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Specific Immunity.

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Presentation on theme: "Specific Immunity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Specific Immunity

2 What is specific immunity?
Third line of defense Pathogen specific Involves antigens and antibodies

3 What are B- and T-cells? Both start in marrow T cells B cells
Matures in _____ Kill infected/cancerous cells Helper, cytotoxic B cells Matures in ______ Become plasma cells Produce antibodies

4 What are antibodies and antigens?
Gamma () globulins Also immunoglobins (Ig) Antigens Haptens Epitopes animation

5 The Two Types of Specific Immunity

6 What is antibody-mediated immunity?
AKA humoral immunity Involves B cells Manufacture of antibodies Adhere to antigens Marks pathogens for destruction

7 What types of antibodies are there?

8 How does antibody-mediated immunity work?
Clonal selection

9 Activation of B Cells T-independent antigen T-dependent antigen
Figure 17.6

10 How does antibody-mediated immunity work?
Clonal selection Helper T cell must confirm (with exception—see later in lecture) Plasma cell formation Also memory cell formation Antibody manufacture

11 How do antibodies work to protect me?
Bind with antigen Possible outcomes Opsonization Agglutination Complement activation Neutralization

12 How does cell-mediated immunity work?
Types of T cells involved Helper T (CD4) Cytotoxic T (CD8) Memory T Delayed hypersensitivity T Allergic reactions, organ rejection Suppressor T Antigen Presenting Cells (APC) MHC-I MHC-II

13 Antigen-Presenting Cells
Digest antigen Ag fragments on APC surface with MHC B cells Dendritic Cells Activated macrophages: Macrophages stimulated by ingesting Ag or by cytokines Figure 17.12

14 How does cell-mediated immunity work?
Three Types of T cells involved Cytotoxic lymphocyte Activated macrophages Natural killer cell

15 How does cell-mediated immunity work?
All players

16 How does I become immune to a pathogen?
Acquired immunity Natural Active Passive Artificial passive

17 Do antibodies stay around forever?
Nearly so! Primary vs. secondary immune response

18 What are monoclonal antibodies?
Use cancerous plasma cells Myeloma Hybridoma: cancerous + normal B cells together animation

19 How are vaccines made? Killed whole cell Inactivated virus
Live/attenuated cell/virus Antigenic molecule from cell/virus Genetically engineered antigens

20 Figure 17.18

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