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NP-Complete Problems (Fun part)
Polynomial time vs exponential time Polynomial O(nk), where n is the input size (e.g., number of nodes in a graph, the length of strings , etc) of our problem and k is a constant (e.g., k=1, 2, 3, etc). Exponential time: 2n or nn. n= 2, 10, , 2n: million million Suppose our computer can solve a problem of size k (i.e., compute 2k operations) in a hour/week/month. If the new computer is 10 times faster than ours, then the new computer can solve the problem of size k+3. The improvement is very little.
Story All algorithms we have studied so far are polynomial time algorithms. Facts: people have not yet found any polynomial time algorithms for some famous problems, (e.g., Hamilton Circuit, longest simple path, Steiner trees). Question: Do there exist polynomial time algorithms for those famous problems. Answer: No body knows.
Story Research topic: Prove that polynomial time algorithms do not exist for those famous problems, e.g., Hamilton circuit problem. You can get Turing award if you can give the proof. In order to answer the above question, people define two classes of problems, P class and NP class. To answer if PNP, a rich area, NP-completeness theory is developed.
Class P and Class NP Class P contains those problems that are solvable in polynomial time. They are problems that can be solved in O(nk) time, where n is the input size and k is a constant. Class NP consists of those problem that are verifiable in polynomial time. What we mean here is that if we were somehow given a solution, then we can verify that the solution is correct in time polynomial in the size of the input to the problem. Example: Hamilton Circuit: given (v1, v2, …, vn), we can test if (vi, v i+1) is an edge in G and (vn, v1) is an edge in G.
Class P and Class NP Based on definitions, PNP.
If we can design an polynomial time algorithm for problem A, then problem A is in P. However, if we have not been able to design a polynomial time algorithm for problem A, then there are two possibilities: polynomial time algorithm does not exists for problem A and we are too dump.
NP-Complete A problem is NP-complete if it is in NP and is as hard as any problem in NP. If an NP-complete problem can be solved polynomial time, then any problem in class NP can be solved in polynomial time. NPC problems are the hardest in class NP. The first NPC problem is Satisfiability probelm Proved by Cook in 1971 and obtains the Turing Award for this work Definition of Satisfiability problem: Input: A boolean formula f(x1, x2, …xn), where xi is a boolean variable (either 0 or 1). Question:
Boolean formula A boolean formula f(x1, x2, …xn), where xi are boolean variables (either 0 or 1), contains boolean variables and boolean operations AND, OR and NOT . Clause: variables and their negations are connected with OR operation, e.g., (x1 OR NOTx2 OR x5) Conjunctive normal form of boolean formula: contains m clauses connected with AND operation. Example: (x1 OR NOT x2) AND (x1 OR NOT x3 OR x6) AND (x2 OR x6) AND (NOT x3 OR x5). Here we have four clauses.
Satisfiability problem
Input: conjunctive normal form with n variables, x1, x2, …, xn. Problem: find an assignment of x1, x2, …, xn (setting each xi to be 0 or 1) such that the formula is true (satisfied). Example: conjunctive normal form is (x1 OR NOTx2) AND (NOT x1 OR x3). The formula is true for assignment x1=1, x2=0, x3=1.
Satisfiability problem
Theorem: Satisfiability problem is NP-complete. It is the first NP-complete problem. S. A. Cook in 1971 Won Turing prize for this work. Significance: If Satisfiability problem can be solved in polynomial time, then ALL problems in class NP can be solved in polynomial time. If you want to solve PNP, then you should work on NPC problems such as satisfiability problem. We can use the first NPC problem, Satisfiability problem, to show that other problems are also NP-complete.
How to show that a problem is NPC?
To show that problem A is NP-complete, we can First find a problem B that has been proved to be NP-complete. Show that if Problem A can be solved in polynomial time, then problem B can also be solved in polynomial time. Remarks: Since A NPC problem is the hardest in class NP, problem A is also the hardest Example: We know that Hamilton circuit problem is NP-complete. (See a research paper.) We want to show that TSP problem is NP-complete. .
Hamilton circuit and Traveling Salesman problem
Hamilton circuit : a circle uses every vertex of the graph exactly once except for the last vertex, which duplicates the first vertex. It was shown to be NP-complete. Traveling Salesman problem (TSP): Input: V={v1, v2, ..., vn} be a set of nodes (cities) in a graph and d(vi, vj) the distance between vi and vj,, find a shortest circuit that visits each city exactly once. (weighted version of Hamilton circuit) Theorem 1: TSP is NP-complete.
