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Agroforestry in Pennsylvania and Opportunities & Challenges from Native Medicinal Forest Plant Husbandry Eric Burkhart Mike Jacobson Penn State.

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Presentation on theme: "Agroforestry in Pennsylvania and Opportunities & Challenges from Native Medicinal Forest Plant Husbandry Eric Burkhart Mike Jacobson Penn State."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agroforestry in Pennsylvania and Opportunities & Challenges from Native Medicinal Forest Plant Husbandry Eric Burkhart Mike Jacobson Penn State

2 Forest farming Agroforestry




6 High Grading Deer! Invasives

7 Context Shift from efficient production to sustainable production –Economic decline in rural communities –Soil erosion –Pollution –Water quality –Monocultures Top five in nation for land use change due to development

8 Interest in Agroforestry (PA) Mean (1-5) PASAWOATotalMaleFemale Windbreak** Alley Cropping* Silvopasture* 2.4 Riparian Buffers* NTFP3. CTM* Patio Gardens** 1 Response categories were from 1) Not Interested to 5) Very Interested *Significantly different between PASA and WOA at.05 level ** Significantly different between PASA,WOA, male and female at.05 level

9 Livestock- Related Practices Specialty Crop Production Non-Adopters Timber- Related Practices

10 Cluster 3: Progressive Land Manager Interest in Agroforestry NTFP, Patio Gardens CTM Windbreaks, Riparian Buffers Benefits Environmental Conservation Obstacles Access to Information Biophysical Compatibility

11 Cluster 4: Recreational Land Manager Interest in Agroforestry No Interest in Agroforestry Crop Tree Management NTFP / Patio Gardens Benefits Wildlife Habitat Economic Obstacles Feasibility Compatibility

12 Outreach *Significantly different at.05 level On-farm demos* Workshops Seminars Magazine articles Tours Newsletters Grower Groups Extension Agents* Univ. Specialists* Internet Neighbors Family members Radio Programs

13 Extension Three Scenarios for Adoption Potential –Timber-Related Practices –Livestock-Related Practices –Specialty Crop, Small-Scale Intensive Practices Each one reaches a different audience and requires different collaborators Demonstration sites

14 Non-timber Forest Products (NTFP) Also referred to as: –Nontraditional, secondary, minor, non-wood, specialty –USDA Forest service term = special forest products Can be classified into four major product categories: –Culinary –Wood-based –Floral and decorative –Medicinal and dietary supplements

15 Non-timber Forest Products (NTFP) One of the most basic and critical distinctions is whether harvesting is destructive or non-destructive –Destructive = roots, rhizomes, bark, wood –Non-destructive = berries, nuts, leaf material, fungal fruiting bodies

16 Value-added

17 Forest farming An alternative income opportunity Domestication/cultivation of forest botanicals Take pressure of ‘wild’ resources Keep land forested


19 Wild collection (w/ no seeding) Propagation (field, intensive) The husbandry continuum Wild collection (w/ seeding) Wild collection (w/ extra seeding) Propagation (forest, intensive) Propagation (forest, non- intensive)

20 Why botanicals? Health Are beautiful plants Concern over habitat loss Income? There are markets?

21 On-going forest botanical (NTFP) market study Production viability analysis is based upon a 5 year price average from wholesale buyers (1999-2004) –Also looking at price/market trends over time (30+ years) Many production assumptions that are still being fine tuned –Assume same price for woods cult & wild sim (exception = ginseng). –Time to production (3 = woods cult, 5 = wild sim) –Seed and propagation material costs –Yield estimates (roots per pound, yield per area)

22 Species Black cohosh Bloodroot Goldenseal Mayapple Ginseng Burdock

23 American ginseng ( Panax quinquefolius )

24  Uses: Ginseng ( Panax quinquefolius)  Marketable products:  root (6 + years);  seed  Season: fall  Price paid: $220-$1,500/kg (root)  Demand: very strong  Uses: tonic, stress, mental efficiency, physical performance, fatigue, anti- cancer










34 Goldenseal ( Hydrastis canadensis )


36  Season: fall  Price paid: $35-120/kg (root); no data for leaf  Demand: steady and significant  Uses: tonic, mild laxative, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, bitter, uterine stimulant, stops internal bleeding, astringent  Marketable products:  root (3 yr. old)  leaf  despite its notoriety, little clinical research



39 Marketable products: –root (3+ yr. old) Season: fall Price paid: $6-20/kg (root); $4.50-10.00 per plant as an ornamental Demand: significant Uses: medicinal (promotes menstrual flow & regularity, anti-rheumatic) and ornamental  RemiFemin (GlaxoSmithKline) Black cohosh (Actaea racemosa)



42 Bloodroot ( Sanguinaria canadensis )

43  Marketable products: − root (4-7 yr. old)  Season: Fall  Average root weight: 95 plants/lb.  ( Price paid: $16-35/kg (root); $4.50-10.00 per plant as an ornamental  Demand: steady  Uses: medicinal (cancer, topical, expectorant, antiseptic, antibacterial) and as an ornamental Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis)


45 Mayapple ( Podophyllum peltatum )

46 Uses toxic anticancer properties laxative Warts Price – about $1/kg


48 Common Burdock Arctium lappa Uses: Skin conditions Laxative Food Price – about $3/kg

49 Prices 5 year average from various sources –American Botanicals –Strategic Sourcing, Inc. –Hawk Mountain Trading Co. –Ohio River and Fur, Inc. Same prices woods and wild grown, except ginseng. Costs – labor, seed costs, equipment

50 Woods- Cultivated yield on 0.04 ha (kg) Woods- Cultivated Avg. price/kg ($) Wild-simulated yield on 0.04 ha (kg) Wild- simulated Avg. price/kg ($) Black cohosh18585 Bloodroot20181018 Goldenseal11 393 Mayapple5 121 Burdock 273123 Ginseng 33220 8770






56 True price vs. market price That’s why there is little cultivation of these botanicals Wild-crafting has costs as well – finding the plants Costs How to overcome? –Pursue different markets (direct, value-added, nursery instead of medicinal) –Future and current certification (organic?) –Emphasize quality not quantity –Stay abreast of market trends Buyer’s needs - Insurance

57 Summary Ginseng stands alone Potential for other NTFPs Role for policy makers

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