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Potpourri Vishnu V. Zutshi Northern Illinois University.

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Presentation on theme: "Potpourri Vishnu V. Zutshi Northern Illinois University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Potpourri Vishnu V. Zutshi Northern Illinois University

2 Outline Energy Flow Algorithms muons photons Digital Preliminaries

3 5GeV  (90 o ) Energy weighted width in Ecal (cms)

4 5GeV  (70 o ) Energy weighted width in Ecal (cms)

5 10GeV  (90 o ) Energy weighted width in Ecal (cms)

6 10GeV  (70 o ) Energy weighted width in Ecal (cms)

7 5GeV  (90 o ) Energy weighted width in Hcal (cms)

8 5GeV  (70 o ) Energy weighted width in Hcal (cms)

9 10GeV  (90 o ) Energy weighted width in Hcal (cms)

10 10GeV  (70 o ) Energy weighted width in Hcal (cms)

11 10GeV  in ECal Theta index of highest energy cell B=0

12 10GeV  in HCal Theta index of highest energy cell B=0

13 5GeV  in ECal Theta index of highest energy cell B=0

14 5GeV  in HCal Theta index of highest energy cell B=0

15 2GeV  in ECal Theta index of highest energy cell B=0

16 2GeV  in HCal Theta index of highest energy cell B=0

17  Clustering Assume that every track is a muon candidate and extrapolate it into the calorimeter Search for ‘hit’ cell in a layer a momentum dependent window Do 1x1 window clustering Decide if consistent with muon

18 5GeV  (10 o )

19 5GeV  (50 o )

20 5GeV  (90 o )

21 Energy Asymmetry E L  lowest energy cluster attached to extrapolation E H  highest energy cluster attached to extrapolation (E H – E L )/(E H + E L ) Calculated separately for Ecal and HCal

22 Easymmetry for 

23 Easymmetry for 

24 Easymmetry for e

25 ZZ events

26 ZZ event




30 WW events

31 WW event


33  clustering ‘Layer’-by-’Layer’ transverse clustering Search for local maxima followed by nearest neighbor accretion Does cluster satisfy gamma hypothesis? Implement a tracking filter to connect clusters from different layers No cell sharing at the moment

34 5GeV electron

35 20GeV pi0

36 

37 10GeV 

38 10GeV 

39 10GeV 

40 10GeV 

41 2 GeV  (sqrtE weighting)

42 2GeV

43 2GeV  (E weighting)

44 2GeV  (E 2 weighting)

45 2GeV 

46 10GeV 

47 50GeV e -

48 20GeV e -

49  600x1200 (  x 

50 

51 

52 

53 

54  150x300 (  x 

55 

56  10MeV threshold 600x1200 (  x 

57  10MeV threshold

58  150x300 (  x 

59  20MeV threshold 600x1200 (  x 

60  20MeV threshold

61   & K 0 s

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