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Baby Sat University of Missouri-Rolla Carl Seubert Jason Searcy Josh Jacob Michelle Rader.

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Presentation on theme: "Baby Sat University of Missouri-Rolla Carl Seubert Jason Searcy Josh Jacob Michelle Rader."— Presentation transcript:

1 Baby Sat University of Missouri-Rolla Carl Seubert Jason Searcy Josh Jacob Michelle Rader

2 Expected Results: The IMU data on both boards be equivalent Thermal trends of DS75 compared with IMU board data

3 Actual Results: Wireless Communication Units -Results -The data stored on the IMU board approximately matched the data stored on the thermal sensor board, showing successful wireless communication over the 70 minute operational time. -After which the wireless transmitter rebooted 80 times and sent no further data. -Post-Flight -Once the satellites were disassembled, each wireless communication unit was tested, and both were found to be functional.

4 Actual Results: Three-axis Solid-state IMU -Results -The IMUs worked as expected up until board power failure -Post-flight -The IMU was tested and found to still be functional

5 Actual Results: Thermal Sensors -Results -The thermal sensors worked up until system failure at which time the status was unknown -Post-flight -When the satellites were retrieved, the thermal sensor located outside of one of the satellites was missing, but the other two were still functional.

6 Conclusions and Actions: -Conclusions -The IMU, the wireless communication units, and the thermal sensors all performed as expected during nominal power board operation -Likely Point-of-Failure -The battery pack tape was conductive and when they detached from the wall, they struck the onboard computer, breaking the reset circuit, and shorted the board

7 Conclusions and Actions: -UN-4 Mission Impact -The data collected will help our analyses of the components used -More low temperature and pressure will need to be performed on the wireless communication units in-case data loss was due to the satellite’s environmental conditions Car 3: The most fun car

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