Proof of Theorem 1. Proof: Given any graph G=(V, E) (input of Hamilton circuit problem), we can construct an input for the TSP problem as follows: For each edge (vi, vj) in E, we assign a distance d(vi, vj) =1. The new problem becomes that is there a shortest circuit that visits each city (node) exactly once? The length of the shortest circuit is |V| since we need |V| edges to form the circuit and the length of each edge is 1. Note: The reduction (transformation) is from Hamilton circuit (known to be NPC) to the new problem TSP (that we want to prove it to be NPC).
Some basic NP-complete problems
3-Satisfiability : Each clause contains at most three variavles or their negations. Vertex Cover: Given a graph G=(V, E), find a subset V’ of V such that for each edge (u, v) in E, at least one of u and v is in V’ and the size of V’ is minimized. Hamilton Circuit: (definition was given before) History: Satisfiability3-Satisfiabilityvertex coverHamilton circuit. Those proofs are very hard. Karp proves the first few NPC problems and obtains Turing award.
Approximation Algorithms
Concepts Steiner Minimum Tree TSP Knapsack Vertex Cover
Concepts of Approximation Algorithms
Optimization Problem: An optimization problem ∏ consists of the following three parts: A set D∏ of instances; for each instance I∈D∏, a set S∏(I) of candidate solutions for I; and a function C that assigns to each solution s(I)∈S∏(I) a positive number C(s(I)), called the solution value (or the cost of the solution).
Maximization: An optimal solution is a candidate solution s(I)∈S∏(I) such that C(s(I))≥C(s'(I)) for any s'(I)∈S∏(I). Minimization: An optimal solution is a candidate solution s(I)∈S∏(I) such that C(s(I))≤C(s'(I)) for any s'(I)∈S∏(I).
Approximation Algorithm
An algorithm A is an approximation algorithm for ∏ if, given any instance I∈D∏, it finds a candidate solution s(I)∈S∏(I). How good an approximation algorithm is? We use performance ratio to measure the "goodness" of an approximation algorithm.
Performance ratio For minimization problem, the performance ratio of algorithm A is defined as a number r such that for any instance I of the problem, where OPT(I) is the value of the optimal solution for instance I and A(I) is the value of the solution returned by algorithm A on instance I.
Performance ratio For maximization problem, the performance ratio of algorithm A is defined as a number r such that for any instance I of the problem, OPT(I) A(I) is at most r, where OPT(I) is the value of the optimal solution for instance I and A(I) is the value of the solution returned by algorithm A on instance I.
Simplified Knapsack Problem
Given a finite set U of items, a size s(u)∈Z+, a capacity B≥max{s(u):u∈U}, find a subset U'⊆U such that and such that the above summation is as large as possible. (It is NP-hard.)
Ratio-2 Algorithm Sort u's based on s(u)'s in increasing order.
Select the smallest remaining u until no more u can be added. Compare the total value of selected items with the item with the largest size, and select the larger one. Theorem: The algorithm has performance ratio 2.
Proof Case 1: the total of selected items ≥ 0.5B (got it!)
In this case, the size of the largest remaining item >0.5B. (Otherwise, we can add it in.) Selecting the largest item gives ratio-2.
The 0-1 Knapsack problem:
N items, where the i-th item is worth vi dollars and weight wi pounds. vi and wi are integers. A thief can carry at most W (integer) pounds. How to take as valuable a load as possible. An item cannot be divided into pieces. The fractional knapsack problem: The same setting, but the thief can take fractions of items.
Ratio-2 Algorithm Delete the items I with wi>W.
Sort items in decreasing order based on vi/wi. Select the first k items item 1, item 2, …, item k such that w1+w2+…, wk W and w1+w2+…, wk +w k+1>W. 4. Compare vk+1 with v1+v2+…+vk and select the larger one. Theorem: The algorithm has performance ratio 2.
Proof of ratio 2 C(opt): the cost of optimum solution
C(fopt): the optimal cost of the fractional version. C(opt)C(fopt). v1+v2+…+vk +v k+1> C(fopt). So, either v1+v2+…+vk >0.5 C(fopt)c(opt) or v k+1 >0.5 C(fopt)c(opt). Since the algorithm choose the larger one from v1+v2+…+vk and v k+1 We know that the cost of the solution obtained by the algorithm is at least 0.5 C(fopt)c(opt).
