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1 Information At Your Fingertips Web Services Jim Gray & Tom Barclay Microsoft Research Alex Szalay Johns Hopkins University
2 Communications Excitement!! Point-to-PointBroadcast Immediate Time Shifted conversation money lecture concert mail book newspaper NetWork + DB DataBase Its ALL going electronic Immediate is being stored for analysis (so ALL database) Analysis & Automatic Processing are being added Slide borrowed from Craig Mundie
3 Information Excitement! All information will be online (somewhere) text, speech, sound, vision, graphics, spatial, time… You might record everything –read: 10MB/day, 400 GB/lifetime (5 disks today) –hear: 400MB/day, 16 TB/lifetime (2 disks/year today) –see: 1MB/s, 40GB/day, 1.6 PB/lifetime (150 disks/year maybe someday) Information at Your Fingertips –Make it easy to capture & present –Make it easy to store & organize & access –Make it easy to analyze & summarize
4 How much information is there? Soon everything can be recorded and indexed Most bytes will never be seen by humans. Data summarization, trend detection, anomaly detection are key technologies See Mike Lesk: How much information is there: See Lyman & Varian: How much information Yotta Zetta Exa Peta Tera Giga Mega Kilo A Book.Movi e All LoC books (words) All Books MultiMedia Everything ! Recorded A Photo 24 Yecto, 21 zepto, 18 atto, 15 femto, 12 pico, 9 nano, 6 micro, 3 milli
5 How do we get information today. Human searches web (with an index) Human browses pages
6 How do we get information tomorrow? Agents gather and digest it for us. Q: How? A Microsoft : Dot Net –Discovery: UDDI, WSDL –Explore: SOAP My Agents Digital Dashboard Web Services SOAP WSDL
7 How do you publish information? Get the data. Conceptualize the data schema Provide methods that return data subsets. –Challenge: how much processing on your server? Publish the schema and methods. We are exploring these issues. f, g, x, y…
8 TerraServer Example What is TerraServer? –3TB Internet Map DB available since June 1998 –USGS photo and topo maps of the US –Integrated with Home Advisor –Shows off SQL Server availability & scalability –Designed for basic computer systems and low speed communications What is TerraService? –A.NET web service –Makes TerraServer data available to other apps
9 TerraServer Background Large database on the Web (3 TB) Operational since June 1998 Public access to USGS topo maps (DRG) and aerial images (DOQ) Designed for basic computer systems and low speed communications Operated by Microsoft Corporation Hardware provided by Compaq Computer Data provided by US Geological Survey
10 Application Goals Available – Always, 24x7x52 99.99% of the time Programmable --.NET applications can integrate TerraServer data into their apps BIG — 1 TB of data including catalog, temporary space, etc. PUBLIC — available on the world wide web INTERESTING — to a wide audience ACCESSIBLE — using standard browsers (IE, Netscape) REAL — a LOB application (users can buy imagery) FREE — cannot require NDA or money to a user to access FAST — usable on low-speed (56kbps) and high speeds(T-1+) EASY — we do not want a large group to develop, deploy, or maintain the application 3 TB
11 Demo Show photo topo gazetteer demographics
12 HardwareSQL\Inst1 SQL\Inst2 SQL\Inst3 Spare F G L KPQ E E JJ O O I H M N R S 2200 2200 2200 2200 2200 2200 2200 2200 2200 One SQL database per rack Each rack contains 4.5 tb 261 total drives / 13.7 TB total Meta Data Meta Data Stored on 101 GB “Fast, Small Disks” (18 x 18.2 GB) Imagery Data Imagery Data Stored on 4 339 GB “Slow, Big Disks” (15 x 73.8 GB) To Add 90 72.8 GB Disks in Feb 2001 to create 18 TB SAN 8 Compaq DL360 “Photon” Web Servers Fiber SAN Switches 4 Compaq ProLiant 8500 Db Servers
13 TerraServer Experience Successful Web Site –Met all 8 goals – interesting, big, real, public, fast, easy, accessible, and free –High Availability – Windows Data Center & Compaq SAN Technology –Top 1000 Web Site – continues to be popular New Feature Requests –Programmable access to meta-data –User selectable image sizes, i.e. “a map server” –Permission to use TerraServer data within server applications
14 What is a Web Service?SOAP Web Service consumers can send and receive messages using XML SOAP Contract Language Web Services are defined in terms of the formats and ordering of messages SOAP Discovery You can ask a site for a description of the Web Services it offers All these capabilities are built using open Internet protocols XML & HTTP Open Internet Protocols Web Service A programmable application component accessible via standard Web protocols UDDI Universal Description, Design, and Integration Provide a Directory of Services on the Internet
15.NET TerraService Architecture Existing DB Server SQL 2000 1.0 TB Db 705 m Rows ADO.NET TerraServer Web Service OLEDB Map Server Http Handler Map UI Web Forms StandardBrowsers SmartClients Windows Forms.NETFramework SOAP/XML HTML Image/jpeg
16 TerraServer Web Services Query Gazetteer Retrieve imagery meta-data Retrieve imagery Simple Projection conversions Geo-coded places, e.g. Schools, Golf Courses, Hospitals, etc. Place Polygons e.g. Zip Codes, Cities, etc. Terra-Tile-Service Landmark-Service allows “overlay” information for Terra-Tile-Service applications Clients can present TerraServer imagery in new ways.
