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P.R. Smith, Histology - 2004. Interactive Questions POP-Quizzes Lab “Intros” (experimental) Download Lecture Curriculum Histology.

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Presentation on theme: "P.R. Smith, Histology - 2004. Interactive Questions POP-Quizzes Lab “Intros” (experimental) Download Lecture Curriculum Histology."— Presentation transcript:

1 P.R. Smith, Histology - 2004. Interactive Questions POP-Quizzes Lab “Intros” (experimental) Download Lecture Curriculum Histology CoursewareSyllabus

2 P.R. Smith, Histology - 2004. Skeletal Muscle

3 P.R. Smith, Histology - 2004. Vocabulary Sarcolemma Plasma Membrane SarcoplasmCytoplasm Sarcoplasmic ReticulumEndoplasmic Reticulum NexusGap Junction

4 P.R. Smith, Histology - 2004. Muscle Fasciculus Group of Muscle Fibers from Gray’s Anatomy

5 P.R. Smith, Histology - 2004. from Wheater

6 P.R. Smith, Histology - 2004. Kessel/Kardon

7 P.R. Smith, Histology - 2004. from Wheater

8 P.R. Smith, Histology - 2004.


10 Actin Myosin Myofibril Myofilaments from Gray’s Anatomy

11 P.R. Smith, Histology - 2004. immunoglobulin (Ig) fibronectin type III (fn III ) Titin N C

12 P.R. Smith, Histology - 2004. M Z Z



15 Skeletal Muscle Control

16 P.R. Smith, Histology - 2004. from Gray’s Anatomy

17 P.R. Smith, Histology - 2004.

18 Junctional folds Nerve Terminal S

19 P.R. Smith, Histology - 2004.


21 T-tubule Terminal Cisterna Calsequestrin Ryanodine receptor Ryanodine receptor Dihydropyridine receptor

22 P.R. Smith, Histology - 2004. T-tubule Lumen Muscle sarcoplasm VV Ca 2+ T-T TC/SR Dihydropyridine receptor Ryanodine receptor Calsequestrin calcium ATPase

23 P.R. Smith, Histology - 2004. 1 2 3 4


25 Vale, Milligan and Johnson, 2000

26 P.R. Smith, Histology - 2004. Skeletal Muscle Development

27 P.R. Smith, Histology - 2004.


29 Cardiac Muscle

30 P.R. Smith, Histology - 2004.


32 Intercalated Disk

33 P.R. Smith, Histology - 2004. from Junqueira, Fig. 10-18 Intercalated Disk A B A CB A A Fascia adherens B Macula adherens (desmosome) C Gap junction

34 P.R. Smith, Histology - 2004. MA Cx-43

35 P.R. Smith, Histology - 2004. from Gray’s Anatomy

36 P.R. Smith, Histology - 2004. from Gray’s Anatomy Purkinje Fibers

37 P.R. Smith, Histology - 2004. from WheaterCx-45

38 P.R. Smith, Histology - 2004. Smooth Muscle

39 P.R. Smith, Histology - 2004.


41 E.Robbins



44 DB CA Col GJ M E. Robbins

45 P.R. Smith, Histology - 2004.


47 Cytoplasmic Matrix

48 P.R. Smith, Histology - 2004. Actin Filament Attachment

49 P.R. Smith, Histology - 2004. Smooth Muscle Contraction S.J. Gunst, et al., 2003

50 P.R. Smith, Histology - 2004. Getting ready for Lab.

51 P.R. Smith, Histology - 2004. Skeletal Smooth


53 Homework: for 17 th Feb. Things to review … Actin-Myosin ATPase cycle Control of the Actin-Myosin interaction (both striated and smooth muscle) Intra-cellular signaling: the role of Calcium Myosin isoforms, fast and slow muscle fibers [Sci.Am., Sep. 2000, 49-55] Check out the on-line POP-Quizzes

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