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Revitalizing US Manufacturing to Capitalize on Innovation

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1 Revitalizing US Manufacturing to Capitalize on Innovation
Manufacturing today and in the future: Perspectives: Industry, government, academia Business, policy and economics, and educational programs required. Summit themes: Changing the perception about manufacturing in the US The needs for education for young professionals interested in careers in manufacturing.

2 Revitalizing US Manufacturing to Capitalize on Innovation
Proposed Summit Outcome: Outline and draft for a whitepaper and proposal for funding in education for professional degrees in manufacturing. A call-to-action : describe industry needs, and the opportunity for industry and university partnerships. National institutionalization of “MEng In Manufacturing”-like programs?

3 Public Perception of Manufacturing
The Manufacturing Institute and Deloitte: U.S. public greatly supports the manufacturing industry and would choose to have a manufacturing plant open in their region over other types of employers. However, the public is unwilling to encourage their children pursue careers in manufacturing and believes the government has not enacted policies supportive of the manufacturing sector.

4 Need for education for young professionals interested in careers in manufacturing
“We can’t find manufacturing managers in the US” - Chris Jorgensen, Global Lean/SPS - Siemens Wind Power Skills Gap in US Manufacturing

5 Master of Engineering in Manufacturing Program
Brian W. Anthony, PhD Director

6 Admissions Admissions B.S. In Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical …
MIT Admission Demonstrated interest in and commitment to the art and science of manufacturing. Every admitted student receives a personal interview.

7 M. Eng. in Manufacturing “The Master of Engineering in Manufacturing is a twelve-month professional degree in Mechanical Engineering that is intended to prepare the student to assume a role of technical leadership in the manufacturing industries. The degree is aimed at practitioners who will use this knowledge to become leaders in existing as well as emerging manufacturing companies”

8 Goals Create Technical Leaders for Global Emerging Industries
Create Engineers with a “Systems” view Give a Strong Base for working in any Industry Emphasize Math and Science Based Methods for Analysis, Design and Operation of Manufacturing Enterprises Create an Understanding of the Global Manufacturing Strategies

9 MengM Curriculum Elements
Manufacturing Physics Processes, Machines, Assembly, Process Control Manufacturing Systems Factory Design and Control Supply Chain Design and Control Design and Manufacturing Design for Manufacturing Product Development Process Management and Global Manufacturing Management for Engineers Seminar in Global Manufacturing Group Projects in Industry Group Project Individual Work Team Work Mfg. Physics Mfg. Systems Prod. Design Business

10 Cohort Course Schedule
Fall IAP Spring Summer Mfg. Processes and Systems Launch Group Project 2.830J Manufacturing Process Control Full Time at Group Project Site 2.854 Intro. to Manufacturing. Systems MIT: IAP Activities ESD.269J Supply Chain Planning & Design Complete Thesis 2.875 Mechanical Assemblies: Their Design and Manufacture Design Elective (2.739J for Dual Degree Students) 2.961 Management for Engineers 2.888 Pro-Seminar Global Mfg. and Entrepreneurship Select Group Project Group Project – Part site

11 Group Projects Based in a Company Teams of 3-4 Students
Solve Problem of Value to Company and Pedagogically Aligned with the Degree Typical Projects: New Process Development, Quality Improvement Projects, Factory System Improvement, Supply Chain Analysis and Design

12 Group Projects Typical Industries…

13 Group Project Schedule
Fall Project Identification by Companies Presentations to Students Selection of Teams and Projects January Begin Project with ~ 2-3 week attachment February - May Part time at company May - August Full Time Attachment

14 Example Projects Implementation of RFID for Parts Tracking in a Equipment Manufacturing Factory Robust Product – Process Design for a Diagnostic Microfluidic Device Process Improvement in a High Volume Packaging Material Manufacturing Plant Process Improvement for Manufacturing ofHigh Lift Oil Well Pumps Process Improvement for Manufacture of Deep Well Instrumentation Systems Development of a Logistics Resource Allocation System Supply Chain Planning of Global Electronics Manufacturer for Short Life Cycle Products Analysis, Scheduling and Planning in Wafer Fabrication Systems Analysis, Appraisal and Improvement on Airbag Sensor Assembly Line Improvement Study on Internal Supply Chain in Offshore Industry Optimization of Cleaning Process for Castings

