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Lab for Internet & Security Technology (LIST) Northwestern University

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1 Lab for Internet & Security Technology (LIST) Northwestern University
Hamsa: Fast Signature Generation for Zero-day Polymorphic Worms with Provable Attack Resilience Lab for Internet & Security Technology (LIST) Northwestern University Whether we need to list all authors and affiliations

2 The Spread of Sapphire/Slammer Worms
In the first 30 minutes of Sapphire’s spread, we recorded nearly 75,000 unique infections. As we will detail later, most of these infections actually occurred within 10 minutes. This graphic is more for effect rather than technical detail: We couldn’t determine a detailed location for all infections, and the diameter of each circle is proportional to the lg() of the number of infections, underrepresenting larger infections. Nevertheless, it gives a good feel for where Sapphire spread. We monitored the spread using several “Network Telescopes”, address ranges where we had sampled or complete packet traces at single sources. We also used the D-shield distributed intrusion detection system to determine IPs of infected machines, but we couldn’t use this data for calculating the scanning rate.

3 Desired Requirements for Polymorphic Worm Signature Generation
Network-based signature generation Worms spread in exponential speed, to detect them in their early stage is very crucial… However At their early stage there are limited worm samples. The high speed network router may see more worm samples… But Need to keep up with the network speed ! Only can use network level information

4 Desired Requirements for Polymorphic Worm Signature Generation
Noise tolerant Most network flow classifiers suffer false positives. Even host based approaches can be injected with noise. Attack resilience Attackers always try to evade the detection systems Efficient signature matching for high-speed links No existing work satisfies these requirements !

5 Outline Motivation Hamsa Design Model-based Signature Generation
Evaluation Related Work Conclusion

6 Choice of Signatures Two classes of signatures
Content based Token: a substring with reasonable coverage to the suspicious traffic Signatures: conjunction of tokens Behavior based Our choice: content based Fast signature matching. ASIC based approach can archive 6 ~ 8Gb/s Generic, independent of any protocol or server

7 Unique Invariants of Worms
Protocol Frame The code path to the vulnerability part, usually infrequently used Code-Red II: ‘.ida?’ or ‘.idq?’ Control Data: leading to control flow hijacking Hard coded value to overwrite a jump target or a function call Worm Executable Payload CLET polymorphic engine: ‘0\x8b’, ‘\xff\xff\xff’ and ‘t\x07\xeb’ Possible to have worms with no such invariants, but very hard

8 Hamsa Architecture

9 Components from existing work
Worm flow classifiers Scan based detector [Autograph] Byte spectrum based approach [PAYL] Honeynet/Honeyfarm sensors [Honeycomb]

10 Hamsa Design Key idea: model the uniqueness of worm invariants
Greedy algorithm for finding token conjunction signatures Highly accurate while much faster Both analytically and experimentally Compared with the latest work, polygraph Suffix array based token extraction Provable attack resilience guarantee Noise tolerant

11 Outline Motivation Hamsa Design Model-based Signature Generation
Evaluation Related Work Conclusion

12 Hamsa Signature Generator
Core part: Model-based Greedy Signature Generation Iterative approach for multiple worms

13 Problem Formulation With noise NP-Hard! Signature Generator
Maximize the coverage in the suspicious pool Suspicious pool Signature Generator Normal pool Signature False positive in the normal pool is bounded by r false positive bound r Without noise, can be solve linearly using token extraction With noise NP-Hard!

14 Model Uniqueness of Invariants
U(1)=upper bound of FP(t1) U(2)=upper bound of FP(t1,t2) FP 21% 9% 17% 5% Joint FP with t1 2% 0.5% 1% The total number of tokens bounded by k*

15 Signature Generation Algorithm
token extraction t1 u(1)=15% tokens Suspicious pool (82%, 50%) (COV, FP) (70%, 11%) (67%, 30%) (62%, 15%) (50%, 25%) (41%, 55%) (36%, 41%) (12%, 9%) Order by coverage

16 Signature Generation Algorithm
(82%, 50%) (COV, FP) (70%, 11%) (67%, 30%) (62%, 15%) (50%, 25%) (41%, 55%) (36%, 41%) (12%, 9%) (69%, 9.8%) (COV, FP) (68%, 8.5%) (67%, 1%) (40%, 2.5%) (35%, 12%) (31%, 9%) (10%, 0.5%) Order by joint coverage with t1

