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Presentation on theme: "個別差異—非智力因素."— Presentation transcript:

1 個別差異—非智力因素

2 如採用學生的智商當做預測其學業成就的指標,其預測效度只能達0. 5左右; 用學生智商為指標預測其未來職業成就,其預測效度只能達到0
如採用學生的智商當做預測其學業成就的指標,其預測效度只能達0.5左右; 用學生智商為指標預測其未來職業成就,其預測效度只能達到0.2 左右(Matarazzo, 1972)

3 性別差異與學校教育 刻板印象 小學階段 一般智力上(就智商而言)無差異 學業成就女優於男 但語文理解方面女優於男,數學推理與空間關係男優於女

4 中學以上 女生在語文能力方面的優勢即逐漸消失,而男生在數學能力方面的優勢卻繼續增加。

5 520 480 440 1970 1982 1987 施測年度

6 520 480 440 1970 1982 1987 施測年度

7 性向與成就性別差異的非智力因素 性別角色:被視為代表男性或女性的典型行為與性格 性別角色刻板印象:一般人對男性或女性的實際看法
性別角色規範:一般人對男性或女性行為或性格特徵的一種願望(女孩子應該如何) 性別角色期待:個人在其性別角色形成中所受的社會影響

8 性別角色社會化的理論 1.心理動力論(psychodynamic theory)
Freud:年幼兒童以其尊重或羨慕的人(主要為父母)為榜樣進行模仿的心理歷程—認同,兒童經由認同歷程形成其性別角色(3~6歲)。 3歲以前:依賴認同—認同對象為母親。 3歲以後:防衛認同—化解戀母、戀父情結,男女兒童各自分別向父母的行為模仿認同,形成性別角色(防衛自己免於受罰)。

9 2.社會學習理論(social learning theory)
Bandura:性別角色中的性別刻板印象,或是性別角色規範都是個體在生活環境中受楷模人物的影響而模仿學習來的。 3.認知發展學習論(cognitive development theory) Kohlberg:兒童們之所以認定並接受自己的性別,乃是主動認知而將自己作性別歸類的結果。

10 兒童性別角色的發展歷程: (1)性別認定階段:出生後36個月左 右,經由父母對其性別差異的對 待(服裝,玩具……)。 (2)性別固定階段:4~5歲,根據自己 的經驗及觀察別人所見,使其認識 到男女性別是不會變的。 (3)性別恆定階段:7~8歲,進一步了 解到無論怎樣改換服裝或髮型,一 個人的性別也不會再變。

11 4.性別基模論(gender schema theory)

12 性格差異 成就動機的個別差異 求成需求 need to achieve 避敗需求 need to avoid failure

13 成就動機的兩種新看法: 情境動機 situational motivation 個體只在特殊情境之下產生活動(如為了應付考試才讀書)
性格動機 personality motivation 個體所追求者不限於特定目標,凡是她所愛好者,不因情境改變而有所差異(如為喜歡讀書而讀書)

14 榮格將人分為四類: Jung用三向度來將人分類 內向型(Extroversion) – 外向型(Introversion)
感覺型(Sensing) – 直覺型(Intuition) 思維型(Thinking) – 情感型(Feeling) Briggs-Myers 加上第四向度 Judging – Perceiving

15 Extrovert: has a source and direction of energy expression mainly in the external world
Introvert: has a source of energy mainly in the internal world. Sensing: a person believes mainly information he receives directly from the external world. Intuition: a person believes mainly information he receives from the internal or imaginative world. Thinking: a person makes a decision mainly through logic. Feeling: as a rule, he makes a decision based on emotion. Judging: a person organizes all his life events and acts strictly according to his plans. Perceiving: a person is inclined to improvise and seek alternatives.

16 11 Faces


18 Field Dependency 場獨立 field independent : 場依賴 field dependent :
不受場地刺激變動的影響。 將知覺到的刺激予以重組,改變為一種訊息來加以處理。 較少接受與人有關的社會訊息的影響,喜歡獨立思考,適合學習自然學科(機械修護,化驗、實驗)。 偏理性。 場依賴 field dependent : 受場地刺激變動影響。 傾向於直接接受刺激的原貌,不予以改變即變成自己的經驗。 較易接受與人有關的社會性訊息,對社會學科有較大興趣(教師,商業,社會服務)。 偏於感性

19 Field independence Field dependence
1. Impersonal orientation i.e. reliance on internal frame of reference in processing information 1. Personal orientation i.e. reliance on external frame of reference in processing information 2. Analytic i.e. perceives a field in terms of its component parts; parts are distinguished from background 2. Holistic i.e. perceives field as a whole; parts are fused with background 3. Independent i.e. sense of separate identity 3. Dependent i.e. the self view is derived from others

20 A B C D E I enjoy analyzing grammar structures I find grammar analysis tedious and boring. I feel I must understand every word of what I read or hear. I don't mind reading or listening in the L2 without understanding every single word as long as I 'catch' the main idea. I think classroom study is the key to effective language learning. I think communication is the key to effective language learning. I prefer working alone to working with other people. I really enjoy working with other people in pairs or groups. Receiving feedback from other people really doesn't affect my learning at all. I find feedback useful as a means of understanding my problem areas.

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