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AUGUST 2010 SUNDAYMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAY 1 2 FBCF Livestock com. mtg. 7:30 pm 34 5 Freshman Orientation 8am-2am. 67 8 Major show.

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Presentation on theme: "AUGUST 2010 SUNDAYMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAY 1 2 FBCF Livestock com. mtg. 7:30 pm 34 5 Freshman Orientation 8am-2am. 67 8 Major show."— Presentation transcript:


2 AUGUST 2010 SUNDAYMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAY 1 2 FBCF Livestock com. mtg. 7:30 pm 34 5 Freshman Orientation 8am-2am. 67 8 Major show Goat buying trip 9 softball & cookout 10 Officer meeting 9am 11 45 days out (what does your animal weigh?) 12 Animal Clinic 8:00am Barn 13 District in service 14 15 16 District in service 17 Campus Staff Development 18 workday 19 Campus Staff Development 20 Campus Staff Development 21 22 23 1 st day of school -Officer meeting 2:40 pm 2425262728 2930 31 Principles welcome back lunch

3 SEPTEMBER 2010 SUNDAYMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAY 1 2 Barn show classic 5 pm. 34 SFA v. A&M 56 holiday 7 Officer meeting 2:40pm 8 Kick off meeting / begin fundraiser 6:00pm 9 District meeting at Hinzes 5:00pm 10 11 LTU v. A&M Colorado county livestock judging (Columbus) on your own. -Work Day: Set up FBCF 7:00am 12 13 FBCF Livestock Com. Mtg -FB Byers group Time: 7:00pm Place: Kempner HS Commons 1415 16 AHS Greenhand camp after school. 17 start clipping steers. 18 Washington County livestock judging contest (on your own) -Clip hogs -FIU v. A&M 19 clip hogs 20 Club Night 6:30-7:30 21 Begin move in FBCF 22 Set up FBCF Clip goats 23 Check in Steers & Goats FBCF Clip goats ( morning) 24 Goat Show 25 Steer show & Hog check in (morning) 26 Check out non placing goats -Hog Show 27 Check in Sheep -Clip sheep (morning) 28 Sheep show29 30 Auction -OSU V. A&M

4 OCTOBER 2010 SUNDAYMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAY 1 Barn contracts available mjr. Shows -Homecoming game 2 FBCF Livestock judging contest & Freezer sale -Homecoming dance 3 FBCF Move out 4 FFA Officer Mtg. 2:40 pm 5678 9 Arkansas v. A&M 10 11 1213 FFA meeting/ *AHS FFA Dues due & Fundraiser DEADLINE!!! 14 Community Service Adopt a park 3-5 15 *Mjr. Show barn contracts due 16 MSU v. A&M -Austin County livestock judging (on your own) -SALE Hog Sale viewing 8:30 am starts 10:00am 17 SALE Hog Sale viewing 8:30 am starts 10:00am 18 FBCF Livestock Com. Mtg 7:30pm 19202122 23 Ku v. A&M 24 2526272829 30 Tech. v. A&M 31

5 NOVEMBER 2010 SUNDAYMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAY 1 Officer meeting & Mjr. Show entry meeting 4-6pm *FFA dues Deadline to area. 2345 6 OU v. A&M 7 89 FFA Mtg.10 11 LDE’s Paperwork in by 8:00am contest start 9:00am (WCJC) 12 13 Bu v. A&M 14 Hlrs Hog Sale viewing 8:30 am starts 10:00am 15Entry deadline FW. 16 17 Mjr. Show hog validation @ KHS 18 Mjr. Show hog validation @ FBCF 19 20 Nu v. A&M Area LDE (Blinn) 21 22 officer set up appreciation dinner after school 23 Teacher appreciation dinner 24 Thanksgiving holiday 25 Thanksgiving holiday -tu v. A&M 26 Thanksgiving holiday 27 28 29 FFA Officer Mtg. 2:40 pm. 30

6 DECEMBER 2010 SUNDAYMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAY 1 *Deadline mjr. Show entry *Jr. FFA Dues Deadline 2 Mandatory tour meeting (Willis only) 3 SMS-Career day -State LDE’s (Huntsville) 4 -State LDE’s (Huntsville) 5 6 FBCF Livestock Com. Mtg 7:30pm 7 AHS FFA Christmas party 8 CDE mandatory practice-after school 910 Winter retreat11 121314 Finals15 Finals16 Finals17 Finals18 1920 Winter Break21 Winter Break22 Winter Break23 Winter Break24 Winter Break25 2627 Winter Break28 Winter Break29 Winter Break30 Winter Break31 Winter Break

7 January 2011 SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 1 New years Day 233 campus staff development 44 FFA Officer Mtg First Day second semester 55 poultry CDE practice 66 Livestock CDE practice 77 -Midwinter/Elite Conference (Blinn) 8 9101111 FFA/Booster club mtg 6pm -Start V-day flower sale. 1212 poultry CDE practice 1313 Livestock CDE practice 1415 1617 Martin Luther King Jr. Day Holiday 181919 poultry CDE practice 2020 Community Service Adopt a park 3-5 Livestock CDE practice 2122 2324252626 mandatory tour meeting (Willis only) 2727 FW2828 FW2929 FW 3030 FW31