17 Algorithm Runtime Analysis
Preprocessing need: O(m + n + T*l + T*(|M|+|N|)) Running time: O(T*(|M|+|N|)) In most case |M| < |N| so, it can reduce to O(T*|N|) T : the # of tokens l: the maximum length of tokens |M|: the # of flows in the suspicious pool |N|: the # of flows in the normal pool m: the # of bytes in the suspicious pool n: the # of bytes in the normal pool

18 Provable Attack Resilience Guarantee
Proved the worse case bound on false negative given the false positive Analytically bound the worst attackers can do! Example: K*=5, u(1)=0.2, u(2)=0.08, u(3)=0.04, u(4)=0.02, u(5)=0.01 and r=0.01 The better the flow classifier, the lower are the false negatives Noise ratio FP upper bound FN upper bound 5% 1% 1.84% 10% 3.89% 20% 8.75%

19 Attack Resilience Assumptions
Common assumptions for any sig generation sys The attacker cannot control which worm samples are encountered by Hamsa The attacker cannot control which worm samples encountered will be classified as worm samples by the flow classifier Unique assumptions for token-based schemes The attacker cannot change the frequency of tokens in normal traffic The attacker cannot control which normal samples encountered are classified as worm samples by the worm flow classifier

20 Attack Resilience Assumptions
Attacks to the flow classifier Our approach does not depend on perfect flow classifiers But with 99% noise, no approach can work! High noise injection makes the worm propagate less efficiently. Enhance flow classifiers Cluster suspicious flows by return messages Information theory based approaches (DePaul Univ)

21 Generalizing Signature Generation with noise
BEST Signature = Balanced Signature Balance the sensitivity with the specificity Create notation scoring function: score(cov, fp, …) to evaluate the goodness of signature Current used Intuition: it is better to reduce the coverage 1/a if the false positive becomes 10 times smaller. Add some weight to the length of signature (LEN) to break ties between the signatures with same coverage and false positive

22 Hamsa Signature Generator
Next: Token extraction and token identification

23 Token Exaction Problem formulation: Main techniques:
Input: a set of strings, and minimum length l and minimum coverage COVmin Output: A set of tokens (substrings) meet the minimum length and coverage requirements Coverage: the portion of strings having the token Corresponding sample vectors for each token Main techniques: Suffix array LCP (Longest Common Prefix) array, and LCP intervals Token Exaction Algorithm (TEA) Coverage means the p

24 Suffix Array Illustration by an example
String1: abrac, String2: adabra Cat together: abracadabra$ All suffix: a$, ra$, bra$, abra$, dabra$… Sort all the suffix: 4n space Sorting can be done in 4n space and O(nlog(n)) time a 10 abra 7 abracadabra acadabra 3 adabra 5 bra 8 bracadabra 1 cadabra 4 dabra 6 ra 9 racadabra 2

25 LCP Array and LCP Intervals
Suffixes sufarr lcparr idx str a 10 - (0) 2 abra 7 1 abracadabra 4 acadabra 3 adabra 5 bra 8 bracadabra 6 cadabra dabra ra 9 racadabra 0-[0,10] 1-[0,4] 3-[5,6] 2-[9,10] 4-[1..2] LCP intervals => tokens

26 Token Exaction Algorithm (TEA)
Find eligible LCP intervals first Then find the tokens

27 Token Exaction Algorithm (TEA)

28 Token Exaction Algorithm (TEA)

29 Token Identification For normal traffic, pre-compute and store suffix array offline For a given token, binary search in suffix array gives the corresponding LCP intervals O(log(n)) time complexity More sophisticated O(1) algorithm is possible, may require more space

30 Implementation Details
Token Extraction: extract a set of tokens with minimum length l and minimum coverage COVmin. Polygraph use suffix tree based approach: 20n space and time consuming. Our approach: Enhanced suffix array 8n space and much faster! (at least 20 times) Calculate false positive when check U-bounds (Token Identification) Again suffix array based approach, but for a 300MB normal pool, 1.2GB suffix array still large! Optimization: using MMAP, memory usage: 150 ~ 250MB n is the total length of the suspicous pool

31 Hamsa Signature Generator
Next: signature refinement

32 Signature Refinement Why refinement? How?
Produce a signature with same sensitivity but better specificity How? After we use the core algorithm to get the greedy signature, we believe the samples matched by the greedy signature are all worm samples Reduce to a signature generation without noise problem. Do another round token extraction