17 Web Service Methods Place Search –GetPlaceFacts –GetPlaceList –GetPlaceListInRect –CountPlacesInRect Projection –ConvertLonLatPtToUtmPt –ConvertUtmPtToLonLatPt –ConvertLonLatTo NearestPlace –GetTheme –GetLatLonMetrics Tile –GetAreaFromPt –GetAreaFromRect –GetAreaFromTileId –GetTileMetaFromLonLatPt –GetTileMetaFromTileId –GetTile (Image) Landmark –GetLandmarkTypes –CountOfLandmarkPointsByRect –GetLandmarkPointsByRect –CountOfLandmarkShapesByRect –GetLandmarkShapesByRect
18 Soil Viewer Uses TerraService
19 Custom End Product Web Soil Data ViewerXML Soil ReportSoil Interpretation Map
20 What Tom Showed You Converted a Web Server –HTML get post –Server returns pictures to people to a Web Service –SOAP service –returns XML self-describing data –Application integrates data (Agriculture and Geo data)
21 Rosetta Stone Distributed computing + basic services Yellow Pages ? RPC – remote procedure call, CORBA, DCOM, RMI IDL – interface definition language XDR - eXternal Data Representation Dot Net UDDI – Universal description, discovery, and integration Schema, XLANG SOAP – simple object access protocol WSDL – web services definition language XML- eXtended Markup Language
22 Sky Server –Like TerraServer pictures of the sky. –But also LOTS of data on each object So a data mining web service Luminosity (multi-spectra), morphology, spectrum So, it is a data mining application Cross-correlation is challenging because –Multi-resolution –Data is dirty/fuzzy (error bars, cosmic rays, airplanes…) –Time varying + 50 K Spectro Objects ~ 100 attributes + 30 lines 15M Photo Objects ~ 400 attributes
23 Astronomy Data In the “old days” astronomers took photos. Starting in the 1960’s they began to digitize. New instruments are digital (100s of GB/nite) Detectors are following Moore’s law. Data avalanche: double every year Total area of 3m+ telescopes in the world in m 2, total number of CCD pixels in megapixel, as a function of time. Growth over 25 years is a factor of 30 in glass, 3000 in pixels. Courtesy of Alex Szalay
24 Astronomy Data Astronomers have a few Petabytes now. –1 pixel (byte) / sq arc second ~ 4TB –Multi-spectral, temporal, … → 1PB They mine it looking for new (kinds of) objects or more of interesting ones(quasars), density variations in 400-D space correlations in 400D space Data doubles every year. Data is public after a year. So, 50% of the data is public. Some have private access to 5% more data. So: 50% vs 55% access for everyone
25 Astronomy Data But….. How do I get at that 50% of the data? Astronomers have culture of publishing. –FITS files and many tools. –Encouraged by NASA. Publishing data “details” is difficult. Astronomers want to do it but it is VERY hard. (What programs where used? what were the processing steps? How were errors treated?…)
26 Virtual Observatory Premise: Most data is (or could be online) So, the Internet is the world’s best telescope: –It has data on every part of the sky –In every measured spectral band: optical, x-ray, radio.. –As deep as the best instruments (1 year ago). –It is up when you are up. The “seeing” is always great (no working at night, no clouds no moons no..). –It’s a smart telescope: links objects and data to literature on them.