Steiner Minimum Tree Steiner minimum tree in the plane
Input: a set of points R (regular points) in the plane. Output: a tree with smallest weight which contains all the nodes in R. Weight: weight on an edge connecting two points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) in the plane is defined as the Euclidean distance
Example: Dark points are regular points.
dist(a, c ) ≤ dist(a, b) + dist(b, c).
Triangle inequality Key for our approximation algorithm. For any three points in the plane, we have: dist(a, c ) ≤ dist(a, b) + dist(b, c). Examples: c 5 4 a b 3
Approximation algorithm (Steiner minimum tree in the plane)
Compute a minimum spanning tree for R as the approximation solution for the Steiner minimum tree problem. How good the algorithm is? (in terms of the quality of the solutions) Theorem: The performance ratio of the approximation algorithm is 2.
Proof We want to show that for any instance (input) I, A(I)/OPT(I) ≤r (r≥1), where A(I) is the cost of the solution obtained from our spanning tree algorithm, and OPT(I) is the cost of an optimal solution.
w(traversal)≤2w(T)=2OPT(I). .........(1)
Assume that T is the optimal solution for instance I. Consider a traversal of T. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Each edge in T is visited at most twice. Thus, the total weight of the traversal is at most twice of the weight of T, i.e., w(traversal)≤2w(T)=2OPT(I) (1)
From triangle inequality, w(ST)≤w(traversal) ≤2OPT(I). ..........(2)
Based on the traversal, we can get a spanning tree ST as follows: (Directly connect two nodes in R based on the visited order of the traversal.) 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 From triangle inequality, w(ST)≤w(traversal) ≤2OPT(I) (2)
Inequality(2) says that the cost of the spanning tree ST is less than or equal to the cost of an optimal solution. So, if we can compute ST, then we can get a solution with cost≤2OPT(I). (Great! But finding ST may also be very hard, since ST is obtained from the optimal solution T, which we do not know.) We can find a minimum spanning tree MT for R in polynomial time. By definition of MST, w(MT) ≤w(ST) ≤2OPT(I). Therefore, the performance ratio is 2.
Story The method was known long time ago. The performance ratio was conjectured to be Du and Hwang proved that the conjecture is true.
Graph Steiner minimum tree
Input: a graph G=(V,E), a weight w(e) for each e∈E, and a subset R⊂V. Output: a tree with minimum weight which contains all the nodes in R. The nodes in R are called regular points. Note that, the Steiner minimum tree could contain some nodes in V-R and the nodes in V-R are called Steiner points.
Theorem: Graph Steiner minimum tree problem is NP-complete.
Example: Let G be shown in Figure a. R={a,b,c}. The Steiner minimum tree T={(a,d),(b,d),(c,d)} which is shown in Figure b. Theorem: Graph Steiner minimum tree problem is NP-complete. b a d c 1 2 Figure a a d c 1 Figure b b
Approximation algorithm (Graph Steiner minimum tree)
For each pair of nodes u and v in R, compute the shortest path from u to v and assign the cost of the shortest path from u to v as the length of edge (u, v). (a complete graph is given) Compute a minimum spanning tree for the modified complete graph. Include the nodes in the shortest paths used.
Theorem: The performance ratio of this algorithm is 2.
Proof: We only have to prove that Triangle Inequality holds. If dist(a,c)>dist(a,b)+dist(b,c) (3) then we modify the path from a to c like a→b→c Thus, (3) is impossible.
Example II-1 1 25 15 5 2 g a e c d b f The given graph
Modified complete graph
Example II-2 e-c-g /7 g /3 e /4 a c d e /3 f/ 2 b f-c-g/5 Modified complete graph
The minimum spanning tree
Example II-3 g/3 a c d f /2 e /3 b The minimum spanning tree
The approximate Steiner tree
Example II-4 g 2 1 2 a e c d 1 1 b f 1 The approximate Steiner tree
Approximation Algorithm for TSP with triangle inequality
Assumption: the triangle inequality holds. That is, d (a, c) ≤ d (a, b) + d (b, c). This condition is met, for example, whenever the cities are points in the plane and the distance between two points is the Euclidean distance.
The above assumption is very strong, since we assume that the underline graph is a complete graph. Example II does not satisfy the assumption. If we want to use the cost of the shortest path between two vertices as the cost, we have to repeat some nodes. Theorem: TSP with triangle inequality is also NP-hard.
