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Slow Kingsborough Community College. What is Slow Foods? What is Slow Foods? Slow Foods is a non profit organization aimed at counteracting fast.

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Presentation on theme: "Slow Kingsborough Community College. What is Slow Foods? What is Slow Foods? Slow Foods is a non profit organization aimed at counteracting fast."— Presentation transcript:

1 Slow Foods @ Kingsborough Community College

2 What is Slow Foods? What is Slow Foods? Slow Foods is a non profit organization aimed at counteracting fast food and fast living by bringing back the enjoyment of savoring farm fresh and wholesome foods. In addition, supporting sustainability, fair trade and reducing the carbon foot print.

3 Who We Are *We are students who want make the changes to the current fast food ideologies. *We believe in supporting local markets in order to enjoy fresh whole foods that make us healthy. *We want to give back to our community by promoting awareness of wholesome foods and healthy living to every one at KBCC.

4 Why Slow Foods @ KBCC ? By promoting locally farm fresh foods, we can: *Promote a healthier, slower lifestyle to busy students. *Give students a say in what they’re eating by allowing them to grow it themselves in a campus garden *Allow students to rediscover the joys of eating and educate on why it’s important to know where the food we eat comes from * Reduce our carbon foot print *Keep the local economy strong

5 What can KBCC expect from a Slow Food convivium? A vegetable garden where students are welcomed to partake in gardening and growing their own food Field trips to orchards and local gardens Guest speakers Taste workshops

6 How can we make the change ? *Start a garden on campus. *Join the foods for school program. *Recycle food waste from the cafeteria kitchens by composting. *Introduce more locally grown food options to the campus.

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