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February 26, 2007 KIPAC Workshop on Magnetism Modeling/Inferring Coronal And Heliospheric Field From Photospheric Magnetic Field Yang Liu – Stanford University.

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Presentation on theme: "February 26, 2007 KIPAC Workshop on Magnetism Modeling/Inferring Coronal And Heliospheric Field From Photospheric Magnetic Field Yang Liu – Stanford University."— Presentation transcript:

1 February 26, 2007 KIPAC Workshop on Magnetism Modeling/Inferring Coronal And Heliospheric Field From Photospheric Magnetic Field Yang Liu – Stanford University

2 February 26, 2007 KIPAC Workshop on Magnetism Outline HMI/SDO observables; HMI/SDO observables; HMI science with vector magnetograms; HMI science with vector magnetograms; Modeling the coronal and heliospheric field from the photospheric magnetic field. Modeling the coronal and heliospheric field from the photospheric magnetic field.

3 February 26, 2007 KIPAC Workshop on Magnetism HMI observables Continuum intensity; Continuum intensity; Full disk with a CCD of 4096×4096 pixels; Full disk with a CCD of 4096×4096 pixels; resolution is 0.5’’/pixel; resolution is 0.5’’/pixel; Cadence less than 1 minute. Cadence less than 1 minute. Doppler velocity; Doppler velocity; Full disk with a CCD of 4096×4096 pixels; Full disk with a CCD of 4096×4096 pixels; resolution is 0.5’’/pixel; resolution is 0.5’’/pixel; Cadence less than 1 minute. Cadence less than 1 minute. Line-of-sight magnetic field; Line-of-sight magnetic field; Full disk with a CCD of 4096×4096 pixels; Full disk with a CCD of 4096×4096 pixels; resolution is 0.5’’/pixel; resolution is 0.5’’/pixel; Cadence less than 1 minute. Cadence less than 1 minute. Vector magnetic field. Vector magnetic field. Full disk with a CCD of 4096×4096 pixels; Full disk with a CCD of 4096×4096 pixels; resolution is 0.5’’/pixel; resolution is 0.5’’/pixel; Cadence less than 2 minute. Cadence less than 2 minute. More information

4 February 26, 2007 KIPAC Workshop on Magnetism HMI Science (Magnetic Field) Sources and drivers of solar activity and disturbances; Sources and drivers of solar activity and disturbances; Evolution of small-scale magnetic elements (coronal heating); Evolution of small-scale magnetic elements (coronal heating); Emergence of magnetic flux and solar transient events; Emergence of magnetic flux and solar transient events; Magnetic configuration and mechanisms of solar flares and CMEs. Magnetic configuration and mechanisms of solar flares and CMEs. Links between the internal processes and dynamics of the corona and heliosphere; Links between the internal processes and dynamics of the corona and heliosphere; Complexity and energetics of solar corona; Complexity and energetics of solar corona; Coronal magnetic structure and solar wind. Coronal magnetic structure and solar wind. Precursors of solar disturbances for space- weather forecast. Precursors of solar disturbances for space- weather forecast. Determination of magnetic cloud Bs events. Determination of magnetic cloud Bs events.

5 February 26, 2007 KIPAC Workshop on Magnetism Modeling the coronal and heliospheric field. Potential field source surface model (PFSS); Potential field source surface model (PFSS); Hybrid model; Hybrid model; Non-linear force-free field model; Non-linear force-free field model; MHD simulation. MHD simulation.

6 February 26, 2007 KIPAC Workshop on Magnetism Schatten, Cosmic Electrodynamics, 2, 232, 1971. where, Potential Field Source Surface Model Coefficients A lm and B lm are determined from the boundary conditions. j = 0 From Arge 2005.

7 February 26, 2007 KIPAC Workshop on Magnetism Solar Boundary: Magnetic Field

8 February 26, 2007 KIPAC Workshop on Magnetism Potential field source surface model PFSS

9 February 26, 2007 KIPAC Workshop on Magnetism Validation of PFSS Zhao and Webb (2003)

10 February 26, 2007 KIPAC Workshop on Magnetism Validation of PFSS

11 February 26, 2007 KIPAC Workshop on Magnetism

12 February 26, 2007 KIPAC Workshop on Magnetism 3D MHD simulation shows that type 2 and 3 CMEs are faster than type 1. 3D MHD simulation shows that type 2 and 3 CMEs are faster than type 1.

