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ELM Elaboration Likelihood Model By: Paul Duncan Comm 165.

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2 ELM Elaboration Likelihood Model By: Paul Duncan Comm 165

3 Elaboration Likelihood Model  People make decisions using one of two mental routes.  Central and Peripheral

4 Central Route  More “active” route  Must have “motivation” and “ability” to think through topic  Examples: Weighing Pros and Cons of a romantic relationship

5 Peripheral Route  Less active  Mental Short-cut for decision making  Adopted when one is unable or unwilling to think through decision  Examples: Shopping for orange juice, or walking to class.

6  Central or Peripheral Route?

7 What do you think?  Central Route.  Hopefully, the decision maker is making a careful, well-informed decision. Voting is a very important decision.

8 To Sum Up  Making important decisions should require the use of the central route.  Peripheral route is a short of decision making short cut. Used for less important decisions.

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