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THE ORIGINS OF AGRICULTURE Hunter-Gatherers to Agrarians.

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Presentation on theme: "THE ORIGINS OF AGRICULTURE Hunter-Gatherers to Agrarians."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE ORIGINS OF AGRICULTURE Hunter-Gatherers to Agrarians

2 Agriculture from Mexico???  Maize (corn)  Beans

3 Weeds or Healthy Treats?  Sumpweed  Goosefoot  Sunflower  Little Barley  Erect knotweed  Maygrass

4 Was it better to be a nomad?  Taller  Healthier  No Disease  Greater Age

5 HOW???

6 Did Agriculture Spread?

7 Or Develop Separately in Separate Places?

8 “Undisputed” origins of Agriculture

9 DOMESTICATION  Ancient peoples unintentionally provided the origin of modern plants  Natural Selection (the strong shall not survive)  Weak plants had difficulty surviving  Desires for taste and size


11 Weeds or New Healthy Treats?  Rye  Oats  Turnips  Beets  Leeks  Lettuce

12 “Famine Foods”  Or “second-line”resources  Food not usually consumed on “normal” or prosperous periods

13 “Low-level Food Production” A mixture of hunting and gathering and small-scale agriculture

14 NECESSITIES  Agriculture means that people must remain in the same place to tend crops  This means higher birth rates with less recovery times  Larger population necessitates greater amounts of food


16 MAIZE  Arrived from Mexico about 200 AD  Not part of the daily diet until 650 – 850 AD  Used for religious and ceremonial purposes  Mississippian culture

17 ALABAMA?!  The oldest kernel of corn from the Eastern Woodlands was found near Lake Shelby in Southern Alabama

18 OLD, or GOLD???  Some maize kernels found have been dated to over 4,000 years ago.  In 1999, Archaeologists from UCBerkeley and the University of NM found a corn kernel in Arizona that dates to 3,690 years old  New radio-carbon dating methods


20 SOURCES Gremillion, Kristen J, “Seed Processing and the Origins of Food production in North America”, American Antiquity, v. 69, n. 2, 2004, pp. 215-233 ys/hg_ag/quiet_revolution.html ys/hg_ag/quiet_revolution.html 17-1999.html 17-1999.html

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