13 February 26, 2007 KIPAC Workshop on Magnetism Data We looked for the halo CMEs from the CMEs list of Gopalswamy’s group. 91 halo CMEs in the period from 2000 to 2004 were chosen. The solar sources were identified by that group, and were confirmed by other groups/works. We looked for the halo CMEs from the CMEs list of Gopalswamy’s group. 91 halo CMEs in the period from 2000 to 2004 were chosen. The solar sources were identified by that group, and were confirmed by other groups/works. Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 number394614 Percentage39%47%14% Median speed (km/s) 72812081443 Mean speed (km/s) 883±4031345±5961530±736

14 February 26, 2007 KIPAC Workshop on Magnetism Speed distribution for type 1 and types 2&3 CMEs. The types 2 & 3 CMEs are significantly faster than type 1 CMEs.

15 February 26, 2007 KIPAC Workshop on Magnetism Distributions of flare class for type 1 and 2 & 3 CMEs. They have very similar distributions. This suggests that the difference of the CMEs speed is not biased by flare importance.

16 Wang & Sheeley (1990) simulate the solar wind speed at Earth for ~20 year period (1967-1988). i) Test hypothesis that V sw and f s = (R  /R ss ) 2 [B P (R  )/B P (R ss )] are inversely correlated. ii) Correlation between observed and simulated wind speed found. Simulated speed Observed Speed Wang & Sheeley, ApJ, 355, 726, 1990. Long-Term Comparison of Observations and Solar Wind Speed Predictions Using the PFSS From Arge (2005)

17 NSO 750 650 550 450 350 250 750 MWO CR1988 CR1987 CR1986 650 550 450 350 250 de Toma and Arge (2004)

18 February 26, 2007 KIPAC Workshop on Magnetism Validation of PFSS Measurements Model Calculation Wang et al. 2000

19 Global Coronal Field: Extrapolations and Observations Comparison of photospheric field extrapolations (left) to white light (pB) image (right) indicate a degree of qualitative correlation between closed field lines and streamers White light (pB) data HAO/MLSO/Mk3 Photospheric field extrapolation (MWO) Gibson and Arge

20 February 26, 2007 KIPAC Workshop on Magnetism Hybrid models Potential field-current sheet model (PFCS model, Schatten 1971); Potential field-current sheet model (PFCS model, Schatten 1971); Horizontal current-source surface model ( HCSS model, Zhao & Hoeksema, 1992); Horizontal current-source surface model ( HCSS model, Zhao & Hoeksema, 1992); Horizontal current-current sheet model (HCCS model, Zhao & Hoeksema, 1994); Horizontal current-current sheet model (HCCS model, Zhao & Hoeksema, 1994); Current sheet-source surface model (CSSS model, Zhao & Hoeksema, 1995). Current sheet-source surface model (CSSS model, Zhao & Hoeksema, 1995).

21 February 26, 2007 KIPAC Workshop on Magnetism Current-sheet source surface model From Zhao & Hoeksema 1995.

22 February 26, 2007 KIPAC Workshop on Magnetism Validation of CSSS model From Zhao, 1999.

23 February 26, 2007 KIPAC Workshop on Magnetism Non-linear force-free field model Wiegelmann, Solar Physics, in press, 2007. Case 1: use boundary data on both photosphere and source surface in 30<theta<150; Case 2: use boundary data on both photosphere and source surface in delta_theta<theta<180- delta_theta Case 3: use boundary data on both photosphere and source surface. Case 4: only use boundary data on photosphere. Magnetic field on the source surface is replaced by the initial potential field.

24 February 26, 2007 KIPAC Workshop on Magnetism MHD simulation Magnetic Field Lines (MHD Model) Polarization Brightness (MHD Model) Eclipse (Williams College)* & SOHO LASCO C2 Images Solar eclipse on March 29, 2006. Simulation was done by Linker et al at Science Application International Corporation (SAIC) at San Diego.

25 February 26, 2007 KIPAC Workshop on Magnetism HMI simulation Extra boundary data help improve simulation results. Extra boundary data help improve simulation results. Hayashi et al 2006

26 February 26, 2007 KIPAC Workshop on Magnetism Comparison of MHD and PFSS From Riley et al, 2006, ApJ. PFSS MHD

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