15 Investigate architectural design-related issues for a wash cycle
2011 Industry Project: Wash Cycle Improvement in High Performance Circuit Board Project Objectives Identify root causes of flux residue presence underneath circuit components Investigate architectural design-related issues for a wash cycle Investigate alternative washing methods/ Optimize current process Implement alternative solutions including qualification and process control Team: Pranav Jain, Ishan Mukherjee, Nikith Rajendran Advisor: Jung-Hoon Chun Expected Benefits Residue-free circuit boards with no quality defects Quality work on PCB cleaning theory and methods

16 2011 Industry Project: Quality Improvements for a Diagnostic Fluidic Device
Team: Linda Donoghue, Jackie Holmes, Kasra Namvari Advisor: Brian Anthony Project Objectives Identify opportunities for quality control improvement, focusing on the single-use cartridge Further understanding of physical processes and ability to predict expected behavior Expected Benefits Enhanced test performance Improving manufacturability for clinical trial production and future full scale manufacturing

17 2011 Industry Project: Improved Back-End Processing for Polymer Solar Cells
Team: Gregorio Colaci, Jason Chow, Ming Gong, Susheel Gogineni Advisor: David E. Hardt Project Objectives Modeling the manufacturing system for material resource planning and yield tracking Develop WIP documentation, inventory tracking system and time study Provide a feedback system for each manufacturing process Identity the bottleneck process and improve yield and reliability/ Expected Benefits Increased profitability through improved system yield and throughput Increased customer service level through accurate production scheduling Konarka Power Plastic®

18 The uniform ribbon beam vertically scanning a wafer
2011 Industry Project: Reduce the cycle time in Ion Implanter Manufacturing Team: Gregorio Colaci, Jason Chow, Ming Gong, Susheel Gogineni Advisor: David E. Hardt Project Objectives Respond to increasing demand without monumental capital investments Reduce build cycle time using (Value Stream Mapping) Identify waste through observations and line balancing analysis Implement changes and verify effectiveness of measures Expected Benefits Eliminate non-value added activities making the process lean and efficient Reduced WIP inventory and have greater inventory turnover Have a decision support system based on analytics The uniform ribbon beam vertically scanning a wafer

19 History First MIT Class Graduated in 2006
Class Size Varies from each year All Students Find Relevant Employment Move Quickly and Easily into Manufacturing Operations and Engineering Roles

20 Alumni Feedback “This degree not only gave me the “hard skills” like, Statistic Quality Control, Accounting and supply chain knowledge, and design for customer needs, it also taught “soft skills” such as how to be fast leaner, how to adapt to new environment, working in teams, and insight into entrepreneurship.” Diao Zongjie Product Engineer Avago Technologies (Formerly Agilent) The MEng helped me gain a whole new perspective towards manufacturing and industry. I must say, I have been able to apply whatever I learnt at MIT in a period of 9 months-from manufacturing and quality principles to supply chain… Ambika Goel Design and Development Engineer Accellent Manufacturing The experience has equipped me with understanding of a new generation
of business, grounded in engineering science knowledge, and has also
taught me valuable life skills in communication and teamwork. Kek Sei Wee, founder Achilles Consulting

21 Need for education for young professionals interested in careers in manufacturing
“We can’t find manufacturing managers in the US” - Chris Jorgensen, Global Lean/SPS - Siemens Wind Power Skills Gap in US Manufacturing

22 The skills gap in U.S. manufacturing

23 The skills gap in U.S. manufacturing

24 The skills gap in U.S. manufacturing

25 The skills gap in U.S. manufacturing
Describe the availability of qualified workers for the following workforce segments at your company today, and indicate if you anticipate the shortage to increase, decrease, or not change over the next 3-5 years

26 The skills gap in U.S. manufacturing
Describe the availability of qualified workers for the following workforce segments at your company today, and indicate if you anticipate the shortage to increase, decrease, or not change over the next 3-5 years

27 Need for talent


29 MEngM Industry Connections
MEngM Program Industry Recruitment, Networking Industry Seminars Industry Based Group Projects Seminars MEngM – Professional Degree Industry Based Projects Recruiting Initiatives and Fellowship Programs Fellowships Young Engineer Employment / Education Package Career Fairs Executive Courses Research

30 MEngM Industry Connections
- build and maintain points of collaboration - help companies recruit our students and alumni - facilitate connections to faculty and researchers - small and elite group of companies - keep industry engaged with and informed about education and research activities

31 Industry in the MEngM academic process
Necessary to correctly interpret the fundamentals in practice. Allows manufacturers to understand what educators can and cannot do. Educators care about industry needs, keep up with changes while offering a solid fundamental education. Education process must be maintained, as well as effort directed toward new topics, technologies, and approaches. Like industry, there is a process of continuous improvement.

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