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Designing e-Learning Planning the development of online learning From e-Learning by Design By William Horton, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Designing e-Learning Planning the development of online learning From e-Learning by Design By William Horton, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Designing e-Learning Planning the development of online learning From e-Learning by Design By William Horton, 2006

2 What is e-Learning  Not limited to what takes place within Web browser  Use of information and computer technologies to create learning experiences  How these learning experiences are formulated, organized, and created.  Not limited to a course

3 What is e-Learning Varieties of e-Learning  Standalone course  Virtual-classroom courses  Learning games and simulations  Embedded e-Learning  Blended learning  Mobile learning  Knowledge management

4 What is e-Learning design? (p3)  Design – decision that governs what in a learning setting  What is instructional design: include pedagogy ( 課程 ) and androgogy ( 成人教育 )  Translate high level project goals to choice for technology and learning content. Decision: technological management system Development and selection of content and media

5 What is e-Learning design? -- Consider multiple perspectives  What are the influences of a effective e-Learning ?(p5) Instructional Design : Theories about how people learn; strategies for applying these theories Software engineer : Building reliable computer programs; User-interface ; transmitting media over networks; design and quality control; concepts of object design, usability design, and rapid design

6 What is e-Learning design? -- Consider multiple perspectives  What are the influences of a effective e-Learning Media design : Selecting appropriate mixture of text, graphics, voices, music, animation, …. Economics : helping delivery of value, generating revenue, and creating other resources It must be developed under a budget and on schedule

7 What is e-Learning design? -- Design all units of e-Learning (6-7) Pyramid of e-Learning  Curricula 學程 ( 學群,課群 ) Course 課程  Lesson 課 Topic 主題  Activity

8 Design Quickly and Reliably  E-Learning – rapid, cyclical design process Speedy learning  Steps for instructional design (p8-9) Clarify the goals for the project Describe how your project will contribute to organizational goals. Write the learning objective for the course Design a learning object to accomplish that objective Design learning activities Design test

9 Design Quickly and Reliably -- Identify your goal 指出教學宗旨目標  Ask what matters 自行舉例 ? 以專業 Training 為例  Make your organization ’ s goal your goal ( 視組織的宗旨為你的教學宗旨 ) What are the types of goals?  Financial …..  Intellectual …  Customers …..  Operations …  Reputation …

10 Design Quickly and Reliably -- Set learning objectives 設定教學目標  White your learning objectives (p13-14) Clear, precise, worthy  What are the types of objectives? What are the primary (terminal) and secondary (enabling) goals (objectives)?  Primary: stated in terms of performance XXX will be able to do (verb) …. 學習者表現 …  Secondary: teach things necessary to accomplish a primary objectives XXX will know, believe, or feel … 學習者相信 …

11 Design Quickly and Reliably -- Spell out the situation ( 舉出目標情形 ) 目標訂定要素 ( p18)  Trigger 在何種事件下會啟動這種學習  Condition 在何種狀況下會表現這種行動  Resources 依據哪些資源

12 Design Quickly and Reliably -- Set criteria for success 決定學生是否有成功的達成目標的指標有哪些 ( p18)  Percentage of learners accomplishing the objectives  Average error rate  Time required to perform the task  Results produced in a specified period of time  Reduction in frequency of problems or increase in rate of favorable incidents

13 Design Quickly and Reliably -- Analyze learners’ needs and abilities ) 在 e-Learning 教學設計之前,所分析學生 需求與能力的項目包括: (p19-20)  Level of knowledge  Expectations and attitudes  Motivations  Technology skills

14 Design Quickly and Reliably  Consider defined curricula ( 已指定的 目標 )(p20)  有些機構的目標已預先設定,例如: Government regulations Certification or licensing procedures Standard reference works Professional association Standardized academic curricula

15 Design Quickly and Reliably --Identify prerequisites ( 如何指出先備知識 )  Spot related objectives ( 點出所有相關 目標 )(p22) 範例說明 目標 教導中層經理如何縮短計畫說明的內容 中層經理能詮釋重要行事途徑 目標 教導中層經理詮釋甘特圖  教導中層經理如何詮釋條狀任務項目  教導中層經理能夠藉由相關的標示了解任務的相 互關係

16 Design Quickly and Reliably -- 如何指出 Identify prerequisites ( 先備知識 )  State objective in shorthand (p23) 例子 縮短計畫說明的內容 詮釋重要行事  Hierarchy of learning 學習目標階層 P24 之表中,最上層者為較難的目標,而最下層的為最 基本的目標  Identify prerequisites 指出先備知識 較為基層的知識,如程序中的步驟,或定義  Identify how to accomplish prerequisite 指 出如何完成先備知識的學習

17 Design Quickly and Reliably --Decide the teaching sequence of your objectives 決定完成教學目標的順序 Decide a logical sequence for learners to accomplish these objectives Refer to the hierarchy of learning objectives Use the following sequences:  Bottom up: teach prerequisite objectives first, then teach each objective  Top down : start with top objective, allowing access to prerequisites they lack  Side way : allow learners to traverse freely Example: p28-30

18 Design Quickly and Reliably --Decide the teaching sequence of your objectives Where would you use each sequencing strategies? Bottom up  Necessary where safety is a concern  Avoiding misconception Benefit to novices Traditional school training Top down  Efficiency of learning  Choosing the content they explicitly request

19 Design Quickly and Reliably --Decide the teaching sequence of your objectives Top down  Good for experienced learners  Suited for just-in-time learning  Learn what they need Sideway  Less predictable  Adding excitement to the learning process  Good choice for discovery learning  Learn to cope with a complex dynamic situation

20 Design Quickly and Reliably --Create objects to accomplish objectives What is a learning object (p32)  A chunk of electronic content for accomplishing a single learning goal.  Containing text, graphics, music ….  Can be accessed individually through a menu, search engine, or button, and separate from other objects  For the purpose of accomplishing a learning goal – broad or narrow  Containing the means to verify the accomplishment of a objective

21 Design Quickly and Reliably --Create test ( p36-37) Create the tests as soon as the learning objectives are defined The test is best guide to designing learning activities Tests clarify the objectives Use the test to pre-test learners Tests can serve as the learning activities for the object (practices, games, and work assignments) Tests provide guide in developing contents

22 Design Quickly and Reliably --Select learning activities (p37-38) Exercise basic skills thought processes, attitude, and behaviors. Learn by considering, researching, analyzing, evaluating, organizing, synthesizing, discussing, testing, deciding, and applying ideas. Mental experiences that lead to learning.

23 Design Quickly and Reliably --What kinds of activities (p39-40) Absorb-type activities  Presentations: …  Readings: …  Field trips: … Do-type activities  Practice: …  Discovery: …  Games: … Connect-type activities Research: …  Ponder: …  Stories from learners: …  Job aids: …

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