33 Extend to Detect Multiple Worms
Iteratively use single worm detector to detect multiple worms At the first iteration, the algorithm find the signature for the most popular worms in the suspicious pool. All other worms and normal traffic treat as noise

34 Practical Issues on Data Normalization
Typical cases need data normalization IP packet fragmentation TCP flow reassembly (defend fragroute) RPC fragmentation URL Obfuscation HTML Obfuscation Telnet/FTP Evasion by \backspace or \delete keys Normalization translates data into the canonical form

35 Practical Issues on Data Normalization (II)
Hamsa with data normalization works better Without or with weak data normalization, Hamsa still work But because the data many have different forms of encoding, may produce multiple signature for a single worm Need sufficient samples for each form of encoding

36 Outline Motivation Hamsa Design Model-based Signature Generation
Evaluation Related Work Conclusion

37 Experiment Methodology
Experiential setup: Suspicious pool: Three pseudo polymorphic worms based on real exploits (Code-Red II, Apache-Knacker and ATPhttpd), Two polymorphic engines from Internet (CLET and TAPiON). Normal pool: 2 hour departmental http trace (326MB) Signature evaluation: False negative: 5000 generated worm samples per worm False positive: 4-day departmental http trace (12.6 GB) 3.7GB web crawling including .mp3, .rm, .ppt, .pdf, .swf etc. /usr/bin of Linux Fedora Core 4

38 Results on Signature Quality
Worms Training FN Training FP Evaluation FN Evaluation FP Binary evaluation FP Signature Code-Red II {'.ida?': 1, '%u780': 1, ' HTTP/1.0\r\n': 1, 'GET /': 1, '%u': 2} CLET 0.109% % 0.268% {'0\x8b': 1, '\xff\xff\xff': 1,'t\x07\xeb': 1} Single worm with noise Suspicious pool size: 100 and 200 samples Noise ratio: 0%, 10%, 30%, 50%, 70% Noise samples randomly picked from the normal pool Always get above signatures and accuracy.

39 Results on Signature Quality (II)
Suspicious pool with high noise ratio: For noise ratio 50% and 70%, sometimes we can produce two signatures, one is the true worm signature, anther solely from noise, due to the locality of the noise. The false positive of these noise signatures have to be very small: Mean: 0.09% Maximum: 0.7% Multiple worms with noises give similar results

40 Experiment: U-bound evaluation
To be conservative we chose k*=15. u(k*)= u(15)= 9.16*10-6. u(1) and ur evaluation We tested:u(1) = [0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08, 0.10, 0.20, 0.30, 0.40, 0.5] and ur = [0.20, 0.40, 0.60, 0.8]. The minimum (u(1), ur) works for all our worms was (0.08,0.20) In practice, we use conservative value (0.15,0.5)

41 Speed Results Implementation with C++/Python
500 samples with 20% noise, 100MB normal traffic pool, 15 seconds on an XEON 2.8Ghz, 112MB memory consumption Speed comparison with Polygraph Asymptotic runtime: O(T) vs. O(|M|2), when |M| increase, T won’t increase as fast as |M|! Experimental: 64 to 361 times faster (polygraph vs. ours, both in python) Data already in memory

42 Experiment: Sample requirement
Coincidental-pattern attack [Polygraph] Results For the three pseudo worms, 10 samples can get good results CLET and TAPiON at least need 50 samples Conclusion For better signatures, to be conservative, at least need 100+ samples Require scalable and fast signature generation!

43 Token-fit Attack Can Fail Polygraph
Polygraph: hierarchical clustering to find signatures w/ smallest false positives With the token distribution of the noise in the suspicious pool, the attacker can make the worm samples more like noise traffic Different worm samples encode different noise tokens Our approach can still work!

44 Token-fit attack could make Polygraph fail
Noise samples N1 N2 N3 Worm samples W1 W2 W3 Merge Candidate 1 Merge Candidate 2 Merge Candidate 3 CANNOT merge further! NO true signature found!

45 Experiment: Token-fit attack
Suspicious of 50 samples with 50% noise Elaborate different worm samples like different noise samples. Results Polygraph 100% false negative Hamsa still can get the correct signature as before!

