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FedEx Group members JamesJanno MichaelNicky Sophia LinTina.

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Presentation on theme: "FedEx Group members JamesJanno MichaelNicky Sophia LinTina."— Presentation transcript:

1 FedEx Group members JamesJanno MichaelNicky Sophia LinTina

2 Federal Express James


4 Slogan: 「使命必達」

5 Advertisement Sophia Lin


7 Reflected Image

8 A series of commercial films about China 1. Traffic 2. Dialect 3. Mr. Zhang

9 Commercial Film (Traffic)

10 Commercial Film (Dialect)

11 Commercial Film (Mr. Zhang)

12 VIBE (Visual Interaction Brand Experience) → FedEx ﹝ Verb ﹞ Sohrab Vossoughi: The most valuable asset of a company is its “ Brand. ”.

13 SWOT Analysis Nicky, Janno, Tina, Michael

14 Strengths Globalize Reliable and On time The added service content

15 Weakness There are fewer service locations in Taiwan. (Eslitebook stores and Kodak and Sir Speedy Printing) Fedex takes high price strategy. Big problem only has 37 services locations

16 Opportunities FedEx builds around it’s multinational customer based with ASIA operations FedEx has their own freight transport plane team. (So they have more efficiency to guarantee to their service.) FedEx provides overnight express service and check goods on the Internet FedEx has Guangzhou New Baiyun Airport to be the biggest transport center in Asia Pecific

17 Threats The raise of transportation cost. The same trade. ex. The place in Taiwan. FedEX – Kodak, eslite DHL – 7-11 UPS – FamilyMart according to the data, FedEx has a decrease market share compared with 2007.

18 End

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