Ratio 2 Algorithm Algorithm A:
Compute a minimum spanning tree algorithm (Figure a) Visit all the cities by traversing twice around the tree. This visits some cities more than once. (Figure b) Shortcut the tour by going directly to the next unvisited city. (Figure c)
Example: (b) Twice around the tree (c) A tour with shortcut (a)
A spanning tree
Proof of Ratio 2 The cost of a minimum spanning tree: cost(t), is not greater than opt(TSP), the cost of an optimal TSP. (Why? n-1 edges in a spanning tree. n edges in TSP. Delete one edge in TSP, we get a spanning tree. Minimum spanning tree has the smallest cost.) The cost of the TSP produced by our algorithm is less than 2×cost(T) and thus is less than 2×opt(TSP).
Another description of Algorithm A:
Compute a minimum spanning tree algorithm. Convert the spanning tree into an Eulerian graph by doubling each edge of the tree. Find an Eulerian tour of the resulting graph. Convert the Eulerian tour into traveling salesman tour by using shortcuts. Review: An Eulerian graph is a graph in which every vertex has even degree.
Ratio 1.5 Algorithm Modify Step 2 as follows:
Let V'={a1,a2,...,a2k} be the set of vertices with odd degree. (There are even number of odd degree vertices) Find a minimum weight matching for V' in the induced graph. The cost of the minimum match is at most 0.5 times of that of TSP. (Why?)
Adding the match to the spanning tree, we get an Eulerian graph.
The cost of the Euler circuit is less than 1.5×opt(TSP). The shortcut (i.e., the TSP) produced in step 4 has a cost not greater than that of the Euler circuit produced in step 3. So, the TSP produced by our algorithm has a cost≤1.5×opt(TSP).
Non-approximatility for TSP without triangle inequality
Theorem: For any x>0, TSP problem without triangle inequality cannot be approximated within ratio x.
Solid edges are the original edges in the graph G.
Example: Solid edges are the original edges in the graph G. Dashed edges are added edges. OPT=n-1 if a Hamilton circuit exists. Otherwise, OPT>2+xn. Since ratio=x, if our solution<2+xn, Hamilton circuit exists. 1
Proof The basic idea: Show that if there is an approximation algorithm A with ratio x for TSP problem without triangle inequality, then we can use the approximation algorithm A for TSP to solve the Hamilton Circuit problem, which is NP-hard. Since NP-hard problems do not have any polynomial time algorithms, the ratio x approximation algorithm can not exist.
Given an instance of Hamilton Circuit problem G=(V,E), where there are n nodes in V, we assign weight 1 to each edge in E. (That is, the distance between any pair of vertices in G is 1 if there is an edge connecting them.) Add edges of cost 2+xn to G such that the resulting graph G'=(V,E∪E') is a complete graph.
3. Now, we use the approximation algorithm A for TSP to find a TSP.
4. Now, we want to show that if the cost of the solution obtained from A is not greater than 1+xn, then there is a Hamilton circuit in G, otherwise, there is no Hamilton Circuit in G.
If A gives a solution of cost not greater than 1+xn, then no added edge (weight 2+xn) is used.
Thus, G has a Hamilton circuit. If the cost of the solution given by A is greater than 1+xn, then at least one added edge is used. If there is a circuit in G, the cost of an optimal solution is n. The approximation algorithm A should give a solution with cost ≤ xn. There is no Hamilton circuit in G.
Vertex Cover Problem Given a graph G=(V, E), find V'⊆V such that for each edge (u, v)∈E at least one of u and v belongs to V. V' is called vertex cover. The problem is NP-hard.
Ratio-2 Approximation Algorithm
Based on maximal matching A match M is a set of edges in E such that no two edges in M incident upon the same node in V. Maximal matching: A matching E' is maximal if every remaining edge in E-E' has an endpoint in common with some member of E'.
Computation of maximal match:
Add edge to E' until no longer possible. Facts: The 2|E'| nodes in E' form a cover. The optimal vertex cover contains at least |E'| nodes. From 1 and 2, the ratio is 2.
Assignment Question 3. A graph is given as follows. 1 3 5 4 2 a b e c
Use the ratio 1. 5 algorithm to compute a TSP
Use the ratio 1.5 algorithm to compute a TSP. (When do shortcutting, if there is no edge, add an edge with cost that is equal to the cost of the corresponding path.)
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