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Telescopes in the world Lison Malo Student CRAQ workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "Telescopes in the world Lison Malo Student CRAQ workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 Telescopes in the world Lison Malo Student CRAQ workshop

2 Telescopes CFHT** (Infrared + optical) DAO** IRTF** (Infrared) Gemini** (optical + infrared) NOAO (North+South, Keck, Subaru) ESO** SAAO (SALT+others) San Petro Martir X-ray (Chandra) Radio? JCMT **: remote or queue observing

3 Small automatic telescopes OGLE (optical gravitational lensing experiment) UBVRI ASAS (All sky automated survey) V and I bands Skynet (Prompt) REM (Rapid Eye Mount) Las Cumbres observatories

4 Phase I: Writting a proposal When: before the end of September or end of March Where: Interface web or latex template (check web sites) How: - Science justification + reference - Technical justification - List of Targets (check archive PIT_GEMINI) - Telescope justification

5 Phase 2: Setup the observations Target selection (depends on schedule) Exposure time + overheads = Signal to noise ratio Program description Contact your instrument scientist Finder charts

6 Gemini Phase II:

7 ESO Phase II:

8 Phase 3: Data and Reduction Retrieve your data Reduction package from the observatory Ask students, post-doc (list available)


10 Archive CADC VizieR+ESO Gemini UKIDSS ING archive GATOR SDSS NED (galactic)

11 Gemini archive

12 Aladin

13 Questions? Radio & X-rays Others observatories X-rays: XMM -> proposal deadline: October Chandra -> proposal deadline: Mars

14 liens html html

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