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Learning to unlock potential Titus Alexander Head of Campaigning Novas Scarman.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning to unlock potential Titus Alexander Head of Campaigning Novas Scarman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning to unlock potential Titus Alexander Head of Campaigning Novas Scarman


3 Lawrence Hoo Bristol

4 1.Learning in context 2.Four levels of learning 3.Transforming learning

5 Learning in context

6 Wealth & well-being: are we richer?

7 Income inequality: ratio of top 20% to bottom 20% Amount of emotional distress (%)

8 Wealth & well-being Does more money make you happy?




12 If every country had UK consumption levels we would need 3.1 planets

13 Ecological excess = multiple crises

14 What crises face humanity? climate change loss of biodiversity fresh water fish stocks food security population growth aids and disease resource distribution poverty inequality unemployment, migration, refugees racism & xenophobia arms proliferation conflict crime terrorism

15 What are our most powerful tools for problem solving?

16 Learning to unlock potential What skills & knowledge are needed in 2028?

17 Learning to unlock potential How do you promote self-confidence, self- esteem & motivation for learning?

18 Learning to unlock potential How do you transform an institution into a learning community ?

19 Learning to unlock potential How do you remove barriers ?

20 4 pillars of effective action Soft skills Hard skills Opportunity to perform Support Internal External




24 Levels of Learning 1. abilities, skills & knowledge 2. Personal transformation: confidence 3. Institutional change: support 4. System change: politics

25 Systems matter more than skill

26 How can learners influence systems to support their learning?

27 Policy focused network

28 Thank you

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