8 February 2011 SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 11 Officer mtg. 2:40pm / order val. Flowers 2 Groundhog Day 2 Groundhog Day Poultry CDE practice 33 Livestock CDE practice 4 5 677 Delivery of flowers for V-day. 88 FFA/Booster Club mtg/officer applications available -Schedule ropes training. 99 Livestock & Poultry CDE practice 1010 SALE Goat check in 1111 SALE Goat Show 12 Lincoln's Birthday SALE Goat show Dark hogs Check in 1313 SALE Dark hogs show 14 St. Valentine's Day 14 St. Valentine's Day -SALE Dark hog show -Lamb check in -Steer check in 1515 SALE Light hog check in -Lamb show -Steer show 1616 SALE Light hog show -Lamb show -Steer show 1717 SALE Light hog show -Steer show 1818 SALE Market Barrow Auction -Steer show 1919 SALE Goat Auction 20 FFA Week 21 President's Day 21 President's Day Holiday FFA Week 22 Washington's Birthday -FFA day @ the capital FFA Week 2323Poultry CDE practice FFA Week 2424Livestock CDE practice FFA Week 25 FFA Week 26 FFA Week 2727Mandatory tours meeting (Willis only) 28

9 March 2011 SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 11 Barn Contracts Available FBCF *Spring FFA Dues Deadlines *TAKS ELA 2 Poultry CDE practice 3 Livestock CDE practice 44 Matagorda livestock judging contest 5 677 HLSR Steer move in & Possible tour guide 88 HLSR - AG. Awareness Day Possible tour guide -Steer weigh & Classify -lamb & Goat check in 9 9 HLSR -Steer show -Lamb & Goat show 1010 HLSR -Steer show -Lamb & Goat show 1111 HLSR -Steer Show & Possible Tour guide 1212 HLSR -light hog check in 13 Daylight Saving Time Begins 13 Daylight Saving Time Begins HLSR -light hog show 1414 HLSR Spring Break -light hog Show 1515 HLSR Spring Break -Livestock judging contest -dark hog check in 1616 HLSR Spring Break -dark hog show 17 St. Patrick's Day 17 St. Patrick's Day HLSR Spring Break -dark hog show 1818 HLSR Spring Break 19 202121 Officer meeting 2:40 pm Barn Contracts due FBCF 222323 Poultry CDE Practice 2424 Livestock CDE Practice -Tarleton CDE 2525 Texas State CDE2626 TAMU clinics -Tag-in FBCF steers 272828 District 3 Officer interviews & testing (Needville) 4:30pm 2929 District elections and talent El Campo 12:00pm 30. Poultry CDE Practice 31. Livestock CDE Practice

10 April 2011 SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday **Enter budget requisitions deadline 2:00pm 1 April Fool's Day 1 April Fool's Day 2011-2012 Officer applications, recommendation letters due, and test. 2 3 44 Officer mtg 567899 Area CDE TAMU 101111 Officer interviews 3:00pm 1212 FFA club mtg/ vote on proficiency awards & officers. 1313 Area 3 scholarship check -Montgomery county livestock judging 1414 Community Service Adopt a park 3-5 1516 171818 Banquet practice19202121 Degree check & Speaking contest at Van Vleck @ 12:00pm 22 Good Friday 22 Good Friday Tentative FBCF Sheep and Goats 23 24 Easter 2525 Banquet practice 2626 TAKS2727 TAKS2828 TAKS2930

11 May 2011 SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 122 Banquet Practice33 THS Banquet45677 State CDE A&M 8 Mother's Day99 Banquet practice Safari 1010 AHS Banquet111212 Area 3 officer interviews & Speaking contest @ Blinn 1313 Area Convention & Degree Check @ Blinn 14 151616 New officer meeting 1718192020 New officers ropes course 21 22232425262727 Finals FBCF Hogs trip 2828 FBCF Hogs trip 2929 FBCF Hogs trip 30 Memorial Day 30 Memorial Day Holiday FBCF Hogs trip 3131 Finals

12 June SUNDAYMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAY 1 Finals2 Finals3 Teacher Workday4 Graduation 5 6 Officer meeting 9:00am AHS 7 - hog clinic THS 9:00am 8 - Lamb & goat clinic THS 9:00am 9 -Show Clinic 8:00am barn -hogs, Cattle, lamb, & goat State Degree Check 10 State Degree Check 11 12 13 Tentative AHS Officer camp 14 15 Area 3 Leadership Camp 16 -Show Clinic 8:00am barn -hogs, Cattle, lamb, & goat Area 3 Leadership Camp 1718 1920 Non-duty days21 Non-duty days22 Non-duty days23 Non-duty days2425 2627 Non-duty days28 Non-duty days29 Non-duty days30 Non-duty days

13 July SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 12 344 holiday567899 FBCF LAMB, Goat, Hog Tag-in 101111 FFA Convention1212 FFA Convention1313 FFA Convention1414 FFA Convention1515 FFA Convention Tentative A&T extravaganza 1616 Tentative A&T extravaganza 17181920212222 Tentative A&T extravaganza 23 24 31 252627282930

14 Below are helpful links If you have any further questions about times, dates, or information please feel free search below. HLSR- SALE- FW- FBCF - Texas FFA- Judging card- Area 3- AHS Web page- FFA live-

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