&H 468. Matter does not exist and “humanity is not really made of matter. S&H 468. Since man is not material, he is spiritual and immortal. He is divine, like God Since man is not material, he is spiritual and immortal. He is divine, like God Our truth: Matter does exist, all things were created by Christ for the purpose of revealing God to man. Our truth: Matter does exist, all things were created by Christ for the purpose of revealing God to man. Our truth: Man’s soul is immortal, but death is a reality Our truth: Man’s soul is immortal, but death is a reality

15 Sin Sin, death, disease and pain are not real, but only illusions (S&H 472). They are not true because they are not of God. The cause of all so-called disease is mental, a mortal fear, a mistaken belief or conviction (S&H 377). Sin, death, disease and pain are not real, but only illusions (S&H 472). They are not true because they are not of God. The cause of all so-called disease is mental, a mortal fear, a mistaken belief or conviction (S&H 377). Our truth=Sin is real and all humanity suffers the effects of sin. Our truth=Sin is real and all humanity suffers the effects of sin.

16 Spiritual healing When people fully realize this principle, disease should disappear. When one’s false belief is corrected, Truth sends a report of health over the body (S&H 194). When people fully realize this principle, disease should disappear. When one’s false belief is corrected, Truth sends a report of health over the body (S&H 194). Our truth: Sickness is real. God does sometime miraculously heal. Medicine and prayer work together as instruments of God’s healing. Our truth: Sickness is real. God does sometime miraculously heal. Medicine and prayer work together as instruments of God’s healing.

17 Death is an illusion Since God and man are immortal spirit or mind, death is only an illusion (S&H 386). It is an untrained, undisciplined mind that believes someone has actually died. Since God and man are immortal spirit or mind, death is only an illusion (S&H 386). It is an untrained, undisciplined mind that believes someone has actually died. Our truth: death is a reality and a result of man’s fall from grace. Our truth: death is a reality and a result of man’s fall from grace.

18 Quotes from S&H Prayer is not to be used as a confessional to cancel sin. Such an error would impede true religion…if prayer nourishes the belief that sin is cancelled, and that man is made better merely by praying, prayer is an evil (page 5) Prayer is not to be used as a confessional to cancel sin. Such an error would impede true religion…if prayer nourishes the belief that sin is cancelled, and that man is made better merely by praying, prayer is an evil (page 5) A mere request that God will heal the sick has no power to gain more of the divine presence than what is always at hand (page 12) A mere request that God will heal the sick has no power to gain more of the divine presence than what is always at hand (page 12) The text, “deliver us from the evil one…. Teaches us that the “evil one, or one evil” is but another name for the first lie and all liars (page 16) The text, “deliver us from the evil one…. Teaches us that the “evil one, or one evil” is but another name for the first lie and all liars (page 16)

19 Quotes from S&H Prayer is not to be used as a confessional to cancel sin. Such an error would impede true religion…if prayer nourishes the belief that sin is cancelled, and that man is made better merely by praying, prayer is an evil (page 5) Prayer is not to be used as a confessional to cancel sin. Such an error would impede true religion…if prayer nourishes the belief that sin is cancelled, and that man is made better merely by praying, prayer is an evil (page 5) A mere request that God will heal the sick has no power to gain more of the divine presence than what is always at hand (page 12) A mere request that God will heal the sick has no power to gain more of the divine presence than what is always at hand (page 12) The text, “deliver us from the evil one…. Teaches us that the “evil one, or one evil” is but another name for the first lie and all liars (page 16) The text, “deliver us from the evil one…. Teaches us that the “evil one, or one evil” is but another name for the first lie and all liars (page 16)

20 Quotes from S&H (Lord’s prayer) Our Father-Mother God, all harmonious Our Father-Mother God, all harmonious Thy kingdom is come Thy kingdom is come But deliver us from sin, disease, and death But deliver us from sin, disease, and death atonement= at-one-ment with God (page 16) atonement= at-one-ment with God (page 16)

21 Quotes from S&H Work out your own salvation is the demand of Life and Love (page 22) Work out your own salvation is the demand of Life and Love (page 22) that God’s wrath should be vented upon His beloved Son, is divinely unnatural. Such a theory is man-made (page 23) that God’s wrath should be vented upon His beloved Son, is divinely unnatural. Such a theory is man-made (page 23) The material blood of Jesus was no more efficacous to cleanse from sin when is was shed up the tree than when is was flowing in his veins (page 25) The material blood of Jesus was no more efficacous to cleanse from sin when is was shed up the tree than when is was flowing in his veins (page 25) the Christ dwelt forever as an idea in the boson of the God (ie, God created Jesus)- page 29 the Christ dwelt forever as an idea in the boson of the God (ie, God created Jesus)- page 29