46 Outline Motivation Hamsa Design Model-based Signature Generation
Evaluation Related Work Conclusion

47 Related works Hamsa Polygraph CFG PADS Nemean COVERS Malware Detection
Network or host based Network Host Content or behavior based Content based Behavior based Behavior based Noise tolerance Yes Yes (slow) No Multi worms in one protocol On-line sig matching Fast Slow Generality General purpose Protocol specific Server specific Provable atk resilience Information exploited egp p e eg Newmean, usneix security symposium 2005 (Wisconsin): analyze protocol, treat as automata for clustering. PADS, Infocom 04 or 05: double honeypot flow classifier, byte distribution probability (combining offset information), do the spectrum analysis for critical region CFG, RAID 2005 (from UCSB): control flow graph, slow matching

48 Conclusion Network based signature generation and matching are important and challenging Hamsa: automated signature generation Fast Noise tolerant Provable attack resilience Capable of detecting multiple worms in a single application protocol Proposed a model to describe the worm invariants

49 Questions ?

50 Results on Signature Quality (II)
Suspicious pool with high noise ratio: For noise ratio 50% and 70%, sometimes we can produce two signatures, one is the true worm signature, anther solely from noise. The false positive of these noise signatures have to be very small: Mean: 0.09% Maximum: 0.7% Multiple worms with noises give similar results

51 Normal Traffic Poisoning Attack
We found our approach is not sensitive to the normal traffic pool used History: last 6 months time window The attacker has to poison the normal traffic 6 month ahead! 6 month the vulnerability may have been patched! Poisoning the popular protocol is very difficult.

52 Red Herring Attack Hard to implement
Dynamic updating problem. Again our approach is fast Partial Signature matching, in extended version.

53 Coincidental Attack As mentioned in the Polygraph paper, increase the sample requirement Again, our approach are scalable and fast

54 Model Uniqueness of Invariants
Let worm has a set of invariants: Determine their order by: t1: the token with minimum false positive in normal traffic. u(1) is the upper bound of the false positive of t1 t2: the token with minimum joint false positive with t1 FP({t1,t2}) bounded by u(2) ti: the token with minimum joint false positive with {t1, t2, ti-1}. FP({t1,t2,…,ti}) bounded by u(i) The total number of tokens bounded by k*

55 Problem Formulation Without noise, exist polynomial time algo
Noisy Token Multiset Signature Generation Problem : INPUT: Suspicious pool M and normal traffic pool N; value r<1. OUTPUT: A multi-set of tokens signature S={(t1, n1), (tk, nk)} such that the signature can maximize the coverage in the suspicious pool and the false positive in normal pool should less than r Without noise, exist polynomial time algo With noise, NP-Hard Whether need to add a slide for point 4

56 Generalizing Signature Generation with noise
BEST Signature = Balanced Signature Balance the sensitivity with the specificity But how? Create notation Scoring function: score(cov, fp, …) to evaluate the goodness of signature Current used Intuition: it is better to reduce the coverage 1/a if the false positive becomes 10 times smaller. Add some weight to the length of signature (LEN) to break ties between the signatures with same coverage and false positive

57 Generalizing Signature Generation with noise
Algorithm: similar Running time: same as previous simple form Attack Resilience Guarantee: similar

58 Extension to multiple worm
Iteratively use single worm detector to detect multiple worm At the first iteration, the algorithm find the signature for the most popular worms in the suspicious pool. All other worms and normal traffic treat as noise. Though the analysis for the single worm can apply to multiple worms, but the bound are not very promising. Reason: high noise ratio

59 Token Extraction Extract a set of tokens with minimum length lmin and coverage COVmin. And for each token output the frequency vector. Polygraph use suffix tree based approach: 20n space and time consuming. Our approach: Enhanced suffix array 4n space Much faster, at least 50(UPDATE) times! Can apply to Polygraph also. n is the total length of the suspicous pool

60 Calculate the false positive
We need to have the false positive to check the U-bounds Again suffix array based approach, but for a 300MB normal pool, 1.2GB suffix array still large! Improvements Caching MMAP suffix array. True memory usage: 150 ~ 250MB. 2 level normal pool Hardware based fast string matching Compress normal pool and string matching algorithms directly over compressed strings Expensive operation

61 Future works Enhance the flow classifiers
Cluster suspicious flows by return messages Malicious flow verification by replaying to Address Space Randomization enabled servers.

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