27 Virtual Observatory The Age of Mega-Surveys Large number of new surveys –multi-TB in size, 100 million objects or more –individual archives planned, or under way –Data publication an integral part of the survey –Software bill a major cost in the survey Multi-wavelength view of the sky –more than 13 wavelength coverage in 5 years Impressive early discoveries –finding exotic objects by unusual colors L,T dwarfs, high-z quasars –finding objects by time variability gravitational micro-lensing MACHO 2MASS DENIS SDSS PRIME DPOSS GSC-II COBE MAP NVSS FIRST GALEX ROSAT OGLE... MACHO 2MASS DENIS SDSS PRIME DPOSS GSC-II COBE MAP NVSS FIRST GALEX ROSAT OGLE... Slide courtesy of Alex Szalay, modified by jim
28 Virtual Observatory Federating the Archives The next generation mega-surveys are different –top-down design –large sky coverage –sound statistical plans –well controlled/documented data processing Each survey has a publication plan Data mining will lead to stunning new discoveries Federating these archives Virtual Observatory Slide courtesy of Alex Szalay
29 The Multiwavelength Crab Nebula Nova first sighted 1054 A.D. by Chinese Astronomers Now: Crab Nebula X-ray, optical, infrared, and radio Slide courtesy of Robert Brunner @ CalTech. Crab star 1053 AD
30 Exploring Parameter Space Given an arbitrary parameter space: Data Clusters Points between Data Clusters Isolated Data Clusters Isolated Data Groups Holes in Data Clusters Isolated Points Nichol et al. 2001 Slide courtesy of Robert Brunner @ CalTech.
31 Virtual Observatory and Education In the beginning science was empirical. Then theoretical branches evolved. Now, we have a computational branches. –The computational branch has been simulation –It is becoming data analysis/visualization The Virtual Observatory can be used to –Teach astronomy: make it interactive, demonstrate ideas and phenomena –Teach computational science skills and the process of scientific discovery
32 Sloan Digital Sky Survey A group of astronomers has been building a telescope (with 90M$ from Sloan Foundation, NSF, and a dozen universities). for the last 12 years! Now data is arriving: –250GB/nite (20 nights per year). –100 M stars, 100 M galaxies, 1 M spectra. Public data at –5% of the survey, 600 sq degrees, 15 M objects 60GB. –This data includes most of the known high z quasars. –It has a lot of science left in it but… that is just the start.
33 Demo of Sky Server Alex built SkyServer (based on TerraServer design). Demo: famous places navigator data shopping cart spectrum SQL? ?
34 Virtual Observatory Challenges Size : multi-Petabyte 40,000 square degrees is 2 Trillion pixels –One band (at 1 sq arcsec) 4 Terabytes –Multi-wavelength 10-100 Terabytes –Time dimension >> 10 Petabytes –Need auto parallelism tools Unsolved Meta-Data problem –Hard to publish data & programs –Hard to find/understand data & programs Current tools inadequate –new analysis & visualization tools Transition to the new astronomy –Sociological issues
35 3-steps to Virtual Observatory Get SDSS and Palomar online –Alex Szalay, Jan Vandenberg, Ani Thakar…. –Roy Williams, Robert Brunner, Julian Bunn Do queries and crossID matches with CalTech and SDSS to expose –Schema, Units,… –Dataset problems –the typical use scenarios. Implement WebServices at CalTech and SDSS
36 The Challenges How to federate the Archives to make a VO? The hope: XML is the answer. The reality: XML is syntax and tools: FITS on XML will be good but….. Explaining the data will still be very difficult. Define Astronomy Objects and Methods. –Based on UDDI, WSDL, SOAP. –Each archive is a service shows the idea. –Working with Caltech (Brunner, Williams, Djorgovski, Bunn) –But, how does data mining work?
37 SkyServer as a WebService WSDL+SOAP just add details Archive ss = new VOService(SkyServer); Attributes A[] = ss.GetObjects(ra,dec,radius) … ?? What are the objects (attributes…)? ?? What are the methods (GetObjects()...)? ?? What query language? SQL, Xquery…?
38 Summary All information at your fingertips. How do we publish information so that our agents can digest it? Example: TerraServer -> TerraService The Virtual Observatory Concept –The Internet is worlds best telescope For astronomy For teaching astronomy and For teaching computational science
40 TerraServer: 1 st Generation Web Application OS Services Browsers HTML “projects” UI to many client types Servers Data, Hosts UI Logic Biz Logic
41 2 nd Generation Web Application “Stateful” “Stateless” & “Geo-Scalable” OS Services App Logic Tier Rich Client UI Logic Servers Data, Hosts Richer Browsers DHTML for better interactivity.
42 3 rd Generation Web AppStandardBrowsers SmarterClients Smarter Devices Open Internet Communications Protocols (HTTP, SMTP, XML, SOAP) Applications Leverage Globally-Available Federated Web Services Applications Become Programmable Web Services OS Services Application Tier Logic App Logic & Web Service OS Services Public Web Services Building Block Services InternalServices XML XML XML Servers Data, Hosts XML Other Services Services XML XML XML HTML
43 Production Application TerraServer Web Services
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