22 Quotes from S&H Man as the offspring of God, as the idea of Spirit (ie, Holy Spirit created man) -page 29 Man as the offspring of God, as the idea of Spirit (ie, Holy Spirit created man) -page 29 had Christ’s origin and birth been wholly apart from mortal usage, Jesus would not have been appreciable to mortal mind as “the Way” (ie, Jesus was not really mortal)page 30 had Christ’s origin and birth been wholly apart from mortal usage, Jesus would not have been appreciable to mortal mind as “the Way” (ie, Jesus was not really mortal)page 30 Jesus acknowledged no ties to the flesh (ie, he did not have an earthly mother) page 31 Jesus acknowledged no ties to the flesh (ie, he did not have an earthly mother) page 31 let man think they had killed Jesus. Afterwards he would show it unchanged (ie, Jesus showed his mind had control and he really did not die) page 42 let man think they had killed Jesus. Afterwards he would show it unchanged (ie, Jesus showed his mind had control and he really did not die) page 42

23 Quotes from S&H Nothing is real and eternal, nothing is Spirit-but God and His idea. Evil has no reality. It is neither person, place, nothing, but is simply a belief, an illusion of material sense (page 71). Nothing is real and eternal, nothing is Spirit-but God and His idea. Evil has no reality. It is neither person, place, nothing, but is simply a belief, an illusion of material sense (page 71). Brought to light another glorious proposition-- man’s perfectability and the establishment of the kingdom of heaven on earth (page 110). Brought to light another glorious proposition-- man’s perfectability and the establishment of the kingdom of heaven on earth (page 110).

24 What makes it attractive? Puts you in control. If you control your mind, you have control over death, disease, sin, etc Puts you in control. If you control your mind, you have control over death, disease, sin, etc Negative forces do not really exist Negative forces do not really exist You are already spirit (like God). Note that the Bible says Satan’s greatest desire is to be “like the most High God”, sound familiar? You are already spirit (like God). Note that the Bible says Satan’s greatest desire is to be “like the most High God”, sound familiar? CCS believe in showing love, peace toward others. They believe in marriage. They promote harmony. CCS believe in showing love, peace toward others. They believe in marriage. They promote harmony. Christian Scientist’s receive intense one-on-one teaching from a practioner that guides them through their life. This attention helps to solidify their association with the church Christian Scientist’s receive intense one-on-one teaching from a practioner that guides them through their life. This attention helps to solidify their association with the church

25 Witnessing to Christian Scientists Have a clear understanding of what CCS believe Have a clear understanding of what CCS believe Know your Bible and the tenets of our faith Know your Bible and the tenets of our faith Realize their definitions of even the most basic Biblical terms differ from ours Realize their definitions of even the most basic Biblical terms differ from ours Focus upon who God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit are. Discuss the reality of sin, death, disease. Discuss why Jesus had to die to our sins Focus upon who God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit are. Discuss the reality of sin, death, disease. Discuss why Jesus had to die to our sins Share your personal testimony and how you know God is working in your life. Share your personal testimony and how you know God is working in your life.

26 Witnessing to Christian Scientists Where is Mary Baker Eddy? If she as the founder of the movement claimed to have “mind” control over death by understanding the Science of God through the Scriptures, why did she die? Where is Mary Baker Eddy? If she as the founder of the movement claimed to have “mind” control over death by understanding the Science of God through the Scriptures, why did she die? CCS might counter that it is really our untrained minds that cause us to “see” her as dead while in reality she is very much alive. CCS might counter that it is really our untrained minds that cause us to “see” her as dead while in reality she is very much alive. Note to the Christian. CCS is all about being like God. This is the basis for almost all of the false Near- eastern religions. This falsehood has been around a long time. Note to the Christian. CCS is all about being like God. This is the basis for almost all of the false Near- eastern religions. This falsehood has been around a long time.

27 Witnessing to Christian Scientists CCS contains just enough Biblical truth to make it sound Christian when in reality it deviates sharply. Who do you know that misquotes or misinterprets scripture to take glory and dominion away from God, Christ and the Holy Spirit? CCS contains just enough Biblical truth to make it sound Christian when in reality it deviates sharply. Who do you know that misquotes or misinterprets scripture to take glory and dominion away from God, Christ and the Holy Spirit? Could it be that Mary Baker Eddy’s revelation was from this source? Could it be that Mary Baker Eddy’s revelation was from this source?

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