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ONE-WAY REPEATED MEASURES ANOVA What is the Purpose? What are the Assumptions? How Does it Work? What is the Non-Parametric Replacement?

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Presentation on theme: "ONE-WAY REPEATED MEASURES ANOVA What is the Purpose? What are the Assumptions? How Does it Work? What is the Non-Parametric Replacement?"— Presentation transcript:

1 ONE-WAY REPEATED MEASURES ANOVA What is the Purpose? What are the Assumptions? How Does it Work? What is the Non-Parametric Replacement?

2 What is the Purpose? Determine whether there is a difference among two or more condition means. Use for a within-subjects or matched- groups design. Normally used with three or more conditions. Ho is equal condition means.

3 What are the Assumptions? Interval or ratio scale data Normal distribution on DV Homogeneity of variance Sphericity: variance of difference scores is equal for any two conditions

4 How Does it Work? Like any ANOVA, variance is divided into parts and then compared. Within-conditions variance is separated into between-subjects variance and error (or residual) variance. Individual differences are systematic and removed from the denominator of F.

5 What is the Non-Parametric Replacement? Friedman ANOVA The Friedman ANOVA requires ordinal data and is similar to the Wilcoxon Matched-Pairs T Test.

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