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Resourcing Strategy 10 years Operational Plan Delivery Program 4 years Community Strategic Plan 10 years + Annual Report LEP.

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Presentation on theme: "Resourcing Strategy 10 years Operational Plan Delivery Program 4 years Community Strategic Plan 10 years + Annual Report LEP."— Presentation transcript:

1 Resourcing Strategy 10 years Operational Plan Delivery Program 4 years Community Strategic Plan 10 years + Annual Report LEP

2 How Did We Develop the Community Strategic Plan? IRIS Research Community Survey Community Strategic Planning forums developed Community Vision and Objectives/Strategies Youth Engagement Forum Cultural Mapping Project Consultation with State Agencies

3 Structure of the Community Strategic Plan Community Vision Statement Council’s Commitment to Shellharbour How the Plan was prepared – Community Engagement Profile of Shellharbour 4 key areas of Community, Environment, Economy and Leadership

4 Four Year Delivery Program & One Year Operating Plan Replaces the old “Management Plan” Specific Actions to address Objectives and Strategies contained in the CSP 4 year/1 year Financials, Revenue Policy, Rates Policy, Fees & Charges

5 Resourcing Strategy 3 Components:-Long Term Financial Plan -Asset Management Plan -Workforce Management Plan Long Term Financial Plan takes into account: -All operating revenue and expenses -Planned capital expenditure Issues:-Deficits projected in 9 out of the next 10 years -Absence of comprehensive financial strategy, covering:  Expenditure policy  Income policy  Debt policy  Funding of capital works  Asset Management funding -Over dependence on operational income for capital expenditure

6 Asset Management Plan for Roads, Building and Drainage Assets: -Details Value, Condition, Expenditure Trends, Current Lifecycle Expenditure and Lifecycle Funding Gap Issues:-$2.9M funding gap on a lifecycle costing basis annually -Absence of funding strategy for asset management and renewal Workforce Management Plan that analyses existing workforce, forecast future needs and details strategies to attract, develop skills and retain staff: Issues:-An ageing workforce -Retention of employees -Use of technology -Increase in required qualifications -A workforce with the skills to deliver the objectives of the Community Strategic Plan

7 2011/12 Budget Recent budgets have included temporary reactionary measures taken to balance budget, eg program cuts, service level reductions Previous budget cuts of $533K reinstated: –Heavy patching, kerb & gutter & footpath maintenance - $100k –Parkland mowing - $70k –Beach maintenance - $20k –Street cleaning - $15k –Rural roads maintenance - $30k –Casual staff at Waste Depot - $30k –Parks and gardens casual staff - $20k –Streetlighting materials - $65k –Salary savings through deferral of existing vacancies - $178k –Environmental projects support - $10k –Playground equipment installation - $25k

8 New policy direction taken in formulating 2011/12 Budget Operational revenues only applied to operational expenditure Surplus reserves may be used to meet ‘one-off’ expenditures Capital works to be funded from: –Accumulated reserves –External funding, eg grants, section 94 –Loans

9 Change of focus for the Operational Budget– move from creation of new assets to more funds being directed to maintaining existing assets Address infrastructure funding gap Utilisation of Financial Assistance grant monies (roads component) to fund operating expenditures (eg, asset maintenance), rather than capital works program

10 Objective to align total recurrent operating expenditures with recurrent income – need to look at reducing day-to-day costs Employment costs account for approximately 42% of total operational expenditure Review of existing employment policies to reduce costs in this area Introduction of 3% vacancy margin

11 Main assumptions made in compiling 2011/12 Budget: 2.8% increase in rates income (maximum as determined by IPART) 3.0% increase in salary estimates to cover Award increases and movement through salary system Expected substantial increases in utility costs (electricity and water) Large increases for insurances (general and workers comp) Expected Waste Levy liabilities of $4.4million Estimates included to cover Local Government election costs and Councillor expenses

12 $3.4 million of new items of funding requests received $197k of new items categorised as ‘essential’ recommended for funding Capital Works budget of $9.8 million including asset acquisition and asset replacement programs Total budget expenditure of $85 million (including expected carry over works of $5.3 million) Resulting in overall surplus of $159k or 0.2% of total operational expenditure

13 Public Exhibition commences Saturday 14 May 2011 until 4.30 pm Monday 13 June 2011 Enquiries to: Integrated Planning Team – (02) 4221 6089 Written submission may be made to: Mr Michael Willis General Manager Shellharbour City Council Locked Bag 155 Shellharbour City Centre NSW 2529 Council meeting on 28 June 2011 to consider public submissions and to adopt (with any amendments) the Integrated Planning and Reporting documents (including the 2011-12 budget)

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